Michael Steele, the new chairman of the Republican National Committee, said Sunday that claims he made inappropriate payments to his sister’s company for work never performed were untrue and made by a felon trying to get a reduced sentence.

Uh, the felon was his finance chairman.

Steele paid more than $37,000 to a Maryland company run by his sister, Monica Turner, for work related to his unsuccessful 2006 Senate campaign. If she was not reimbursed, both he and his sister would be violating campaign finance laws, said Steele.

“It was a legitimate reimbursement of expenses,” Steele said on ABC’s “This Week.”

The “reimbursement” was over a year after she shut down the company.

In addition to the payment to Steele’s sister, Fabian alleged that the candidate used money from his state campaign improperly, that Steele paid $75,000 from the state campaign to a law firm for work that was never performed, and that he or an aide transferred more than $500,000 in campaign cash from one bank to another without authorization.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    Any malfeasance by politicians is the responsibility of the voters not the politician.

  2. Jeebers says:

    I’m glad to see that racial equality has advanced to the point where African Americans have the same opportunity to commit white collar crimes as caucasians.

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    I saw this guy on ABC this weekend, he sounded like he was being truthful. Also, regardless of the fact that the company had been dissolved, the debt to the company is still owed.

  4. CanadaDrew says:

    …as long as he paid his taxes….

  5. MikeN says:

    Funny how not too many stories about Democrats show up like this in the media. With this level of ‘scandal’ and ‘evidence’, you could make cases against Jack Murtha, Tony Coelho(Gore campaign chairman), Terry McAuliffe(Democratic Party Chairman), and of course Barack Obama, taking out safeguards in his credit card processing system to get around campaign finance laws.

  6. bobbo says:

    #5–Mike==playing the political card. People on assuming a new office is an excellent time to review their foibles.

    As Presindent, always appropriate to remind us all what Obama did/didn’t do == as it relates to current issues?

    I wasn’t aware that “how Obama got elected” was in the current top 5 news issues.

    but to your point: yea, all politicians are dirty. Good Call.

  7. grog says:

    “Any malfeasance by politicians is the responsibility of the voters not the politician.”

    not really, but it sounds nice

  8. MikeN says:

    My point was the media double standard for Republicans vs Democrats. John Edwards’ affair largely stays out of the news, while John McCain gets front page treatment for his affair, so thinly sourced that the Times gets hit with a lawsuit by the woman named.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 7 grog said, “not really, but it sounds nice”

    Really. Barney Frank said so.

  10. Improbus says:


    With ethics like that you should run for office. You would fit right in.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 10 Improbus said, “With ethics like that you should run for office. You would fit right in.”

    Just following one of the Democrat’s biggest heroes…

  12. Dallas says:

    No surprise here.

    Either way, I’m happy to see the Republicans found their own “Magic Negro” . Why a black person would run a party with constituents that belong to “White’s Only” organizations is amusing.

    I suppose power, greed and money rises to the top of most in the GOP. Just say’n

  13. smartalix says:

    What this tells me is that it is almost impossible to find anyone with a resume above intern in DC who isn’t smudged by the dirty environment in some way. That’s why I laugh at GOP critters with massive skeletons in their closets pointing out the relatively tame issues among Obama’s apointees.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Mike, when it rains it pours. Had A few of Obama’s appointees not sensitized the media to these things, it’s likely that Steele would be cruising along. Your claims of media bias are misplaced.

    And really, who gives a rat’s ass about the RNC (or DNC) chair? The job is to be ultra-partisan. They fade away into the noise floor until the next State of the Union address when the RNC and DNC chairs are interviewed one after the other and seem to have watched entirely different speeches. It’s a job for hacks.


  15. RS says:

    Let’s see Obama raised 600 mil, at least half is probably illegal foreign donations, and the media gets in a bunch over a guy, I mean a Republican (sorry, I figured it out).

  16. bobbo says:

    #15–RS==smooth move ex-lax. Yea, make up lies ((post a link?)) about Obama and then anything a hypocritical moralizing Repuglicant Hack does is ok.


  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    It’s good to know that Republican politicians are the same no matter what skin colour they have.

  18. And Now for Something Completely Different says:

    You people are pissing me off! You scumbag Republicans and Democrats (Crips and Bloods) both just piss on each other and spend your ENTIRE political life trying to derail the “other” sides plan JUST so they don’t win. You a**holes don’t care one bit about our country! You just want “your team” to win. So not ONE Republican in the House voted for the stimulus plan? You seriously expect me to believe that not ONE, from the most liberal to the most conservative found it worth voting on? These party votes F**KING piss me off! Vote for the thing because it’s GOOD OR BAD…not because Rush Limpbag or Nancy Peluseless tells you too!

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 18 And Now for Something Completely Different said, “You seriously expect me to believe that not ONE, from the most liberal to the most conservative found it worth voting on?”

    Yep. If you had read the bill you wouldn’t, in a million years, ask that question.

  20. brm says:

    #12 Dallas:

    “Why a black person would…”

    Yeah, because being black and Republican are so obviously opposites. You sound like a racist.

    “[I claim] my right to think for myself, to refuse to have my ideas assigned to me as though I was an intellectual slave because I’m black.” – Clarence Thomas

  21. smartalix says:


    Well, as a black person, I can say from my point of view the GOP hasn’t done one positive thing for black people since Lincoln.

  22. brm says:

    #21 smartalix:

    Curious, what have the Dems “done for black people” since the Civil Rights movement?

    “In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes.”



  23. Paddy-O says:

    #22 Within a decade of the Johnson era black social experimentation legislation, black families went from being more stable than whites to a total shambles.

    So, maybe some blacks have seen all the “help” that the Dems have given them, and have run screaming…

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Cow-Patty,

    Really. Barney Frank said so.

    You still haven’t backed that up. You posted a link but there was nothing on that to back up your claim. Just more of your effen crap.

    You don’t have anything constructive to say so you go and invent the shit. Typical right wing nut bull.

    So what happened. You have been here all day. Did you get laid off from your executive position at the poopcycle stand?

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, brm,

    Your link goes to a right wing nut hit piece. They claim to link to something but that link is dead. A search reveals that their are several other right wing nut sites all claiming the same link as yours.

    I call bullshit.

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was pushed by Kennedy and Johnson. It was written by a Democrat Senator and pushed through the Senate and House. What these “26 major civil rights bills” are only they know.

  26. smartalix says:

    22, 23,

    You guys are so simple. Why is everything a zero-sum game ot you? I don’t like the democrats either, and can’t wait for Obama to rein in Pelosi (that stupid excuse for a politician).

    Yes, the Dems suck a lot, too. But their problems stem from their lack of a spine. The GOP always seems to me to actively plan to do damage to the lower classes, not just blacks, but we get the shittiest end of the stick. The Dems biggest problem is being nothing more than a speed bump for GOP outrageousness.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 smartalix said, “You guys are so simple. Why is everything a zero-sum game ot you?”

    Who said it was a zero sum game?

  28. MikeN says:

    Fusion, you do know that more of the Republicans in Congress supported the Civil Rights Acts than the Democrats?


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