Tribune photo by ANDY JONES
(Click photo to enlarge.)

From Tampa Bay Online.

DADE CITY – An office door that opens into the showroom at Jarrett Ford Lincoln Mercury in Dade City is getting some attention after a vendor for the dealership noticed that the wood grain in the door looks like Jesus or possibly the shroud of Turin.

A media saleswoman, Ann Licate, said the image looked like Sasquatch.

One employee, Ruth Johnson, said the door has been there for possibly 10 years but is often open and the wood grain of the door’s surface is not often visible.

I vote for Sasquatch.

Thanks MJ.

  1. Jason says:

    Looks like Chewbacca to me.

  2. Brian says:


  3. Robinson says:

    looks like Adam Curry

  4. newglenn says:

    Cousin Itt.

  5. chris says:

    Well, if Jesus isn’t enough to save Ford Lincoln Mercury we are in deep doodoo.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Double cream cappuccino spilled at a 43 to 47 deg. Angle. Maybe three, four weeks ago.

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    Agree with #1. It’s definitely the second coming of Chewbacca.

  8. Paul Camp says:

    Or possibly a knothole.

  9. 9yo says:


  10. Nimby says:

    You guys are all going to hell.

    And, as long as you’re going, why not take that trip in a luxurious new Lincoln?

  11. waltersobchack says:

    This guy is slackin’. He doesn’t show up nearly as much as the virgin mary.

    That bitch shows up in everything from grilled cheese sandwiches to office building windows. You can hardly get through the six o’clock news without another spotting of the virgin mary in a dog turd or whatever.

  12. Raff says:

    Whats the female version of a phallic symbol called?

  13. deowll says:

    Cousin It!

  14. Hugh Ripper says:

    #15 That would be a yonic symbol.

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  16. Faxon says:

    The human brain is wired to see images of other human beings. From birth. That’s why we see faces in all sorts of things, like the moon’s craters. Get it? It is an evolutionary product, designed to help infants spot mommy. Sort of like Canon’s face recognition software built into their point and shoot cameras. Jesus? Why not Hitler? Why not Mussolini? Because Jesus or the Virgin Mary are the current idols of so many people. Soon, we will be told of images of Barack Fucking Obama, for Christ’s sake.

  17. Had to says:

    I for one, welcome our new door overlords.

  18. Dribble Glass says:

    What’s with the funny shaped penis? Lord, help me understand.

  19. DG says:

    I agree completely with #1… first thing that came to my mind… Chewbacca.

  20. raster says:

    New George Foreman Sandwich Grill ™

    Jesus on one side of your grilled cheese, Mary on the other!

  21. Regenvelter says:

    OMG,its the Shroud of Turin inside a piece of wood.
    It’s a miracle,lets see what She brings on e-bay!

  22. amodedoma says:

    I vote for Chewbacca too. I guess that means starwar mythology rules over religous mythology on this blog.

  23. Hell In A Door says:

    #10 we are in already in hell because of Lincoln and Ford.

    I’m surprised no one saw Freddy Krueger in that door, guess the long hair threw everyone off.

  24. Benjamin says:

    It’s Batman. Don’t you see the cape?

  25. Red Fox says:

    Looks like what is left of an old patched up glory hole.

  26. Floyd says:

    I’ll agree with #9 and #14.

  27. t0llyb0ng says:

    It should obviously an object of veneration & worship.

    At the very least it should be unmounted from its hinges & placed in the Smithsonian.

  28. Rick Cain says:

    I have an image of jesus on the back of my flamenco guitar too.


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