Bronx Congressman Serrano — Kingmaker

Amendment Would Make Pres. Obama “King for Life” – The Times Examiner

Rep. Jose Serrano, D-NY, would make President Barack Obama President for life. Earlier this month the Congressman introduced H. J. Res. 5 that proposes an amendment to the US Constitution that would repeal the Constitution’s 22nd Amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President The U. S. House Committee on the Judiciary is considering the bill.

In 1807, Thomas Jefferson warned that presidents not bound by term limits could use their popularity and power to become kings.

Idiots like this Congressman, who should be voted out of office, do not realize that this sort of thing is a two-way street and some popular Republican could also be in office for decades. But this is obviously an attempt to ride the Obama horse for the next 40 years. Serrano also introduced a bill to ban any and all attempts to make English the official language of the nation. It’s called the English-plus resolution.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    That congressman looks like a used car salesman…

  2. amodedoma says:

    Some of you guys – to remain nameless – should get a private chat room and get it on!
    To the rest of you, it doesn’t seem very realistic, does it? Obviously it’s not gonna happen so what the heck are these sneaky politicians up to now? To me it looks like Serrano is commiting political suicide. Maybe it’s a distraction.

  3. echeola says:

    I surprised me that no one here picked up on the fact that this has been proposed by this Rep for every congress for the last 6. I don’t think it has anything to do with Obama since he wasn’t even on the national radar when this began.

  4. echeola says:

    Here is a link showing the other proposals.

  5. Proud Alien says:

    Considering the source, I’d say it’s BS.

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I am outraged that someone already wants to demote Obama from Messiah to a mere mortal King!!!!!

    I don’t use exclamation marks lightly.

  7. Proud Alien says:

    Well, apparently, it is true. Here you go, contact his office and tell him what you think:

    2227 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515-3216
    (202) 225-4361

    788 Southern Blvd.
    Bronx, New York 10455
    (718) 620-0084

    I just did.

  8. Miguel says:

    This is pretty much what Hugo Chavéz is doing in Venezuela….

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    #32 – Scottie

    >>Don’t tell him to get smart AND STFU. If he
    >>somehow magically got smart, I’d want to
    >>hear what he had to say.

    “Smart” is a relative term, when it comes to ‘dro.

    Never in my wildest dreams would I expect ‘dro to have something intelligent to say. I was simply hoping that he would be able to lift his knuckles off the ground for a brief moment in time, and generate the necessary synaptic activity to realize that he’d be waaaaay ahead of the game if he would just STFU.

  10. mr. show says:

    Jose Serrano did not propose this amendment specifically to keep Barack Obama in the White House. He has proposed this amendment in 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007. And guess what? It hasn’t passed before, and I highly doubt that it is going to pass now.

  11. mr. show says:

    With all of his grandstanding I suppose you could say that Serrano is a ham.


  12. Proud Alien says:

    # 42: Ditto.

  13. jmers says:

    Anyone who wants a president for life need only look at the turd who just left office as to why that is a bad idea. Anyone for a 3rd “W” term??

    Morons… and English SHOULD be the national language, if you don’t want to learn the language 90% of the people here speak, then you don’t belong here.

  14. Breetai says:

    DemoRats said the same thing about RepubliRats when Bush got elected. These claims happen every cycle just Que a different letter (D or R) in front the politicians(liars) name.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 47 jmers said, “Morons… and English SHOULD be the national language, if you don’t want to learn the language 90% of the people here speak, then you don’t belong here.”

    Why would you want everyone in a group to be able to easily communicate with each other?

  16. amodedoma says:


    I was visiting my mom in pennsylvanias vast suburbs a few years back, and I went in to a local bar famous for philly cheasteaks, to have one and a beer, maybe watch the game. So I noticed the bartender was hispanic and stared chatting it up with him in Spanish. Suddenly I noticed ‘looks’ from the people around the bar, one of them said ‘yer in america, speak american’ I was about to let him know what I thought but the cuban bartender stopped me. Are you one of those? I mean you can’t imagine how ignorant that is. Everywhere in Europe people adapt to living in multi-lingual societies. My ancestors were Pennsylvania Dutch that spoke german almost all the time – Were they unamerican? If you can’t be intelligent at least be tolerant, otherwise you put your ignorance on display.

  17. bobbo says:

    #50–amodedoma==were you smiling when speaking that spanish?

    I also think English should be the only official language used in the USA==societies fall apart if they allow such glue to dissolve.

    I have never thought though that the concept would slop over to what/how free people talk to one another. Still==when in Rome. . . . . .

  18. Common_Sense says:

    JCD — You already drive plenty of traffic to your blog — stop with the flame-bait headlines.

