
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) – A black state senator is pushing a bill that would require South Carolina cities and counties to give their workers a paid day off for Confederate Memorial Day or lose millions in state funds.

Democratic Sen. Robert Ford’s bill won initial approval from a Senate subcommittee Tuesday. It would force county and municipal governments to follow the schedule of holidays used by the state, which gives workers 12 paid days off, including May 10 to honor Confederate war dead. Mississippi and Alabama also recognize Confederate Memorial Day.

highway patrol

“Every municipality and every citizen of South Carolina, should be, well, forced to respect these two days and learn what they can about those two particular parts of our history,” Ford said Tuesday.

Large and small counties would put up more cash to cover holidays they don’t now recognize, largely for law enforcement and emergency worker overtime, municipal and county association lobbyists said. Only 10 of the state’s 46 counties recognize Confederate Memorial Day and only 27 observe the more benign Presidents’ Day. Greenville County, one of the state’s wealthiest and most populous counties, doesn’t offer the Confederate holiday. The Judiciary Committee said the county would spend $156,900 to add each holiday to its calendar. Much smaller Laurens County would spend $37,080.

Ford dismissed the costs.

Because when the economy is tanking, it’s always a good idea to give Gov’t employees more paid holidays…sheesh.

  1. woody says:

    No one ever accused the Dukes of Hazzard of being losers or assholes.


  2. ac3smith says:

    Gonna be a lot of ignorance in here… and I don’t mean from the people who support this. While I support this holiday, I don’t think many people who are reading this blog are going to be educated enough to understand it. Some things are better left to people who understand what the “Civil” war was really about.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #312, splinter,

    That was the weakest comeback yet. A TV show. WOW. And they were too losers. Phony, pseudo hillbillies in California. Yup. Real great example that was. Hey, that Roscoe character, wow, like as typical a Southern man as they come. And Scooter? Well, let’s not go their.

  4. fiveolddogs says:

    I’m not sure where else to ask this, so I’ll just ask here. I subscribe to this blog via RSS feed. For some reason the feed does not include the pictures which accompany each blog entry, so I basically have to click each feed entry to read/see it, which kind defeats the purpose to subscribing to the feed. Is there a way to get the Dvorak Uncensored feed to include to pictures like most other RSS feeds?

  5. Yes, the ability to secede may be an American right.

    But if you do, then you’re no longer Americans, and have no right to be protected by our laws and Constitution.

    You want to celebrate people as Americans who don’t want to be in America?

    That’s just ridiculous. And literally Anti-American.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Yeah, you wouldn’t think a black Senator would be caught dead supporting anything that furthers the old slave trading Confederacy. Perhaps he was out to lunch, when they covered that one in High School history class. But since a handout of extra money is involved. We can’t under estimate the power of greed, overcoming common sense and moral principles. Would this Senator also ask for a paid “birth of the KKK” holiday, if it existed? Have these politicians no shame at all about money?

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 34 ken… just Ken said, “But if you do, then you’re no longer Americans, and have no right to be protected by our laws and Constitution.”

    The 1st part of your sentence is not necessarily true.
    If New York left and called itself New York of America then they would be American’s.

    The 2nd part of that sentence exists why?

  8. mr. show says:

    Paying gov’t bureaucrats to “work” less and do less harm?

    Sounds sensible to me…

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Cow-Patty,

    Still trolling.

    #34 Ken was correct, and as expected, you are wrong. Again. Unfortunately you don’t understand proper English, what with all those Facebook friends and their gibberish.

    I’ll leave you to figure it out. Which I’m quite sure is above your comprehension.

  10. grog says:

    the only thing flying a confederate flag does is advertise that you root for a team that lost and that god willing, will never have a rematch. and simply can’t get over it.

    which makes you a loser.

    just sayin’

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #39, grog,

    which makes you a loser.

    And makes you quite correct.

  12. amodedoma says:

    Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious.

  13. MikeN says:

    Hillbillies in California was a different show, and Scooter was on Transformers.

    The Dukes of Hazzard was a different show with a stellar acting cast, of which James Best, Roscoe, ran his own acting school.

  14. MikeN says:

    Oops. Scooter was on Gobots and The Muppets.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    I should know better than to criticize some stupid “redneck” show filmed in California pretending it was North Carolina or someplace.

    It was a bad show regardless of the acting.


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