If you look closely the cop has a smirk and walks into the camera range obviously as a goof.
Found by John Ligums.
By John C Dvorak Sunday February 8, 2009
Found by John Ligums.
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You certainly don’t need my permission. Cross any line you want (who cares really). It’s the internet after all…where anyone can say anything (even if it’s in poor taste) and feel protected in their smug self-righteousness.
And I won’t go into why you feel it necessary to comment on John’s physique. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose…
Now that’s the mr. show we can all appreciate.
But what can you do except try a few little zingers to embarrass wickedness and bring steadfast righteousness to a world gone very wrong? (And for you, I’ll admit I was only half-heartedly trying to say that he shouldn’t be an influence to little children. … Oh, you thought… such a mind.)
# 25 RBG,
I guess I am just not hip like you, You will just have to explain please, “wipe the spittle of your chin”.
RGB doth protesteth too much?
In RBG’s case I don’t think it’s spittle he frequently wipes away.
Hey…whoa…hey…Uncalled for. I might appear to be the model of perfect invinciblity, tempered only by phenomenal wit but I assure you this is all merely simulated. Deep down I’m a very humble and sensitive soul.