



See Operation Blackjack for your Official Indoctrination. This is just creepy.

  1. GregA says:


    Apparently that technology has developed into the ability to make ultra low yield fusion bombs in the 100ton range, without the need of a fission trigger.

  2. Mike Strong says:

    I don’t really see anything that is different from any number of films and books over the last umpteen number of years. Really a pretty standard plot from SciFi channel’s regular cheapies, to most (it seems) comic books and graphic novels since whenever, to Steven Segal movies to Texas Ranger, to On The Beach to 007 thrillers to Ming the Emperor, to Blade, to Independence Day, to the Apocalypse (remember the Bible?), ancient myths of all kinds, even cop shows and on and on. World domination, world destruction and so on are pretty standard fare for tons of movies, books and TV plots.

    The only thing I can imagine which got this going is that maybe the source of the graphic series is not expected to run cartoons? Maybe the subject, except that there is no plot idea here that hasn’t been used before time and again.

    If anything, this is more like an exercise in leading questions, or in framing a topic. The only thing I find puzzling or spooky or creepy is how easy it is to shape opinions by specifying a framework for judgement with nothing more than a suggestion that something might be wrong.

  3. Improbus says:

    That second amendment is really going to fuckup their plans in the U.S. Americans are armed to the teeth. Hell, even I have a few weapons at my disposal.

  4. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #35 FYI Iraq was awash in weapons way before we invaded and the kurds and shites never got rid of Saddam.

  5. Traaxx says:

    The current economic climate is going to be enough as things go on to force us into the UNA or NAU or North American Union or whatever you want to call it. And the NAU is for real as for the nuclear stuff that’s probably a way of labeling anyone that works against the NAU as Wacko, just as anyone saying the NAFTA & WTO was going to drain us dry and bankrupt the economy.

    I remember Rush Suckumbo saying once “do you want to make toasters or computers” for a living, now we don’t make either. Either you have say the people running our economy are stupid or are doing this purposely to our economy. Personnally, while I do think our leadership both Demoncrat or Republicrats live in a drug induced stupor, this is done to bring about a “Sustainable Economy” the all the elites want, ie 90% peasents and 3 percent lords and 7% servants. Welcome the coming Neo-Dark Ages, Dhimmi peasents.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Although I should know by now, geeze there are a lot of fucked up people that visit this blog sometimes.

  7. harshal says:

    The decisions taken by Mr Bush in the immediate aftermath of that ghastly moment will be pored over by historians for the rest of our lifetimes. One thing they will doubtless conclude is that the measures he took to lock down America’s borders, scrutinise travellers to and from the United States,


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