Here is what appears the be a complete list of the Madoff investors. — Do you know anyone on here?? I’d also advise downloading the pdf file for your records since I cannot believe this list won’t be taken down sooner than later.

Alternative site here.
And also here.


Interesting to say the least.

Found by John Ligums.

  1. dirtboy says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  2. dirtboy says:

    Where is Kevin Bacon? I want his address.

  3. KevinL says:

    A lot of Jewish sounding names. Hmm?

  4. RBG says:

    Wow, that list is 160+ pages of fine print: Names, addresses.

    Not only do these investors get pillaged, now they get raped in public view.

    2. KevinL. Don’t worry, I doubt Bernie Madoff is Arabic.


  5. Gaolbird says:

    There is a “Catherine E Money”!!

    Looks like someone didn’t live up to their name?

  6. Paddy-O says:

    Looks like he preyed on his own community pretty heavily.

  7. Poppa Boner says:

    I think Bernie is in for this:

  8. Dallas says:

    Why is this guy not hanging by his feet somewhere?

  9. The Warden says:

    I know someone on the list. Sucks to be him but he’s one of the MN Jews who got believed like everyone else that Bernie was a sure bet. Hope he didn’t lose a lot cuz he probably won’t be seeing any of it back.

    And yes, Bernie targeted rich Jews. And they bought hook line and sinker into his scam.

  10. Steve S says:

    Dallas said,
    “Why is this guy not hanging by his feet somewhere?”

    Because he is very rich and (was) associated with other rich and powerful people. The rich have a different set of rules than ordinary people. Not to say that some form of justice won’t be served in the end, but if you or I had confessed to swindling people out of 50 billion dollars, we would be in jail, not under house arrest.

  11. Victor says:

    Money and wisdom are not related, where was the fiduciary responsibilities of the people in charge of the charities they should also be prosecuted

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Victor,

    As long as good returns were coming in, no one cared.

  13. brian t says:

    A friend of mine used to work (in IT) for a hedge fund called Citco, in Cork here in Ireland, until she was laid off a couple of months ago. Not only are they on the list, they are cited in a recent CNN article* as having some kind of link to Madoff’s “audit shopping”.

    The role of Ireland in this whole global fiasco is intriguing, and still more is going to come out, I think. The regulatory environment encouraged companies to move here, and some of them had their fingers in the US economy too e.g. look up DEPFA, a German bank who moved to Dublin.


  14. Hey, Howard Stern was a customer. I wonder if that’s the King of All Media.

  15. Nick says:

    The best and the brightest are also avaricious and greedy.

  16. amodedoma says:

    14 and 15

    Not that Howard Stern, sorry it’s Howard Stern of Werner Zaroff Slotnick Stern & Ashkenazy Attorneys and Counsello, ‘sa shame, to be sure.
    But there are plenty of institutional names that are easily recognized and of whom there is no doubt. Still, I can’t help but think that this sneaky little SOB has BIG names that will never be made public and he’s using them now to save as much as he can and get the lightest setence possible. US justice system is a joke to people with that much money and clout.

  17. Billy Bob says:

    These investors believed that Madoff was running a scam–that he was using his position as a market maker to trade against his other investors and generate illegal returns. That’s how he was able to perform over a long period like virtually no other investment manager.

    It turned out that that wasn’t the scam. I have no sympathy for people who thought they were investing in an illegal operation and then got double-crossed. Are they clawing back the illegal profits of those who made money over the years? No…

  18. Nick says:

    Let me get out my violin…

  19. hhopper says:

    Why on earth would I want to have a list of Madoff investors in my records?

  20. bobbo says:

    #18–Billy Bob==thats a beautiful thing, if its at all true. I can see that line of reasoning being used subrosa. Quite a few investors did not even know Madoff was involved, or who he was==but still, I’d love to know how often that idea was acted on.


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