Alright, people. It’s your turn to tell how you would fix the economy. Prez Obama made a speech last night attacking the Republicans for not moving on his stimulus plan.

The Republicans know something needs to be done but don’t like all the pork in the current bill. Of course, not a one of them added anything even remotely like pork to it. That would be hypocritical. They also don’t want the bankers to starve by capping them at a paltry 10x what the average family makes, assuming they still have a job at all. Some banks are ready to pay back the money they got last fall so as to prevent this, but oddly, may not be allowed to do so.

Do you approve of Obama’s plan? What if all the pork were stripped from the current bill? Would you then support it?

If not Obama’s plan, with or without pork, then what? With jobs disappearing at a staggering rate, something needs to be done fast.

Oh, by the way, Paulson is accused of lying when setting up TARP. Just can’t trust anyone with a billion dollars these days.

  1. maddmaxx says:

    1. Public Works Program
    2. No more Foriegn Aid
    3. Pull our Military out of evrywhere and bring them home.
    4. Kick out the freaking illegal Aliens
    Public works will fix our infranstructure and give jobs to the unemployed and pump dollars back into local economies.
    Cut off foriegn aid and save trillions.
    With B-2s and Naval forces do we really need bases outside of the U.S. ?
    Run the illegals out and there would be plenty of blue collar jobs for Americans.
    Why doesn’t anyone think of Americans? Screw the rest of the world. Fix what’s broken here and then worry about helping peoples who will never help us.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Investing in infrastructure will only give very modest returns. 75 years ago you could give 1,000 men a shovel and put them to work. Today the same work is done by one bulldozer.

    Yes to reforming the banking sector. Make the banks responsive to the people. Make credit cheap and easy but only when warranted.

    Modest tariffs. Put tall tariffs on goods imported from countries that do not have free elections, safe working conditions and pay, pollution standards, fair currency exchanges, and other fair standards. No tariffs on countries with fair trading practices. I would set the tariff high enough to make it more economical to build the material here or at least in a country that values its citizens.

    Advances towards weaning from non renewable energy sources. Work out the bugs and cost of algae oil, wind, and solar technologies. Enforce stricter conservation standards.

    Single payer health care. Do away with the inefficiency of multi-insurance systems with so little oversight. Too many people have fallen through the cracks.

    Banning of corporate lobbying. Don’t confuse this with personal, citizen lobbying. Corporations should be responsible to society, not we to them.

    Build cast iron key boards. Eff plastic ones. I’m with Alfred on this. Big honking, heavy, rust red cast iron keyboards. Be the first on your block to have one! And cast iron monitors too. Big, honking, rust red, ones. And chewing gum. Ya, cast iron chewing gum. Big, honking, … We can stick with paper toilet tissue for now.

    Reduce fees for post secondary education and adult education. Free is my favorite price, but that can be phased in a little slower. Remove corporate sponsorship of college studies and reports unless it is something totally removed from their business.

    Increase oversight of our consumer items. That includes enforced recalls by the government agency, the ability to close doors (with a Judges order) for obvious dangerous operations, scams, and criminal activity, no stalling or obstructing of inspectors, and tougher penalties all around.

    Hold CEOs and upper management personally responsible for egregious acts done by their companies.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #60, Scott,

    Thank you for the laugh. This post is very entertaining. There was not a reply I had that you didn’t answer better.

  4. cwitzel says:

    I am firmly in favor of a cap on compensation, not just for bankers, but everyone.
    I think 10 million a year should be the maximum that any person should be able to earn from all compensation. If you can’t live off of that, then something is wrong.
    No person can bring more value to a company than that! Should the CEO of Exxon earn a massive bonus because the price of oil was very high for two quarters? Did he make that happen, or was it luck?
    This needs to end! No one needs this much money.

  5. Carcarius says:

    Adjust the mortgages for homeowners holding the mortgages of 5 years or less by converting interest paid to principal paid. Then apply a reasonable interest rate to the diminished principal. The diminished principal will likely be the true market value of the home and it would allow some relief to homeowners at risk of foreclosure.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #69, You are now only allowed to have sex once a year (unless you are married, in which case it’s once every two years). No one needs it more than that.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 64 Knows all but tells only some said, “Base power plants ? old school”

    ROFL. You can’t have a grid w/o base production. No wonder Dem pols are such morons. They have nothing but sheeple backing them.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 67 Mr. Fusion said, “Investing in infrastructure will only give very modest returns. 75 years ago you could give 1,000 men a shovel and put them to work. Today the same work is done by one bulldozer.”

