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In recent months, dioceses around the world have been offering Catholics a spiritual benefit that fell out of favor decades ago — the indulgence, a sort of amnesty from punishment in the afterlife — and reminding them of the church’s clout in mitigating the wages of sin…

“Why are we bringing it back?” asked Bishop Nicholas A. DiMarzio of Brooklyn, who has embraced the move. “Because there is sin in the world…”

The indulgence is among the less-noticed, less-disputed traditions to be restored. But with a thousand-year history and volumes of church law devoted to its intricacies, it is one of the most complicated to explain.

According to church teaching, even after sinners are absolved in the confessional and say their Our Fathers or Hail Marys as penance, they still face punishment after death, in Purgatory before they can enter heaven. In exchange for certain prayers, devotions or pilgrimages in special years, a Catholic can receive an indulgence, which reduces or erases that punishment instantly, with no formal ceremony or sacrament.

There are partial indulgences, which reduce purgatorial time by a certain number of days or years, and plenary indulgences, which eliminate all of it. You can get one for yourself, or for someone else, living or dead. You cannot buy one — the church outlawed the sale of indulgences in 1857 — but charitable contributions, combined with other acts, can help you earn one. There is a limit of one plenary indulgence per sinner per day…

Confessions have been down for years and the church is very worried about it,” said the Rev. Tom Reese, a Jesuit and former editor of the weekly Catholic magazine America. In a secularized culture of pop psychology and self-help, he said, “the church wants the idea of ‘personal sin’ back in the equation. Indulgences are a way of reminding people of the importance of penance.

I am old enough to remember how they worked. One of my uncles sent a very big check to the vatican – plus a smaller check was turned over to his local parish – and “poof” his marriage disappeared.

Thanks, Mr Justin

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    Ah, religion…

  2. Named says:

    I’ll bet David Vitter will be making some purchases before his election…

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Who said you can’t buy your way to heaven?

  4. Thinker says:

    What, they didn’t learn from Luther the first time around??? 🙂 🙂

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Since conservatives never, NEVER EVER admit to their mistakes, that’s gotta bring down the numbers.

  6. dogday says:

    Expect a non-Biblical organization to promote practice that is self aggrandizing.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    When the church is led by isolated old men who don’t have an effen clue about the world, this is what you end up with. The sooner the whole catholic church crumbles into obscurity the better off the world will be.

  8. moondawg says:

    #6, The Catholic Church is non-biblical?

    Oh, you mean non-KJV organization. Non-KJV STANDARD version, probably. The one with the mistakes. The one “translated” from the original Hebrew and Greek. Hmmm… who collected those stories and determined that they constituted “The Bible?”

    Oh yeah, that non-Biblical organization, the Catholic Church.

    Maybe you mean “non-Biblical” in that most Catholics can’t quote lines of scripture.

    Maybe you mean “non-Biblical” in that the Catholic Church gives importance to its Catechism(derived from tradition as well as Holy Scripture.)

    Maybe you mean “non-Biblical” in that Catholics are free to believe that Genesis may be a fanciful tale about how God created the Earth…. rather than a factual one. (as long as we believe that God created the Earth)

    Maybe you just mean “non-Lutheran” as our Bible still contains all that nasty stuff that Martin Luther saw fit to rip out.

    The Catholic Church has faults. Not adhering to the Bible, however…. not one of them. A better case could be made that most Protestant churches are non-Biblical, as they have made the most changes through the years to suit their theological needs…. but I guess that’s a separate argument.

  9. Named says:


    Why stop at Catholicism? The Big Three need to be taken down a notch…

    The Hindus would be a bit harder since there are so many damn Gods…

  10. Named says:


    Nicely done. Of course, I can be glib since in my youth I was raised Orthodox and had church services in Aramaic. Catholics were pagans in my eyes…

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, moony,

    The catholic church had a cherry picking contest when they wrote the bible. They ignored the sections they didn’t like over the sections that suited their purpose.

    Regardless, anyone professing that someone “magical” in the sky is responsible for everything is all the same. No, we don’t know everything about the universe and the planet we live on. We do know enough that all the church’s claims have been thoroughly debunked.

    Unless, of course, there is something about “god” that is true. Oh, for instance, say, … how “god” created the universe? Or, why “god” in his infinite “wisdom” crippled my beautiful niece with spina bifida while allowing her fat slob of an ignorant mother to go on with life?

    Please feel free to present any evidence you may have.

  12. Improbus says:

    What? Does the Pope need a new pair of ruby slippers? The current Pope is not nearly the “shepard” and teacher that John Paul was.

  13. Rob says:

    What a load of crap.

  14. Named says:


    The catholic church had a cherry picking contest when they wrote the bible. They ignored the sections they didn’t like over the sections that suited their purpose.

