![]() Big dummy |
CQ Politics | Congressman Twitters an Iraq Security Breach — Cripes, how hard is it to stop posting for ten minutes?
A congressional trip to Iraq this weekend was supposed to be a secret. But the cat’s out of the bag now, thanks to a member of the House Intelligence Committee who broke an embargo via Twitter.
A delegation led by House Minority Leader John A. Boehner , R-Ohio, arrived in Iraq earlier today, and because of Rep. Peter Hoekstra , R-Mich., the entire world — or at least Twitter.com readers—now know they’re there.
“Just landed in Baghdad,” messaged Hoekstra, a former chairman of the Intelligence panel and now the ranking member, who is routinely entrusted to keep some of the nation’s most closely guarded secrets. Before the delegation left Washington, they were advised to keep the trip to themselves for security reasons.
Found by Hawklu on Twitter!
This is why our representatives shouldn’t be too tech-savvy.
Everyone moans that these guys don’t know how to use email, as if it precludes them from writing legislation and voting on what are almost always non-tech issues.
Just what we need – a bunch of legislators getting their information from Wikipedia and blabbering national security info on Twitter. No thanks.
the nice thing is..no one gives a shit
#2 – Are you kidding? We might have lost a perfectly good airplane!
Hopefully Boehner will have something real to cry about… finally.
Evidently George Bush had another brother and they were serrated at birth. Do you think Boehner while discipline him? My guess is no.
oxymoron (noun)
A figure of speech in which two words with opposing meanings are used together intentionally for effect
Example- Congressional intelligence
Nice to see the average Congressional Republikan has the same level of technology smarts as, say, a six-year-old in Texas.
I just don’t get these twitniancs that have to announce to their ‘friends’ their every move. Who cares?
“Just landed in Baghdad.”
“Wow, really have to go.”
“Oh damn, no toilet paper!”
The first four letters of twitter is twit. A twit is a fool. Look it up in the dictionary.
I don’t think this guy is a good fit for the “Intelligence” committee. Duh.
This guy is my representative, groan. What a doofus.
This district is about 75% GOP, so he’s not going anywhere… but the rumor is he is going to run for governor of Michigan in 2010, so that would at least get him away from the national security cookie jar. Lucky us!
# 12 Tecban said, “but the rumor is he is going to run for governor of Michigan in 2010, so that would at least get him away from the national security cookie jar.”
No worries. A corpse could do better than the current Gov.
He forgot to add: “…but don’t tell anybody.”
# 8 moss said
I think you’re giving TX too much credit. Perhaps you meant Wash. DC?
# 15 KD Martin said, “I think you’re giving TX too much credit. Perhaps you meant Wash. DC?”
If you pick a congressional office at random in D.C. and look at their IT set up, you’d need to change your shorts. Truly low tech.
Peter is s Dick
But every time classified national security information is leaked, our ability to gather information on those who would do us harm is eroded. … I regret that I see little sign of intolerance for unauthorized disclosures of intelligence to the media from some of my Democratic colleagues today. … We are a nation at war. Unauthorized disclosures of classified information only help terrorists and our enemies – and put American lives at risk.
– Pete Hoekstra, May 2006
THIS is why everyone was/is worried about Pres. Obama’s Blackberry.
“Will be late for dinner, I am ordering bombing of Iran”
…And thus was created the Washington habit of referring to anyone who does something foolish as “pulling a boehner.”
#13, Cow-Patty,
No worries. A corpse could do better than the current Gov.
Like you would even know who is the Governor of Michigan. Actually, she is a pretty good governor too. Her biggest problem is fixing the mess the Republicans have made. They have caused Michigan more grief than the downturn in the economy.
#16, Same Cow-Shit,
If you pick a congressional office at random in D.C. and look at their IT set up, you’d need to change your shorts. Truly low tech.
If you look at almost ANY home, small business, office, or Fortune 500 head office, you will find most things low tech. The expression “low tech” being subjective. BUT of course you would know because you arrange objects on their desks.
But then all Senators and Congressmen are given laptops and desktop computers as well as their cell phones and handhelds. They are also all plugged into the Congressional net. And the phone system is through the Congressional switchboard. The OSs and programs are also paid for by the Congress, as are all the postal meters, fax machines, copiers, and homing pigeons.
Yup, but they are low tech. We don’t know what you would need to be high tech, maybe smoking some poopcycle or something. But definitely low tech there.