    That’s a good point. I was more enthusiastic about this part of the bill until I just read your post…

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #72, Alfred,

    You have come to perceive oil is both natural and organic, against liberal bias…

    Why? Although it doesn’t meet the definitions some might have for “natural” and “organic”, you are correct and Scott is more than intelligent enough to know that.

    What is both natural and organic MUST be biodegradable, it is elementary deduction.

    It is? In what wing nut school do they teach that? And, as Scott asked repeatedly, define biodegradable?

    You see, everything under the sun will decompose. Shoot, even plutonium will eventually decompose to lesser elements. Get gold hot enough and it too will become a bunch of other elements.

    As for the Exon Valdez oil spill…that’s gone, long ago…and if you think humans cleaned up every drop of it…

    I know someone that was there two years ago. He would strongly disagree it was cleaned up. According to him, wildlife is very scarce and there are still quite few still being washed up on the beaches.

    But of course, if Exxon told you it was OK, then who am I to argue.

    you probably also believe Obama’s spending bill is a stimulus bill, when the Congressional Budget Office (democratic economists) have said it is not and will hurt the country in the long hall…

    Would you have a link or citation stating the Congressional Budget Office said the Stimulus bill is not a stimulus bill? And something to back up your contention the Congressional Budget Office are democratic economists please?

    As a former liberal, I realize how difficult it is to break free into critical thinking…reasoning upon facts and making rational conclusions from them…

    So now you are a retarded, selfish, brain impaired, stupid, ignorant, delusional, inconsiderate, Rush Limbaugh disciple. Hhmmm, yup, that sounds like a big step up.

    Its time you looked at what liberalism has wrought in out schools…an excellent illustration of liberal fallacy…

    Nice one, Limburger fan. Make a suggestion and don’t attach anything to it. More kids are finishing schools today than ever in our history. More kids are attending post secondary education. The ONE thing Bush did worth mentioning is the No Child Left Behind Act. It is really too bad his administration ruined such a great start. Oh right, that was “liberalism” though.

    When not overruled by others…. to feel good about themselves, liberals will not allow students be searched, or their lockers violated…they have rights….History proves this course of action has left inner city schools “gang zones” where half the kids can’t read…

    Hhmmm, more idiocy. Why should I consent for someone to search my 9 y/o daughter? Or my 16 y/o niece? Have they committed a crime? Are they YOUR chattels to do with as you please? Eff yourself if you think you can touch my kid without due cause.

    Instead of helping student learn to read, you want to search them. Yup. Great reasoning. Please post some reliable statistics that half the children in inner city schools can’t read.

    there was a time when illiteracy, delinquency, etc…was about the same for all races…

    When? Please provide some support for that claim.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 75 Mr. Fusion said, “Instead of helping student learn to read, you want to search them. Yup. Great reasoning. ”

    This is a good point. No hope for their future is probably a huge factor for crime rates in this age category.

  11. #72 – Alfred1,

    What is both natural and organic MUST be biodegradable, it is elementary deduction.

    Coal, made naturally from organic matter, is sometimes naturally compressed into diamonds inside volcanoes. Are diamonds biodegradable in your mind?

    From page 6 of a lengthy article in The Nation.

    On a beach on Eleanor Island in Northwest Bay, Short turns over a few barnacle-covered rocks with the edge of a garden spade. Once he reaches sand, he plunges the spade in and removes a handful. He removes one more shovelful, and viscous oil slowly begins to fill the new pit. The fishy smell of the bay is instantly replaced by the toxic smell of petroleum. Short, unsurprised but not complacent, shakes his head. “It’s really an insidious poison. The fact that we can find this much oil fourteen years later–and oil in this toxic condition–means the oil did a lot more damage than we think.”

    In fact, the journal Science published a study in late December 2003 that found residual oil harmed pink salmon eggs for at least four years following the spill, and that significant amounts of crude remains on the sea bed, where it poisons mussels and clams–and by extension the animals that feed on these creatures, like otters and ducks. And, like Short, the study’s researchers easily found pockets of oil on the beaches.

    Is fourteen years a brief time for devastation of a once beautiful and wildlife rich bay?

    I think it is not liberals who are deluded about this issue. I think it is you. You make conclusions that seem logical to you. However, they are simply not backed up by any fact.

