Alright, people. It’s your turn to tell how you would fix the economy. Prez Obama made a speech last night attacking the Republicans for not moving on his stimulus plan.

The Republicans know something needs to be done but don’t like all the pork in the current bill. Of course, not a one of them added anything even remotely like pork to it. That would be hypocritical. They also don’t want the bankers to starve by capping them at a paltry 10x what the average family makes, assuming they still have a job at all. Some banks are ready to pay back the money they got last fall so as to prevent this, but oddly, may not be allowed to do so.

Do you approve of Obama’s plan? What if all the pork were stripped from the current bill? Would you then support it?

If not Obama’s plan, with or without pork, then what? With jobs disappearing at a staggering rate, something needs to be done fast.

Oh, by the way, Paulson is accused of lying when setting up TARP. Just can’t trust anyone with a billion dollars these days.

  1. HMeyers says:

    HMeyers: Use the $700 billion to buy Mexico?

    Regis Philbin: Final answer?

    HMeyers: Final answer.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    # 96 bobbo said, “I did address the “science” and the economics”

    Umm, actually, no. You didn’t address ANY of the scientific or economic issues associated with attempting to use wind or solar as a substitute for actual base energy generation technology. Nor did you even mention that choice and the final effect on kh/h rates vs. existing technology that produces our electricity.

    But, you don’t know anything about this so, what can I expect?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #101, Cow-Patty,

    # 96 bobbo said, “I did address the “science” and the economics”

    Umm, actually, no. You didn’t address ANY of the scientific or economic issues

    Bobbo did address the issues. You, unfortunately, are still here trolling. You only consider the “science” and “economic” issues that you can understand. And that isn’t very much. And I am not sorry Bobbo did not stoop to your infantile level.

    Cow-Patty School of Economics,
    If you buy poopcycles for $2.50 a dozen and sell them for $0.20 each, you don’t make much money. So that means you have to sell two dozen poopcycles. And if you still don’t make much money, sell three dozen.

    It must be very sad living your life. Being such a failure you need to resort to lies to get attention. A truly sad existence.


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