UFO sightings double in a single year

THE MoD [Ministry of Defense] has confirmed that the number of UFO sightings over Blighty has doubled in the last year.

While many trade unions fear that there might be another wave of aliens trying to get into the country after British jobs, the MoD has even had reports of UFOs flying over the houses of Parliament.

More than 285 UFOs were reported in 2008, compared to just 135 in 2007. The one over the houses of Parliament had green, red and white lights. It was still and static in the sky. It was seen for about half an hour.’

No one seems to have feared that politicians might have been body snatched by farting aliens, but when a spaceship that looks like the Titanic crashes into the Thames we will all know that Dr Who was prophecy.

Most of the reports are obviously the sign of a creative imagination. We particularly liked the report of a fast moving green object on the M6 motorway. Nothing moves fast on the M6 not even aliens.

I believe in UFOs and space aliens. How else do you explain Fox News?

And now to the burning question: What can we expect during the Obama administration on UFOs and extraterrestrial life?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    “UFOs Are The Latest Fad In England?”

    Could be. Ask the gov’t agencies that chase them through the sky.

  2. qsabe says:

    Of course there are aliens. I also believe that in the year 2012, life as we know it will end.
    On that date I predict one thousand Bubbas will fall face flat on the earth, their asses will open up and out will pop ray guns to destroy the human race.

  3. ltclarke says:

    I suspect Adam Curry was so disappointed in his “Alabama” sighting last year, that he has started to claim clouds are UFOs. 😀

  4. Self Appointed Genius says:

    UFO sightings usually go up during times of social distress with ill-defined culprits.

    They are also likely to increase during alien reconnaissance missions.

    Take your pick.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    I believe in UFOs and space aliens. How else do you explain Fox News?

    Cheap drugs and unemployed fantasy writers.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    damned illegal aliens!!! we need to build a fence around the whole earth!!!

  7. RBG says:

    Well at least the aliens are good Christians if their need to hang Christmas lights on their saucers is any indication.


  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, RBG

    Naaa, they’re just trying to get our attention. Sort of like “Look ma, no han …”

  9. RBG says:

    8 Mr. Fusion.

    Oh, I get it. Like in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” where, even though they had been watching Earth and abducting citizens for decades, they still only had the ability to communicate with 5 musical notes: Dooo, dooo, dooo, do, doooooo.


  10. hhopper says:

    Damn, I guess I shouldn’t have run that hot air bag video.

  11. Glenn E. says:

    “More than 285 UFOs were reported in 2008, compared to just 135 in 2007.”

    Clear evidence that either alcohol consumption has increased in England. Or they have a growing drug abuse problem. Or even more simply, the UK’s NATO commitment has increased in these years. And the sightings are just Military aircraft, on maneuvers. That the civilian population are use to seeing. Especially among the elderly. Last summer, my old man thought an evening star was a UFO. Just because he’d never bothered to look out at a clear sky at night, in years. And he’s a former private pilot, who’s seen a lot of sky.

    Other possibilities are reentering space debris, burning up. But seen from an angle that makes it appear to be hovering in place. And of course, hoaxers, who are tethering flares to gas balloons. The UK authorities should check to see if the sale of those things have increased. They check everything else their citizens do.

  12. Glenn E. says:

    This is also what they call “pre-marketing publicity” in the advertising trade. Getting ready for that new Star Trek movie, eh?

  13. RBG says:

    I don’t even want to say what we used to do as kids except note the effect was a glowing oblong slowly moving across the sky, followed by it seemingly flashing towards the horizon as the flaming fuel burned away and dropped, diminishing in size as it extinguished.

    I guess invaders from another solar system would seem the more plausible explanation.



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