    Oh, and did I mention? Post a link you troll!!

  12. #75 – Mr. Fusion,

    Now you’ve got me laughing.

    retarded, selfish, brain impaired, stupid, ignorant, delusional, inconsiderate, Rush Limbaugh disciple

    I love it!! What a great string of adjectives. Mind if I use that sometime? I’ll provide credit where credit is due. No cash. Just credit.

  13. MikeN says:

    Fusion, you need to learn to read posts properly.
    Where did he post that the oil spill was cleaned up?

  14. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, regarding energy independence, do you have any opinion on indium supplies running out if we adopt solar power, or platinum for hydrogen based cars?

  15. Hmeyers says:

    Diamonds are natural, but are absolutely not organic.

    Diamonds aren’t a compound (it’s a carbon alltrope) and aren’t made by life.

  16. Hmeyers says:

    ^^ allotrope

  17. amodedoma says:

    Seems to me, most of you folk are more interested in arguing over what doctrinal orientations you have than discussing the matter at hand, just like politicians and religous zealots. I guess there’s no hope for the species.

  18. bobbo says:

    Scott/Fusion==if its about Linbarf you gotta add a “ditto-head” something in there.

    #80–Mike==yes, much of the research going on right now is trying to find catalyst free Photoelectric methods. There are many less efficient, less direct ways to do this. One of the break through “X-Prizes” could indeed be along those lines. Every approach to *anything* has its pro’s and con’s each to be compared with other approaches. The currently coming on line big central solar plants don’t use catalysts instead they concentrate the heat of reflected sunlight to drive turbines. More can be done in that area too.

  19. Nick says:

    Pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Stop sending money to Israel. No pay or health insurance for either the Congress or Senate. Corporations start paying taxes. Start selling Marijuana as a federal cash crop. That’s starting to look like a trillion dollars already.

  20. Knows all but tells only some says:

    Paddy-O said,
    # 64 Knows all but tells only some said, “Base power plants ? old school”
    ROFL. You can’t have a grid w/o base production. No wonder Dem pols are such morons. They have nothing but sheeple backing them.
    bzzzzz zzzz zz Wrong –knows all is not a dem.

    This will be your last lesson from me…
    A smart grid allows decentralization power generation so you could let your wind mill sell power back to the utility when you are making surplus power from all the hot air you plow out.

    A smart future would be to get off the corporate coal/gas tit and have many ways to generate power some small some large the more and the cleaner the better.

    Like I said if $58 billion is not enough for energy lets spend more. This energy thing is the key. Solve this energy thing and you gain independence from oil selling countries, get clean air and water, employ lots of people and gain technology and products you can export. The biggest obstacle will be the current energy producers lobbies.

    Remember I KNOW ALL! Disagreeing with me only shows your ignorance.

    I have decided you are not worth my time. My advice to you 0-Paddy is unplug that radio and work towards Nirvana. I wish you the best and I mean that.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 89 Knows all but tells only some said, “This will be your last lesson from me…
    A smart grid allows decentralization power generation so you could let your wind mill sell power back to the utility when you are making surplus power from all the hot air you plow out.”

    Irrelevant. If you don’t replace fossil fuel base generation we won’t ever be free of using fossil fuel.

    Get it?

  22. bobbo says:

    #90–Paddy-Zero==This thread and Knows All insightful post is about what to do to fix the economy. The FUTURE belongs to renewable/green/decentralized power production all connected by an improved grid. Hopefully, the age of large/dirty/carbon based power plants is OVER. They will remain on line until decommissioned. I certainly don’t want new money spent on old technology unless it is determined to be absolutely necessary. Have you made that determination Paddy-Zero??

    Are you this calcified, or just being difficult??

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 91 bobbo said, “This thread and Knows”

    If you can’t address the technical aspect of the question, why comment?

    You can’t plug you TV into an outlet powered by campaign slogans. If you have something to add regarding technology let me know…

  24. QB says:

    #63 bobbo

    Me surly? Never 😀

    Seriously? Let all the banks fail? Most companies wouldn’t make payroll, people won’t be able to buy groceries because they have no cash, etc.

    I’m not saying leave the banks exactly as they were before Lehman went down, but the mess has to be straightened out – and it hasn’t yet. Bad banks, yes, get rid of them. Good banks, let’s make them better.

    But a cascade failure of the entire banking system (which is still a possibility) would be a catastrophe. Yes it sucks, but the alternative would last for decades and the US would basically be owned by foreign interests.

