Two children should be limit, says green guru – Times Online — I can assure you vegans are at the root of all this.

COUPLES who have more than two children are being “irresponsible” by creating an unbearable burden on the environment, the government’s green adviser has warned.

Jonathon Porritt, who chairs the government’s Sustainable Development Commission, says curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming. He says political leaders and green campaigners should stop dodging the issue of environmental harm caused by an expanding population.

Found by William Reising.

  1. deowll says:

    Two children isn’t replacement because some die or don’t have children.

    Any group of idiots that follow this advice will become exitinct. That might be a good thing.

  2. fulanoche says:

    I’m 57. You know what I’ve noticed. The world is a lot more crowded. And not as pleasant, perhaps due to this population increase (and over-development). Who’s right? What’s right? I don’t know. But would there be any harm in an attempt to put the brakes on increased population? Just an encouragement to less population density? How about an elimination of child tax credits beyond two?

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #31 Just close our borders to countries with pop growth and we’re good. VERY simple.

  4. green says:

    License required to give birth soon to follow.

  5. Improbus says:

    Overpopulation will take care of itself in the most brutal form possible (starvation & disease) because some people just can control themselves and can’t plan ahead. I will shed no tears for them.

  6. fulanoche says:


    Good if you live in the US. Not all of us do.
    ZPG could be a benefit for the whole planet/race.

  7. Better than two per family, go for the Golden Snip Award. I’ve got one and am proud of it. It won’t be my kids dealing with the mess we’ve made of the world.

  8. Stinker says:

    Why don’t those who like the two child rule move to China where you could be a real rebel instead of an A$$?

  9. Hmeyers says:


    If someone suggests a problem and then suggests a solution to a problem, I am all for it.

    If instead of an action that solves the problem, they advocate actions that don’t, they are incompetent and their idea should be publicly humiliated.

    Shall I now go solve world hunger by distributing food in Toronto, Canada?

  10. Hmeyers says:


    @ Bobbo

    “HMyers==we agree. Maybe if we talk long enough, throw out the misstatements, and hone the areas of agreement, even we can make progress?”

    My areas of disagreement aren’t personal. I think you are very intelligent person.

  11. Bored Duck says:

    Where do the children play-ay-ay…

    Not among my siblings…there aren’t any, and our neighbors (we’re all northeastern USA intellectuals) don’t either. Don’t get me wrong…I like the company of kids if they’re reasonably well-behaved, just like adults.
    Nobody calls me Dad, though, or even Uncle, which might seem a forlorn thing to some people.

    But it’s HARD to rear children through all their years of dependence, and always was. And you better have the MEANS to do it if you’re gonna take that road. Folks who go on having lots of kids don’t realize that they’re generating a situation whereby too many people compete for too few resources. And you know what? They never will realize it.

    I almost fell into that trap once, but managed to escape without any consequences.

    “She serves the smooth retsina,
    She keeps me safe and warm,
    It’s just the calm before the storm.

    I know this super highway,
    This bright familiar sun.
    I guess that I’m the lucky one.”
    – Donald Fagen

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 36 fulanoche said, “Good if you live in the US. Not all of us do.”

    Or Canada, or Japan, or Iceland, or Denmark, or, or, or.

    Take responsibility for the country you are in.

  13. jccalhoun says:

    There are more than 6 Billion people on Earth. I think we can afford to have fewer kids and experience some worldwide negative population growth. If we get down to 3-4 billion would it be that bad?

  14. Paddy-O says:

    #43 You are preaching to the choir if you’re talking to the US. Without 3rd world immigration we’re ding fine. Maybe go on some blogs in the ME or Africa.

  15. badtimes says:

    #31- I’d go a little farther- eliminate child tax credits altogether. Why should the childless subsidize procreation?

  16. brm says:

    Child-free propaganda, nothing more. These people think that because they don’t want kids, no one should have kids. What a bunch of idiots.