    Not exactly. At the start of Catholicism, the Roman Emperors had to balance between Christianity and Paganism. The most obvious example is Christmas / Saturnalia.

    JC was more of a philosopher than a religious leader. He was all for demolishing the existing religious power structure for the old Do Unto Others golden rule thingy… which is more Buddhist and less theist…

    I hope science can cure or prevent bifida one day…

  15. Floyd says:

    #14: Plenty of cherry picking has gone on over the centuries. That’s why the Catholic, Protestant, and other Christian bibles exist.

    The “Do Unto Others” golden rule is the only part of any of those Bibles that rings true, and is found in many other religions.

  16. Named says:


    that’s why I called it the golden rule thingy… every single religion and philosophy has it.

  17. huskergrrl says:

    Of course the Catholic Church adheres to the Bible. They are the ones that made it up in the first place.

    Yes, I know I’m going to hell for that one.

  18. Dallas says:

    Pope should lower the cost of forgiveness from 18 Hail Mary’s to 12 for non-violent offenses.

    Wednesday forgiveness SALE: Any three at 8 HM’s

  19. Nimby says:

    I hope they’re cheap since we all know the rich man has such a small chance of entering heaven.

  20. bobbo says:

    The Golden Rule?—How would god like to be judged by someone he doesn’t believe in but is powerful enough to do it?

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, Named

    I hope science can cure or prevent bifida one day…

    The cause of spina bifida is well understood. It is a lack of folic acid during the first few months of pregnancy. All the praying in the world won’t give the fetus any folic acid if the mother doesn’t consume any.

    The result of the disease causes spinal deformities. Corrective operations can often relieve some of the symptoms, but not cure it.

  22. Named says:


    Buddhism also utilizes the Golden Rule without having a God, so not sure what you’re trying to get at.

  23. MikeN says:

    Stop handing out annulments.

  24. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The Catholic Church needs to impose strict regulation over these practices. In the 16th century, Martin Luther exposed the Pope’s massive “Indulgence Bubble,” which subsequently collapsed into a great depression of the Church’s income when the Protestants broke away, refusing to bail out the Church and its hierarchy’s many excesses.

    This is no time to repeat the mistakes of the past.

  25. Ron Larson says:

    What a racket. Create a problem, then sell a solution. Perfect.

  26. moondawg says:

    #11, “The catholic church had a cherry picking contest when they wrote the bible. They ignored the sections they didn’t like over the sections that suited their purpose.”

    OF COURSE THEY DID. To use a somewhat cyclic Biblical reference, they had to “separate the wheat from the chaff.”

    There are many apocryphal writings that didn’t make it into the Bible (by definition, I guess!) But, it wasn’t just slapped together in a couple of weekends over beer and nachos. The Church basically said: We need to assemble those writings which we believe are TRUE, and which profess our beliefs. If it doesn’t meet those criteria, it’s out.

    I just think it’s hilarious (and more than a little disingenuous) to call the Catholic Church a non-Biblical organization. Because it’s obviously from someone who holds the Bible to very high esteem… and who has never studied the history of his beloved tome.

    And to those detractors out there who spew “The Catholic Church needs to ‘get with the times.'” You’re not getting something very fundamental about the Catholic Church: The things it believes don’t change. For the Church to “change with the times” would be to turn its back on all of its beliefs. It would be better for the Church to die from lack of participation…. and I say that as a Catholic.


  27. Cursor_ says:

    The touchstone as written in scripture are for priests to be ordained by The Holy Spirit.

    And that order is the Order of Melchizedek.

    There is to be no ordination by men.

    All are open to the priesthood and the head of the order is Jesus Christ.

    If you need a lambskin from an institution to be a priest, then you are no more than Levites still.

    Modern Christendom is no more than Judaism with a Christ figure.


  28. Rick Cain says:

    Eliminate frilly outfits from choirboys. Its too distracting for priests and cuts down productivity.

  29. Nimby says:

    I still say Bah, Humbug.

    Moondawg : You assert the Catholic church has created a bible from various writings and intentionally ignored others. So how is this a holy book? More of a novel.

    Religion is just a way to elevate the few (the priesthood) and enslave the majority. You think Pope Nazi cares about your soul? If the Muslim clerics truly believed martyrs would be greeted by 72 virgins and eternal happiness, THEY would be the one’s strapping on explosives.

  30. bobbo (where is Navigation Panel?) says:

    #22–named==I’m trying to get at exactly what I posted. The catholic church believes in god and it believes in the Golden Rule as commanded by god thru his sone Jesus who is actually god pretending that he’s not Jesus while knowing everything at the same time.

    Would god enjoy being treated like by a more powerful god in the same way he judges his creations? What if Supergod condemned our god to hell for eternity for not believing in him? If god knows everything, then he must have willed himself not to know about supergod just like he willed himself as Jebeesus not to know about himself.


    What does Buddha got to do with it?


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