    What I’m concerned about is that $100’s billions have been thrown at the banks with very little thought to restructuring and improving. Everyone is still operating under the same rules which hasn’t solved anything yet. Until that ‘little item’ is sorted out the rest of it doesn’t matter.

  25. bobbo says:

    #93–QB==you are “probably right” but how do we know? If “small” banks, credit unions, finance co’s, had access to Federal Money/Guarantees (of a trillion dollars) why wouldn’t that prevent “a credit freeze” which is happening now still because the bailed out big boys are hording cash for various purposes?

    My immediate reaction is not to believe a gosh darned thing BushtheRetard says==and didn’t he say the big banks needed the bailouts?

    There is always another way.

    Paddy-Zero–check. Just being difficult.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    # 94 bobbo said, “Paddy-Zero–check. Just being difficult.”

    No, the difficult part is the science. As you have so painfully discovered.

  27. bobbo says:

    #95–Paddy-Zero==I did address the “science” and the economics and the social planning involved in “Knows” excellent answer to you which you still evidently don’t understand.

    I think you are soon to go from Zero into the negative range. Pull up before its too late.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #85, Afred,

    Obama’s spending plan is not stimulus, as even the Congressional Budget Office has observed, alone with all other reputable ecconomists…

    Several times you have been asked to provide a link. You haven’t so I did. The CBO said nothing about the Stimulus Package being harmful to the economy.

    See what happens when you get your news from Limbarf?

    They are bankrupting the country in the name of their ideology…

    Whatever this Administration does, it will be to repair the damage done by the previous lot of neo-cons, conservatives, libertarians, evangelicals, right wing nuts, chicken hawks, Republicans, and the radio-shut-in talking heads. Whatever damage done will be far less than the damage if nothing is done.

    If you don’t know someone hurt by this recession, then it can only be because you are hiding behind the furnace so your mother won’t make you take out the garbage. It is so easy to say this Stimulus is bad, but you have no alternative plan other than cut taxes from the very people that caused this mess.

    I’m firmly convinced you must have gone to the same trolling seminar as Cow-Patty.

  29. #81 – Alfred1,

    We are discussing oil…I say “What is both natural and organic MUST be biodegradable, it is elementary deduction.

    Making the same false statement again and again does not make it true. Diamonds, by your own logic, are also natural and organic. Tell me that in your brain they are biodegradable. Go ahead already. It’s the same elementary deduction exactly as the one you keep touting based on no evidence at all.

    With typical liberal irrationality, you of course cannot view the reality of oil, deduce from its actual nature, and conclude truth…rather you focus upon an unreality of your own construct…critically speaking…a false analogy:

    Deduce? How about just checking the facts. Is it or is it not biodegradable? If so, how long does it take to degrade? Clearly it is more than 14 years. Is that too slow to be a non-problem? Yes. Do you care? No.

    We were talking about oil, not diamonds. They are not analogous…oil is not rock hard compressed substance…

    Moran!!! By your logic, they were organic material. The underwent a natural process. Therefore, they are biodegradable.

    You are failing to understand that this is your logic I am applying. Coal, like oil is organic. Compression into diamonds is natural. Therefore it is natural and biodegradable, just exactly like oil. It’s not an analogy. It’s your logic applied. It is exactly the same. Both started from organic matter and underwent geological processes.

    Now, back to the real question. Do you have a damn link showing the length of time for oil to biodegrade?

    Back in post #72, you claimed that Valdez was already clean. Do you have a link to back that up? I have a link that says otherwise from a reputable publication citing a peer reviewed article in science?

    Would it be too liberal of you to back up one freakin’ thing you said??!!?

    I guess so. You sir are a troll. Come out and see the sun. May it turn you into stone quickly.

    BTW, MikeN (post #79), it was post #72 where Fettuccine Alfredo said:

    As for the Exon [sic] Valdez oil spill…that’s gone, long ago…

    Perhaps you’d care to back that up for him since he’s too much of a moran.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #98, Scott,

    Fettuccine Alfredo is one of those trolls that get their science and smarts from the FOX and Friends TV show. If you are ever feeling just a little too smart some day, just watch for an hour or so and BAM, just like taking two stupid pills! And it lasts all day too. Most often longer.

    Links? Who needs stinking links? If you heard it on Fox and Friends then it is true. The TV wouldn’t lie. At least not FOX.


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