    Japan and Europe are faced with a shrinking workforce because no one is having kids. There’s also the argument that we can sustain a few billion more people with no trouble. With the fact that most people don’t seem to want more than three kids, I think we’ll be just fine.

    Another progressive pet issue, like carbon caps, wherein the third world will not be held to these ridiculous requirements.

  17. MikeN says:

    For every woman that doesn’t have a child another woman has to have 4.

  18. HMeyers says:

    @45 “#31- I’d go a little farther- eliminate child tax credits altogether. Why should the childless subsidize procreation?”

    Because every child has a life expectancy of 72 years +/- and those children will pay a lot of taxes in their lifetime and some of them will be wiping your butt and giving you spongebaths when you are living in the old people’s home which will be paid for by their taxes.

  19. QB says:

    #48 HMeyers, nicely put.

  20. Nimby says:

    # 21 caa said, “How about being a single mother with 6 kids that has already declared bankruptcy, with no viable means of support, having another 8?

    Is that irresponsible?”

    Yes, it is. BUT … it’s not the norm, either.

    In fact, the doctor that implanted that many embryos (and there were probably more than eight) was as irresponsible as the woman.

  21. amodedoma says:

    We should get busy colonizing the moon and terraforming mars! I don’t wanna live in a world that’s gonna tell me how many kids I can have. Look what happend in China… It’s just not the solution.

  22. Nimby says:

    #52 – you may get part of your wish very soon. The US, China, Russia and EU are all anxious to colonize the moon supposedly to get mining rights to the tritium and I’m sure many other minerals. Also, first come gets the best sites – i.e. those with probable mineable water.

  23. jimbo says:


    That is the most lame ass post I have ever seen…Even worse than


    I like the 2 child rule because it prevents people like you from being born and subsequently stops you from posting crap on the internet.



  24. Sea Lawyer says:

    #1, If we would stop endlessly pursuing ways to unnaturally sustain the lives of diseased and developmentally defective humans, I would go a long way.

  25. Rich says:

    “Rob said,

    Population growth cannot continue forever so either we decide how to stop growth or nature will do it for us.”

    Rob beat me to it. I don’t think ivory-tower inhabiting types should make policies that keep people from reproducing excessively, but individuals should be thoughtful and careful about it, or Mother Nature will bitch-slap us back to a reasonable level. And the third-world countries where they have babies in bulk without thought will be (rightfully) hardest hit.

  26. inGodwetrust says:

    so tell me.. how can u get an abortion and not call it murder!!! lets start at partial birth abortion. so your willing to sufficate or kill a baby when its old enough to live, to take the responsibility off you back. How did you know the baby couldn’t be adopted but you rather kill it. Saying to not touch my body but don’t have the law touch my body. we don’t want to touch your body and were not forcing anything upon you but we just want you to understand what your fully doing. im 13 and im a teenager. if i was pregnant and had a baby no way would i go for abortion but neither would i keep it. i would have it adopted because in the bible we are not to murder and just because it hasn’t taken it’s first breath, really is it not human. remember i’m a teen and i’m just trying to tell you that you will regret killing your baby and not seeing what it might have been able to achieve and yes i’m a christian but even if your not christian do you support murder??? i know that’s not one persons religion is to kill babies. fully understand what your going to do before you get an abortion and i pray that our country will realize killing babies is a sin even if you think babies aren’t worth it to live.

  27. bobbo says:

    so tell me.. how can u get an abortion and not call it murder /// Silly Rabit–murder is illegal and abortion is not.

    Partial birth abortions are supposed to occur only when the mothers life is in danger. Can we all agree full grown adult females should be able to decide that question for themselves?

    Honeypoo–its not murder==by definition.

    Its only a sin if your religion says so. My anti-theism does not allow for sin.

    If you don’t want an abortion you are FREE not to have one. You should give other women the same choice.

    The law touches your body and the baby’s body with either choice.


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