
Here is the 14th conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. What to do? This chat is presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in. We discuss the problems with the market in general and the regulators. Has the market bottomed?

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

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  1. Cherman says:

    This podcast is really good. Horowitz knows a lot, and Dvorak, Dvorak is funny. We need a RSS feed for this podcast.

  2. jranft says:

    I had no idea this podcast existed. How about posting the iTunes link?

  3. sargasso says:

    Horowitz is a gifted analyst but needs coaching in speaking and voice.

  4. bobbo says:

    Well, EVERYBODY should listen to this show. The Hearing tape reveals just how incompetent the SEC is. They should all be fired, tarred and feathered, rode out of town on donkeys, held up to further ridicule==then the punishment should start.

    I don’t know why “contempt” charges are not leveled against these pukes. Our entire government is allowed to bald facedly lie to the public and Congress.

    The question has been asked and answered before: “They have no shame.”

  5. cmon says:

    I agree with bobbo. Unfortunately, we seem to be heading for more government, not less. You really want these guys determining your health care? We’re doomed.

  6. Michael says:

    I would appreciate a RSS feed for the Dvorak-Horowitz Podcast too.

  7. Alex says:

    Could you tell who the singer of the “Last Dollar” song that ends the podcast is? I’m trying to download the song somewhere but keep finding the wrong singer.

  8. Smith says:

    The RSS was: http://feeds.thedisciplinedinvestor.com/DHUnplugged
    …but it hasn’t been updated in two episodes.

  9. Grayven says:

    #2 What makes you think Johnny C knows how to post this as an itunes link.

  10. we need to get some artwork then it will end up on iTunes. Sheesh.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 10 John C Dvorak said, “we need to get some artwork then it will end up on iTunes. Sheesh.”

    That’s the problem with Apple. Too artsy.

  12. sung says:

    Does anyone else think that that congressman sounds a little like alec baldwin?

  13. the real billybob says:

    From the Memphis Business Journal

    “Not every name on the Madoff list is a victim. It contains people who answered ads from the trustee heading the firm’s bankruptcy. The list also does not note how much money each customer invested.”


  14. mr. show says:

    Gary Ackerman owns the hearing and thank goodness for him! I’ll admit that I typically vote for the other party but I wish we had more people like him in Congress. He’s a damn bulldog and I love it!

    Those bureaucrats from the SEC are a pompous bunch and need to answer for their lack of diligence (yah I know it won’t happen).

    The thought that the SECritters would admit that they didn’t have the expertise to keep up with the technology scares me.

    If I were a conspiracist I would make sure I’d staff the SEC with mandarins like that!

  15. mr. show says:

    One more thing…why does the guy in the artwork look like Leo Laporte?

  16. Jim says:

    John, someone already did the Madoff sucker location graphic. I want to say it was in the washington post, in one of their in-depth outlook pieces in the past few weekends.

    I’m really somewhat curious myself why the Obama administration hasn’t fired the entire SEC — other than the fact that it would completely disrupt ANY investigating they actually are doing.

    I suspect they have been concentrating on depleting the pool of eligible Democrats all over the country to ensure there are plenty of run-off elections in the next year or two.

    In any case, you and Andrew seem hell-bent on saying the stimulus idea is pork without having any of the top-down info that the administration has. Has it occurred to you that perhaps the reason they are rushing their asses off is that they are frightened to death at the numbers that are beginning to come up soon????

    We just saw 600K job loss in January, and major losses everywhere. That is pointing to one or two percentage points of contraction in the first quarter. Commodities are still tanking. We’re not looking at a recovery anytime soon and they are likely seeing initial numbers and crapping their pants at it — but not saying anything to the public to make things worse.

  17. Vince862 says:

    The CSPAN audio transcripts from the Madoff/SEC Hearings were most appreciated.
    I went to the CSPAN site and viewed the Videos for the complete session. Gary Ackerman should be commended for his attack dog demeanor in trying to get the answers! Interesting that
    Linda Thomsen resigned from the SEC on Monday.
    How the SEC missed this one is beyond belief!

  18. Scott says:

    Please add the podcast to the RSS feed of ChannelDvorak.com or at least the blog. Thanks!


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