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The U.S. public strongly approves of how President Barack Obama is handling efforts to pass a stimulus package but not so for Congress, poll results indicate.

Obama has a 67 percent approval rating for the way in which he is addressing government’s efforts to pass a bill, while Democrats and Republicans in Congress earned approval ratings of 48 percent and 31 percent, respectively, results from a Gallup poll released today indicated.

Recent polling also indicated a slight majority of Americans asked generally favor passing a stimulus plan of around $800 billion, a sentiment Gallup said remained constant over the last several weeks.

Obama’s overall job approval rating — 64 percent as of Sunday — is close to his approval rating on the stimulus, while Gallup’s last measure of favorable ratings for the Republicans in Congress in December was 25 percent, the Princeton, N.J., polling agency reported.

Our Congress-critters are doing a stellar job at broadening and building support aren’t they? [/sarcasm]

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Cow-Patty, ignorant troll,

    No!!! You haven’t presented a plan. Eff off with this bullshit “go out and look for your self”.


    When asked during a TV interview if he had an alternative to the Obama Plan, Minority Leader John Boener said the Rpublicans would be presenting one in a few weeks.

    If you have a plan then present it. Until then posts like your #29 are just the thing people complain about when they call you a troll.

    Geeze, you are idiot that has continually lied.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    # 31 Mr. Fusion said, “THERE ISN’T ANY OTHER PLAN BEING OFFERED. ”

    Sure, lots. Just use Google. N.B. Only use Google if your mommy says it’s okay. Otherwise, keep pestering the adults here to provide a link for you…

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, Cow-Patty, ignorant troll,

    So there is no plan. The wing nuts just want to continue with the failed policies of the past eight years.


  4. Mr. Fusion says:


    So when are you going to post the link showing Frank said corruption is the voters FAULT?

  5. smartalix says:


    The bottom line is, if you can’t explain yourself, you are full of shit. ANybody can say “look it up”. You had your last chance, but blew it. No cookie for you. I don’t think the guys should call you names, but I can understand why they do. I won’t call you a bunch of names, but I will tell you that you dissappoint me and reinforce the Right-Wing idiot stereotype.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 35 smartalix said, “ANybody can say “look it up”.”

    Why would you look up common knowledge that even a 7th grader has? Unless, you didn’t finish 7th grade….

    Interesting indeed….

  7. smartalix says:


    You sir, are a jackass.

    You have nothing intelligent to say

    You add very little to the conversation.

    You speak in vague disingenuous generalities.

    You evade requests for backup and intelligent comment with “look it up”.

    You obviously don’t know anyone here, yet act like you are King of the World, when in fact you are just a little king of shit on top of a turd hill.

    Your only utility seems to be to give people here something to poke with a stick.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 37 smartalix said, “You speak in vague disingenuous generalities.”

    Yes, I’m sure that to someone of your IQ, simple basics, seam vague & disingenuous…

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, Cow-Patty,

    I have to agree with Alex on this except for the part where you act like you are “Big King Shit”. You are really just more like a ‘Fart the Messenger’ type guy and you stink at that job.

    So when are you going to post your quote for when Frank said corruption is the voters fault?

  10. Rick Cain says:

    Its obvious the GOP is falling back on its old ways. Always part of the problem, never part of the solution.

    Their worst fear is that the economy will recover, because they put the party first, not country.

    Obama is laying a trap for the GOP, which will be sprung in the 2010 midterms.

  11. Thomas says:

    > Their worst fear
    > is that the economy
    > will recover, because
    > they put the party first,
    > not country.

    Would it not be the case that with this stimulus package that Obama’s administration will have almost no ability to pass the new spending initiatives he proposed during his election? How can universal health care for example be proposed in light of a near doubling of the national debt? If anything, I think the Republicans are more fearful of Obama with money to spend on initiatives than Obama up to his eyeballs in debt.

    While I applaud the general principles outlined by the Treasury Secretary this morning, the solution they are proposing will be ripe for abuse no matter how much oversight they claim to have. The claim that we are saving the people not the banks makes a nice sound bite but the reality is that the money is being funneled (laundered) through the banks and there are lots of fingers dipping into that stream.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, Thomas,

    How can universal health care for example be proposed in light of a near doubling of the national debt?

    Oh how blind are those who refuse to see.

    Currently, employers and employees are paying something like $12,000 for ever family coverage. Plus, add on all the co-pays and deductibles. With Universal Health Care, or any single payer system, this would instead be directed to a single pot instead of all the various insurance companies.

    There would be no profit taking, no wasted time while physicians argue with insurance companies to get their patients treated, no huge frilly extras that hospitals charge for, fewer frivolous tests, refusal to treat because “it is a pre-existing condition”, and care instead of paperwork.

    The people want a national health service of some kind. They will get it. It can easily be done with no increase in the National Debt and a saving in spending.


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