If you look closely the cop has a smirk and walks into the camera range obviously as a goof.
Found by John Ligums.
By John C Dvorak Sunday February 8, 2009
Found by John Ligums.
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Cops have a sense of humor? Who’d a thunk.
Unless the woman who uses that thing confirms that use, I have to believe this raid is on a zookeepers house and that was the Elephants dildo.
On the other hand, it was smaller than a babys head?
Looks like the same thing that the Obama and Dems are about to force up our behinds with this faux stimulus bill.
Judging from the fashions, this looks like a ten or fifteen year old video.
Who keeps around tapes that long? Was is an old station employee who showed it at parties all these years? Hmm.
Wasn’t that a Cow-Patty bobble head?
I get an error message that the video no longer exists, does anyone else get that?
Who knows but the shadow ?
Maybe the authorities are just getting a bit sloppy like the SEC
All the results of good planning , strategy and follow through
It’s the cops way of feeling self righteous.
To even think this was less then a deliberate act, would be extremely foolish. It’s pretty obvious, when it’s the only thing sticking out of a almost half empty box. Also the news crew was called a head of time to be on scene so that cops could stage this whole act.
Cops are first to ask the public for restraint, respect for the sanctity of the judicial process and therefore hide evidence from public view, when it one of their own doing the crime, but; if it’s the public they are all about tainting/manipulating public opinion.
These antics don’t do a bit of actual public good in protecting the public.
Instead, what it does; is it polarizes the public against it self.
This is actually part of their on going police training, how to manipulate and interact with the public. Truth justice and the new American way!!!
Hooray for the state, they policed another big dildo off the streets.
I feel safer, don’t you?
Now go wipe the spittle of your chin, noname.
Barney Franks’ house got raided?
# 10 RBG, huh?
I distrust cops as much as the next criminal, but that guy was just out to get a laugh from anybody with a sense of humor. Why don’t you lighten up and join us ?
#13 # 13 Steve, I am not sure which “crowd” you asking me to join.
I personally don’t see the humor in this news-tainment. If I want humor I turn to comedy central.
I guess for you when it comes to public liberty and rights, professionalism is to much to ask of cops?
# 14 noname said, “I personally don’t see the humor in this news-tainment. If I want humor I turn to comedy central.”
C-Span is better.
# 7
I do not get an error message.
Calm down everyone. That was only the battering ram that was used to break the glass by the officers.
The cops were using it on each other.
#15, Cow-Paddy,
You have cable in the basement?
The fashions are probably current: It IS Minnesota.
Question: If it’s a drug bust, why are they confiscating dildos? And if dildos are illegal in Minnesota, why didn’t they arrest the reporter?
It’s at least 20 years old, probably more.
was that a “new direction”?
Why do you guys always say “Found by …”
Do you want credit for giving people a link to a youtube video that has been up for a long time?
Now that’s some bong!
12 noname.
The spittle! Of your chin!!! Of your chin!!! The spittle your chin makes, forgodsake! Are you historically illiterate too? It’s an ancient metaphor, of course.
Well, either that or I meant to write “off” your chin.
Oh, John. That’s two in a row. Don’t take this the wrong way, but maybe it’s time to turn off Grinding Miss Daisy, and perhaps stay away from little children and farm animals.
I guess you were trying to be funny (the Grinding Miss Daisy reference was funny) but calling someone out as a pedophile is pretty low and dangerous particularly when there’s no proof.
It’s a cowardly thing to do when you disagree with someone. Attacking the person with some Ad hominem attack is pretty weak…attack their ideas and don’t engage in BS name calling.
At least 15 years old.
The first news-dude is Mark Suppelsa. Now of WGN-TV.
“The fashions are probably current: It IS Minnesota.”
“It’s not New York or California, so it’s a bunch out out of touch hicks!”
Asshole. That’s Iowa you’re thinking of.
#29 “Asshole. That’s Iowa you’re thinking of.”
I am from Iowa you insensitive clod.
27 Mr. Show
So I’ll put you down as believing there are lines some folks shouldn’t cross?
I won’t go into why you didn’t seem to disagree with the farm animals part. But if you look up “parody,” you’ll also see words like caricature, mockery, joke, laugh, travesty. Judges throw out cases involving parody & humor with public figures(ie: Elton John), except in exceptional cases. And our John is a big boy.