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  1. The DON says:

    Did someone say party?

  2. SparkyOne says:

    Just a hint of a bailout check in the air

  3. amodedoma says:

    Hey, what’s my mother in law doing in that field of flowers.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    That’s Jessica Simpson in her newest video.

  5. ECA says:


  6. B. Dog says:

    Thanks for the photos. I look at pictures from Wunderground, which are really good.

  7. LinusVP says:

    Love it!

  8. noname says:

    That’s one happy hipppo, nice.

    The gardener, not so happy.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    “Damn mutant gophers!”

  10. Reptile Boss says:

    Looks like an old boss of mine
    What a grouch and clod

  11. pcsmith says:

    How about some pictures of iguanas falling out of trees in Florida this week due to the cold snap.

    The near freezing weather puts the reptile into hibernation, they fall from the tree and lie on the ground looking dead until the temp rises above 40F.

  12. AlanB says:

    I lost my Tutu!

  13. Lou says:

    W clearing brush in Crawford.

  14. prettyinpink says:

    I’m in yr lake, eatin yr flowerz


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