Look closely.

Found by Adam Curry.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, Bill,

    That is only because they had to photoshop Rush Limbaugh’s head out.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, noname,

    Try here. You can get a copy real cheap. Just type in Photoshop Elements.

    Don’t forget to seed.

  3. deowll says:

    I’m not an Obama man and I still think the filth is between the ears of the person that posted the picture.

    Don’t be ludicrous mr. fusion. Rush is fatter than that.

  4. Randomized says:

    John is just getting in the cheap shots on Obama before the smart grid kicks in and the government shuts off his computers power supply.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, deowll,

    He has less hair too.

  6. modeltweaker says:

    I think Adam has a good point. This doesn’t look like the real Obama to me either. What are the rest of you looking at?

  7. Nimby says:

    Caption: “Joe, those hair implants are really starting to fill in nice-ahhhhh-ly.”

  8. geekbuzz says:

    What the heck is the matter with all of you! I think if you look at the title of this blog, it is a general interest. I have seen too many of you bash John for not staying tech, but we all need a good laugh as well as a break from tech talk.

    If you don’t like the site stop viisting it.

  9. gonzo says:

    throwing the o !

    strange, i thought this was about dentures before i scrolled down.

    i dont think this is offensive, there is enough room for silliness online. i come to this site when i want to break away from the daily grind…

  10. Quiga says:

    This is in bad taste. Does not matter if it is Obama, Bush, Carter, or Reagan.

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    Bah. Its OK to bomb the crap out of Arabs and make the lives of millions a misery, but a little sexual innuendo is sick? I hate this sort of hypocrisy.

    The horror….the horror….

  12. Ted Dover says:

    I agree with #40 it is in bad taste and i agree with u also #41

  13. jerry says:

    I’m not a big Obama fan but for a picture to suggest that Obama is getting fellatio from a little kid is not only sick, it’s totally disrespectful. It’s like whoever posted this is in fifth grade passing around sick pictures of the teacher. For shame.

  14. DanLikesBeer says:

    I find the comments funnier than the picture. You Obama fans need to consider growing a thicker skin, or it’s going to be a long 4 years.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 44 DanLikesBeer said, “or it’s going to be a long 4 years.”

    Four years? Aren’t you being a bit optimistic? If Omama keeps promoting tax felons to high positions, a lot of people are going to be VERY upset at him.

  16. Laughing says:

    If this was Bush or the Pope everyone saying this is sick would be laughing.

    If you take it, don’t give it.

  17. loconavi says:


  18. David says:

    The thing about innuendo is you have to be just as sick to “see” what the other person is talking about. Note that caption to this photo is merely “Look Closely”. By criticizing our sense of humor you are also calling yourself out.

  19. GaryInMiami says:

    If you look at the photo again the girl’s head is clearly pointed toward Obama’s left arm, not his crotch. And she’s well out of reach of both body parts.

    Hey John… maybe your database will crap-out again and take the site down for a few more hours so we won’t have to witness your increasingly puerile attempts at humor.

  20. bobbo says:

    #49–Gary==you sure know a lot about BJ’s!! Good to know the head never goes more than 10 degrees off perpendicular.

    Puerile?==Most definitely. DU provides a wide range of subjects to click on.

    Think about that Freud.

  21. darkwolfbc says:

    Wow some of you need to lighten up and enjoy life a little more. Its supposed to be funny. Has our culture become that stuck up where you get offended and upset over simple adult humor. Its sad if that’s the case.

  22. waltersobchack says:

    To whoever thinks this is in bad taste, just ask that kid what it tastes like.

  23. Nimby says:

    # 43 jerry said, “I’m not a big Obama fan but for a picture to suggest that Obama is getting fellatio from a little kid is not only sick,”

    Oh, jeez! Is THAT what it is? I guess porn really is in the mind of the beholder.

    #40 – it really DOES matter if it’s Reagan. Talk about bad taste! Yeuch!

  24. prettyinpink says:


    ITS JUST A JOKE, people!

    I agree with #44

    its just a badly shot photo. I honestly didnt pole-vault to the same conclusion you all did.. i just thought it was about his huge smile.. then i saw all the coments… go figure 😛

  25. brm says:

    Throwin’ the ‘O’ Face!

  26. default says:

    On behalf of the Government, Online Security motion, All those who have committed crimes in unreasonable points criticizing views and political standpoints of the political parties above will recieve a demerit for being assholes for even debating for this ****

  27. smith says:

    Look like the top of Adam Curry head.

  28. John McCain says:



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