09.02.05 Thursday – Episode #69


Click image to go to No Agenda.

Running time: approx. 90 mins.

  1. I didn’t like the -bashing ;-(

  2. billabong says:

    Dude any publicity is good publicity.

  3. BubbaRay says:

    No show notes.

  4. #2 Okay… you are right 🙂

    #3 Shownotes once a week is okay.. I guess Bubba has a family life too.

  5. Tecban says:

    Where did JCD get the idea the coup plot against FDR was a group of Democrats? As though it was cooked up in a party committee? I think his partisanship may be showing. It was called the Business Plot!

    According to the Congressional testimony, the conspirators were businessmen and corporate interests, the same interests General Smedley Butler (double Medal of Honor winner) says he and the U.S. military had been working for during the Boxer Rebellion and throughout Latin America.

    This shows how far back the economic hitman stuff really goes!


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