Tokyo – The City of Light

London snow timelapse made from 21,000 photographs


Each one of these has a button to make it full-screen, so if your video card can handle it, go for it.

  1. Wretched Gnu says:

    Hmm… This looks a little like a desperate attempt to make HD seem something other than totally pointless…

  2. RBG says:

    Sorry, lame. Compared to the spectacular stuff time-lapse + perceptive artistry is capable of.

    What is interesting to me is how essentially everything that once needed to be done with a $150K high def video camera and motion-control device, can be done with a $500 digital camera.


  3. I think perhaps the point missed is that one is made with a $50 webcam and the other with an iphone.

    The movies were made as part of a longer sections of posts on how HD timelapses can now be made with standard run of mill hardware.


  4. Andy says:

    I think perhaps the point missed is that one is made with a $50 webcam and the other with an iphone.

    The movies were made as part of a longer sections of posts on how HD timelapses can now be made with standard run of the mill hardware.

    Nice to see the movies here though 🙂


  5. Steve says:

    I get the same effect in real time. On vicodin.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    I thought they were pretty cool. Makes me appreciate the world we live on.

    Now let’s crank up the temperature and see what happens!!!

  7. RBG says:


    Oohh, now I get it. Then we should all really get a kick out of the pictures from my 5 yr old’s digital camera.

    Btw, Andy, do you ever have this schizophrenic feeling once in a while?


  8. bobbo says:

    #7–Ah Yea==I was eating when I read that. You almost killed me.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    LOL! Sorry Bobbo!


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