



See Operation Blackjack for your Official Indoctrination. This is just creepy.

  1. sargasso says:

    The Telegraph, is spooky.

  2. Benjamin says:

    I heard about a bill in Congress to built no less than six “camps” to be used in case of “emergency.”

    Obama will round up political dissidents and keep them in these camps. This along with the amendment to make Obama President for Life make it seem like freedom will soon be something that you only whisper to your grandkids about.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Fear mongering sells.

  4. Bob says:

    But, Obama was elected, I thought everyone was suppose to like us now.

  5. MR says:


  6. sanity says:

    #2 And Bush was supposed to attack Iran before the election, declare marshall law, suspend the election, and remain Emperor of the US for life…

    Where do wackos dream this stuff up?

  7. GF says:

    Nuts! Isn’t this from the TV show Jericho?

  8. Darran says:

    Looks awesome, why the hate?

  9. Named says:


    It’s a trap!

  10. Whatever says:


  11. bill says:

    So, what is point of it?

  12. GregA says:

    Let me qualify with… A nuke on DC would be a horrible humanatarian disaster. But as far as the rest of the USA is concerned…

    It would be an improvement…

    If it didn’t result in dire humanatarian consequences for the rest of the world.

  13. ren says:

    This does look a hell of lot like Jericho

    Also, very disturbing, prison planet has been writing on it for a while

  14. green says:

    Hidden in plain sight? Like Alec Baldwins commercial for hulu.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    They ignored Texas altogether!

  16. Ian says:

    Why would the telegraph run this series for weeks? It obviously isn’t to publicize the work of the artist, who isn’t made know. Doesn’t make sense from anything but a conspiracy point of view.

    It scares me. We should demand answers.

  17. ECA says:

    You arnt paranoid if there REALLY is someone doing it.

  18. Timuchin says:

    It was my fear for the last three years that Bush would pull something like this to keep the Marxists from doing it. I guess he was too Christian.

    When the Democrat elite start falling in disfavor with the public too much (in the next six months) they would have no scruples to keep them from doing this.

    Someone at the Telegraph decided to interdict this kind of thing by broaching the subject ahead of time. The element of surprise is now damaged.

  19. Li says:

    Looks like Dick Cheney and James Carville in panel 3 of the first part.

  20. Li says:

    Actually, the black man in section 3 looks far more like the new RNC chair Michael Steele than Obama.

    Perhaps this scenario they are proposing is something like an ultra-violent coup, with Obama stuck in Washington when it goes ka-boom and, say, Iran pinned as the patsy?

  21. boulezz21 says:

    Can Adam Curry shed some light on this? The paranoid will have a field day with this especially in light of Cheney’s prediction.

  22. WellNigh says:

    Obama Barack Hussein is MABUS, the third Antichrist. An acclaimed charismatic leader who will kickstart in 2011 a war that will last 26 years.

  23. deowll says:

    All of the above reminds me of a line used by another American in response to a completely different situation, “NUTS!”

  24. sca says:

    The camps already exist. They are the Rex 84 camps.

  25. mr. show says:

    That cartoon is plain creepy…a sick and scary fantasy.

    I find it curious that the (British?) writers of this cartoon are projecting. Sure the US has its faults but I’ve never seen a country move toward an Orwellian Nanny State as quickly as great Britain. Then again the only time most Americans pay lip service to their love of freedom is on July 4th with a cookout or a trip to the mall to buy crap they don’t need.

  26. mr. show says:

    OK I wrote too soon…I went back to the First series of cartoons so it’s not entirely targeted at North America. Still creepy as hell…

    Anyway, I think I spot Adam Curry in the Queue to Sainsbury’s for PG Tips. 🙂

  27. The Man says:

    The only thing sadder than the fear mongering is GregA’s failed attempt at being… me.

    Epic fail, angry liberals. Then again, that’s the only thing you can do.

  28. soundwash says:

    bah…old news, everything has been in place for some of the people above have pointed out. nukes are so…60’s.

    they need to update the cartoon with scalar weapons.. now those puppies can do some *real damage*

    -way easier to make than a nuke.

    personally, i think the cartoon is to both poke fun at the massive ignorance and maybe,
    give those ignorant a little heads up so they dont hurt their chin so much when their jaw drops and hits the floor… *shrug* yeah the camps are ready, i think it was Gunderson Steel that has setup the “special rail cars” to get you there too.

    -here is the news article about the contract

    an interesting note in the cartoon about Denver being the new capital.. NORTHCOM is nearby in colorado springs,(under marshal law,
    Northcom will be running the show) and guess what..the Amero is initially to be minted in denver..(prototypes already have) -just as soon as the fiat currencies of the world collapse and a quasi gold standard is brought back..

    for added “oh crap” factor, apparently, when NORAD was dissolved and NORTHCOM was formed, we entered into some sort of military swap/sharing support deal with canada..mainly it seems, for a Civil Assistance
    know, for civil unrest, disasters and of
    course, t-t-terror..

    the BIG DEAL is that this arrangement was never brought before the Canadian or US public..

    seems like these NWO kids are really getting to be a bit fanatical..

    i guess the whack jobs have been right all along..we have more to fear from government than any other entity..(well, and the central banks that payed them off to create this mess)

    read about the canada factor here:

    its very interesting, to say the least.


  29. righteous indignation says:

    Anarchy and chaos is the only true freedom.

  30. Poppa Boner says:

    I think I’d hit New Jersey first. They produce some fugly women!


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