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I’ve a good friend with that model guitar (looks like a 50’s Fender Stratocaster) and amp (Fender again). They’re certainly not cheap today.
Buddy Holly, what a legend.
On February 3, 1959, a small-plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, United States killed three American rock and roll musicians: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson, as well as the pilot, Roger Peterson. The day was later called The Day the Music Died by Don McLean in his 1971 song “American Pie”.
Yeah – a few days ago it was 50 years since the plane crash.
We can smile now but Peggy Sue was pretty radical stuff for the time. I like the way the lady host ‘warn’ the parent generation. Pretty radical that too
Buddy Holly is indeed a legend, and as BubbaRay point out, ‘The Day Music Died’ is music important history.
So were those people in the background paid not to dance?! It’s almost as if the producer wanted a bunch of people standing around not dancing to make Buddy Holly look bad.
There is no way I could have held that still during the performance. Buddy still rocks
Strangely enough, I was driving through Clear Lake Iowa, on Feb 3rd of this year. I guess there was a concert there (with a lot of well known musicians, though not Don McLean) ,as well as a memorial service that day. I was moving household goods back home, so I didn’t stop there.
I think that some of the audience WERE actually moving and reacting to Buddy, but YouTube video has such aweful resolution you can’t really see it. It’s there just look hard. Btw- YouTube sux.
First Gin and Jazz, now Rock & Roll thats corrupting our youth, where will it ever end?
The clip is mis-identified on youtube as being American Bandstand. That did not look like Dick Clark doing the intro.
The lady’s name is Kathryn Murray. She with her husband Arthur had a tv program featuring ballroom dancing. They were also the sponsor.
The show aired for awhile on the Dumont Network.
Is there anyone out there older than me? (62)
He looked to me to be someone aware that he’d cracked the code. Fifties conservatism might try to stop it but the floodgates were open and he was barreling ahead, at the front of an enormous wave. “Sure, I’ll
stand her in front of people too uncertain of how they should react. Just wait till this sinks in”.
What struck me is that, based on appearance, he would have almost no chance of breaking through today. Extend it further: AC\DC, Bob Dylan, and Janis Joplin; many of yesterday’s musical heroes are too ugly or awkward sounding to attain a mass audience. Quality new music is widely found today, but usually only at the margins.
The poppest of pop is usually competent and performed by extremely attractive artists. The really magical stuff is usually produced by the oddballs though.
Rock and roll isn’t dead, it just can’t get booked to the really choice venues.
Today he could have simply sent a quick email to let us know he loves pretty Peggy Sue.
5 Rasterman
The Lads & Me In Burma Dept:
Many, many moons ago, a TV producer grabbed me and sat me in front of Barbi Benton for her to sing a love song to me while cameras rolled in a very public place.
I had absolutely no idea how to respond, except as a statue. It must have been painful.
Now if I could have a private moment: Barbi, if you are reading DU, I never-the-less felt this certain unexplainable connection between us. Maybe it was the shared, knowing looks, I don’t know. But you should understand that I shall always remain yours for all eternity. And is there any chance at all you could get my friends & me into the Playboy grotto?
I liked him better when he faked his death and became Elvis Costello.
Country music is the new rock and roll.
16 hhopper. I can understand why you think that with classic country songs like:
If I’d shot her when I met her, I’d be out of jail by now
The Girl Next Door Had The Face Of A Dog, So I Called Her Rover
If My Nose Were Full of Nickels, I’d Blow It All On You
I Only Have Eyes For You, But Look What I’ve Got For Your Sister
Keep your day job RBG.
Get Your Tongue Outta My Mouth ‘Cause I’m Kissin’ You Goodbye.
How Can I Miss You If You Won’t Go Away?
I Still Miss You, Baby, But My Aim’s Gettin’ Better.
I Wouldn’t Take Her To A Dog Fight, Cause I’m Afraid She’d Win.
I’m So Miserable Without You, It’s Like Having You Here.
She Got The Ring And I Got The Finger.
You’re The Reason Our Kids Are So Ugly.
18 hhopper. The scary part is that sometimes I think this is my day job.