    The article linked to says nothing about making President Obama King for life. That’s an intentionally terrible paraphrase. It simply indicates the purpose of the bill, which is to repeal presidential term limits. It’s been introduced every congress by the same congressman, and shot down every time. That doesn’t mean people would keep voting for the same people, though for the record, I think it’s a terrible idea.

    By the same logic, the last session this SAME Democrat was conspiring to make Bush II King for life. (More likely, he was trying to get Bill Clinton a third term, but that’s my own conjecture now.)

  19. #49 – jmers,

    Anyone who wants a president for life need only look at the turd who just left office as to why that is a bad idea. Anyone for a 3rd “W” term??

    Not only no, but fuck no!

    Morons… and English SHOULD be the national language, if you don’t want to learn the language 90% of the people here speak, then you don’t belong here.

    Um… planning to change the language in Puerto Rico then?

    What we need to do is go back to the motto of “E. Pluribus Unum”. It was so much more uniting than the uber-divisive “In God We Trust”.

    Under the old motto, we might want to include people of all cultures in our society instead of trying to destroy the native languages of the area, including Chamorro on Guam, and trying to get people to give up their heritage.

    Seriously, don’t we have something more important to worry about than getting everyone to speak English? How about global economic collapse, global warming, global thermonuclear war? I’m sure we can come up with hundreds of things I’d worry about long before national language got to my radar screen.

    When it did, I’d vote for Navajo, Cherokee, Inuit, or Hawaiian before voting for some imported European language with atrocious spelling.

  20. amodedoma says:

    #53 bobbo

    No man, I wasn’t smiling, usually I’m pretty sensitive with other peoples paranoia – part of a good survival instinct. Wasn’t my intention to make anyone uncomfortable at the time I was just making conversation with the bartender, like I almost always do.

    You should spend some time in Europe, multilingual works just fine here, no signs of society breaking down. My kids are 21, 13, and 6 and the three of them speak english, spanish, and basque. They’re just typical kids from Bilbao.

  21. badtimes says:

    This won’t pass. Everybody, regardless of politics, can think of some past President that they didn’t want to be even two term, let alone more.

  22. Ryan says:

    Man you right wingers are scared of Obama. You think he’ll win every election until he’ll die?

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    Who cares, it isn’t about to happen.

    And we did have a third Reagan term, only his name was G.H.W. Bush.

  24. Troublemaker says:

    As has already been mentioned, by a few other of your more astute readers, Jose Serrano has proposed this amendment numerous times, during both Republican and Democratic administrations, since 1997. It has yet to pass, and I doubt that it ever will.

    Why all the fuss all of a sudden?

    As usual, JCD, you and your staff are frighteningly slack in the research department. I think that it’s pathetic that your readers have to do your research for you.

  25. jccalhoun says:

    What, a misleading and inaccurate post on That’s umpossible!

  26. Dallas says:

    If this is true, this guy is a goof and an embarrassment to the Congress. Who voted this nut to office?

  27. bryan forst says:

    There should be impeachment proceedings against anyone behaving in such an obviously anti-democratic manner. He should learn to keep his jokes to himself and not air them in public

  28. Esteban says:

    I’m a big Obama fan, but I don’t want him – or anyone else – for more than eight years.

  29. soundwash says:

    #46 Proud Alien said,

    “Well, apparently, it is true. Here you go, contact his office and tell him what you think:


    788 Southern Blvd.
    Bronx, New York 10455
    (718) 620-0084

    I just did.”

    HEY NOW….i know exactly where that is..
    i’ll do you one better..

    its in a (relatively) sleazy area of the bronx, across from the 41st precinct. a mere 5-10min walk from the #5 train i take in and out of the city..

    i’ll stop stop in the office on Saturday if its open, or Monday the 9th, and see if he’s there and/or ask the staff what the deal is with this putz proposing such lunacy time and time again.

    i gather its used as a bargaining chip…”i’ll stop pursuit if you dont squash xxx bill etc”

    -at some point however, the conditions will be ripe for it to pass..

    also…the some of the language in it is kinda peculiar, ie:

    “”the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the **several States** within seven years after
    the date of its submission for ratification:””

    ** is my emphasis.. why only **several states**

    and not the United States?

    could this have something to do with several
    state secession proposals in the past year or so?? (mostly on second amendment issues)

    this year more than ever..with One World/NWO
    gov on the lips of mainstream journalists…a seemingly repetitive, futile bill may actually have meaning..

    if you desensitize the public to such things..they wont even give it a second look when it matters the most..

    -just a thought.



  30. gquaglia says:

    What a shithead.


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