About half way through this video we are told of a massive run on the banks. By Whom?!?!? Who did it?

  1. Glenn E. says:

    This whole situation is a giant shell game. The banks are the shells, and the peas are our hard earned money. We give the banks our cash to manipulate. And hopefully grow. But instead they’ve just shuffled it around until it disappeared, like all good con jobs do.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    #23, Fusion,

    You make it sound like America had smooth sailing between 1836 and 1913. Maybe you forgot the market crashes of 1838, 1855, 1878, 1894, 1903, and 1909. Those dates are off the top of my head so I might be off by a year or two. The 1878 was considered comparable to the great depression in terms of damage. The 1894 was also an extremely bad time and was a major impetus for Roosevelt’s Trust Busting efforts.

    And how long did each of these last? One year or less.

    How long did the GD last? 10+ years.

    So what we have here is a market without government intervention correcting itself in a much shorter time frame. Or do you think it is coincidence — eight times?

    There is a reason it is called the “Great” Depression. Nobody remembers the other ones because they pale in comparison.

    The Fed Chairman is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Five of the Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

    Do you have a clue where these men and women come from? The President gets to pick from a list given to him by the Fed. Jeez, you’re gullible.

    “You can have a Model T in any color as long as it’s black.”

    Henry Ford

    The Chairman of the Fed must make periodic statements and appear before the Congress.

    So, what is your point? Has Congress ever censured the Fed or tried to get them to do something they didn’t want to do? Did they succeed? Or has it been the other way around?

  3. anon says:

    Please also read this article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1127278/Revealed-Day-banks-just-hours-collapse.html#

    That was back in Jan and in UK!

  4. soundwash says:

    #26 Mark..

    it’s a futile effort. he defies all logic 95% of the time. -makes for interesting debate nonetheless.

    money masters is an old, but great vid though. -made in the mid 90’s i think. -talk about the writing on the wall.. (esp the last 20min or so)

    personally, i’d say it was Soros and his NWO crew that started the run.. things have developed that required a speed up of the impending planned crash..

    also..they who we “stole” america from are still sore over that fact.. (yes technically it was american indians, but that’s not who i’m talking about)

    like they say…”follow the money”
    (which oddly, no one seems to want to mention “who’s money” was being withdrawn”)

    -following the money usually leads to two places.. -the banking empire and the drug trade empire.

    now, find which entities control both, and voila! you’ll know who is behind “it all”



  5. soundwash says:

    -oh, may as well add to that who backs arms trading too..(but that, imo, is an old given)

    -and no, the *real* crash hasn’t happened yet.

  6. tedbohne says:

    Well, when you consider that “money” actually has no value since there is nothing yet extant that will remain the same value without any possibility of change EVER, then this sort of thing can happen anytime. WHO DUN IT? Who drew down the money market by 550 billion? If kanjorski can’t explain the situation better than his recent expectoration, he should simply stay away from microphones. When you have investment firms and loan companies selling mortgages without any collateral, no down payment, poor credit histories, and such, knowing full well this “SIV” will crash and burn, then you hang these bastards by the neck until dead. Jeezus Horatio Krist!!, where talking many thousands of BILLIONS of dollars. In fact, my sawbuck says no one actually knows the real amount. The rich filth are still behaving like high school sophomores. Congress seems to have no problem in making up rules for RECEIVING these handouts AFTER the money is gone!! Kanjorsky spoke of the end of the economy and government as we know it. BRING IT ON. GOOD GOD!! it can’t be worse than this sorry country!



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