Indians outraged at an attack on women for drinking in a bar have gathered together to send a provocative gift of underwear to right-wing activists. More than 5,000 people, including men, have joined the Facebook group, which calls itself the Consortium of Pub-going, Loose and Forward Women.

The group says it will give the pink underwear to Sri Ram Sena (Army of Lord Ram) on Valentine’s Day on Saturday.

Pramod Mutalik, who heads the little known Ram Sena and is now on bail after he was held following the attack, has said it is “not acceptable” for women to go to bars in India.

He has also said his men will protest against Valentine’s Day on Saturday.

The Consortium of Pub-going, Loose and Forward Women, which was formed on Facebook last Thursday, has also exhorted women to “walk to the nearest pub and buy a drink” on Valentine’s Day.

Laughing at nutballs – can be the best medicine.

  1. sargasso says:

    Looking for a pink chaddi.

  2. daveg says:

    Yes, bars are such a positive force in Western society.

    It is what we are fighting for, really.

  3. morram says:

    Laugh at all the nutballs, especially the USA ones that should know better!

  4. Phydeau says:

    The American fundies are probably jealous of these guys, and wish they had the guts to keep them uppity women in their place, barefoot and pregnant and subservient at home.

  5. Regenvelter says:

    Pramod Mutalik will proudly model his
    Pink Parachutes for the He-Man Woman Haters Club on the runway saturday night at the Ashram.
    Formal dress is optional and a low,low cover charge of 3000rp’s at the start of the show.
    No one beats Our draw beverage prices and properly attired Gimps get in for free!(rentals are available with a cleaning deposit)
    Be There!

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    #3 Phydeau,

    Google FLDS.

  7. MisterK says:

    As a guy named Ram, I am incredibly ashamed. I constantly hear people from India defending it, or saying that things are almost as bad in the west.. THEY ARE NOT. India is backwards and screwed up and I pray that it turns around and becomes a country I can say I am proud to be from (I now live in Canada). I’ve had some experiences with India that just can’t happen here. When I was young I got typhoid fever from the horrible drinking water (Indian problem) and I almost died because the doctors weren’t capable and the hospital was a pit (Indian problem); my dad died of a heart attack while in India (not an Indian problem), but he was there fighting a court case because someone STOLE OUR HOUSE (they were renting and then wouldn’t leave – indian problem) and then the judge kept missing court dates because he was being constantly bribed (Indian problem). We first left India because of the violent shootings outside our house between Hindus and Sikhs (my parents were both Hindu and Sikh – Indian problem). So India.. it’s cool you invented the use of the 0 as a way to count beyond 9… it’s cool you invented the decimal point… it’s cool you brought us a man like Gandhi, but seriously… get your shit together, so I don’t have to tell my kids I’m Hawaiian.

  8. Nimby says:

    I hope it’s a pink thong chaddi.

    Pardon the pun:

    Lhassi come home!

  9. Rick Cain says:

    Lets keep the Valentine’s day spirit alive. Remember its not about love, its about breakups and crying in your beer.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    Pramod Mutalik, who heads the little known Ram Sena

    I’d heard of Sena.

    Because of 911 and lingering images of Ghandi, it’s easy for westerners to think that dangerous religious radicalism is only in Islam and maybe Judaism.

    Far from it. India has a very aggressive religious right wing movement. And, like the Muslim extremists, these groups are viewed sympathetically by large swaths of the population.

    Just try Googling “Hindu mob” and you’ll see what I mean.


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