Two children should be limit, says green guru – Times Online — I can assure you vegans are at the root of all this.

COUPLES who have more than two children are being “irresponsible” by creating an unbearable burden on the environment, the government’s green adviser has warned.

Jonathon Porritt, who chairs the government’s Sustainable Development Commission, says curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming. He says political leaders and green campaigners should stop dodging the issue of environmental harm caused by an expanding population.

Found by William Reising.

  1. Named says:

    I hear this argument in various forms. Jared Diamond is a respected author who also supports population decimation. Unfortunately, none of these population reduction supporters put their money where their mouth is. They should make the claim and them immediately kill themselves to prove they believe the point. Otherwise, it’s just more “I was a drinker when I was young, so now I’m tough on drinking” posturing. Tiresome.

  2. MikeR says:

    Sorta off-topic: I’ve always wondered how a vegan would view soylent green. Wonder Food? (No animals harmed in its production)

  3. Named says:


    Only if it was made by the cadavers of nasty meat eaters!

  4. bobbo says:

    #1–Named==stop pimping JCD. The proposal/concern has NOTHING TO DO WITH decimating the population, but rather is an already too late rational recognition that the “rate of growth” needs to be lowered. Please post back when you come to your senses.

    #2–MikeR==humans are animals. I wonder what peta thinks of consuming animals after they die? A roadkill pate of sorts?

    “says curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming:===NO.

    “says curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global OVERPOPULATION:===YES.

  5. amodedoma says:

    Fine, I’m all for it, as long as it’s a voluntary suggestion. If they prctice what they preach, and stop reproducing, the world will be a better place for my descendents. I’ll raise them with sensible values about the ecology and sustainable growth. That’s the way to be part of the solution.

  6. Rob says:

    Population growth cannot continue forever so either we decide how to stop growth or nature will do it for us.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 3 Named said, “Only if it was made by the cadavers of nasty meat eaters!”

    Herbivores taste much better. PETA members would be the best choice.

  8. Named says:


    Ah… angry bobbo is back. So, I’m to gather from your view that a 3.5 member family in the US (1 dad, 1 mom, 1 teen, 1 baby) with SUV’s, mansions, and huge excess, is more ecologically green than an environmentally responsible family of 6? Right. Got it. Be as wasteful as possible with 2 kids and you’re GOLD! Who knows? Maybe the family of 6 will have produced 4 children that will contribute in extraordinarily meaningful ways to the Earth as opposed to the standard waste that is you… Just maybe.

  9. Thinker says:

    Why do I keep thinking of Swifts “A Modest Proposal”???

  10. Marc Perkel says:

    I say let’s look at cannibalism again as a way of fighting global warming.

    Three cannibals are eating a clown. One says, “Does this clown taste funny?”

  11. Benjamin says:

    Malthus, Paul R. Ehrlich, and the Church of Euthanasia are all wrong. Technology will always sustain a large population. None of those people killed themselves, but they complain that population growth is going to kill us all.

    Paying social security is going to kill us all? It depends on an expanding population base. I haven’t taken a side yet on the abortion issue. I am not saying life does begin at conception, but social security taxes should begin at conception so we can right this dead pyramid scheme.

  12. Named says:


    Well, I guess that’s why I like my meat Vegan… cows… sheep… If only pigs weren’t so damn tasty! Of course, the best pigs are fed acorns and turned into Serrano!

  13. Alex says:

    #4 – I dunno about you, but I eat pretty much all of my food post-death. The exception to this is beans of course, which I have to boil and kill in order to eat, and lobsters/clams, for the same reason.

  14. Hmeyers says:

    @ Bobbo

    “that the “rate of growth” needs to be lowered”

    Check the stats. The rate of population growth is radically lower than in the past.

    This is why most of Europe will have population decline aside from immigration and is why Japan and Russia do have declining populations.

    Another example of people getting their information from pop culture, not actually using real data.

    High birth rates are only occurring in the Middle East and Africa … good luck on convincing those people to change their ways.

  15. Stinker says:

    Ahhh…to be young and thoughtless… I really miss those days! 🙂

    This is just too funny for words!

  16. Hmeyers says:

    And a little more:

    All of the population increase in the United States comes from immigration. The birth rate in the United States has been under 2% for a while.

    But I fully agree that these purveyors of misinformation should stopping having children.

  17. MikeN says:

    CoChair of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Science Report has declared that:

    even if we stop all production of CO2 . . . the Earth will be ‘dying’ at least until the
    year 3000 because the ‘murder’ we are committing against Gaia is ‘irreversible,

    So all these efforts to reduce CO2 are a waste of time.

  18. GregA says:


    Actually, you are mistaken. The social security fund depends on inflation and increasing productivity. The population need not expand for it to work.

  19. bobbo says:

    MMyers: gosh, your misapplication of facts/analysis is so complete as to look like the results of intelligent design==except for the intelligent part. The world is overpopulated now ready to add another 50% in 40 years==so yes a decrease in reproduction, even more than we already have, is rationally indicated. The fact that a falling growth of population reveals the ponzi scheme of our economic system is a problem of the economic system, not a review of the the carrying capacity of the earth. The fact that some countries have negative growth says nothing about the world as a whole.

    What a silly person you are.

    World population is currently growing by approximately 74 million people per year. If current fertility rates continued, in 2050 the total world population would be 11 billion, with 169 million people added each year. However, global fertility rates have been falling for decades, and the updated United Nations figures project that the world population will reach 9.2 billion around 2050.

  20. amodedoma says:

    #11 Ñam! Jamon Serrano is the best justification for being omnivore! That and evolution of course.

  21. bobbo says:

    #7–Named==gee, if people pointing out your lack of relevence makes them angry–it is certainly a Mad, Mad, MAD, MAD World you live in.

    A call for reduced population growth has NOTHING TO DO with decimating anyone.

    A call for reduced population growth has NOTHING TO DO with the various ecological impacts of small wasteful families vs larger impoverished families.

    Can’t you even make an attempt to be relevant????

    What next?—The lyrics from a song I will guess? Join the HMyers school of scholarly irrelevancy.

  22. caa says:

    How about being a single mother with 6 kids that has already declared bankruptcy, with no viable means of support, having another 8?

    Is that irresponsible?

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #18 Like any other species, human pop growth will reach equilibrium with available food supply. If you want to speed that process, just disallow movement of people from areas of positive growth to areas of stability or negative growth. Problem solved.

  24. bobbo says:

    #10–Benji==I was so looking forward to your intelligent input, then I read:

    Malthus, Paul R. Ehrlich, and the Church of Euthanasia are all wrong. /// Malthus is right in general==just missed the technology boom which only resets the curves, doesn’t change the ultimate outcome. Ehrlich does appear to be wrong. COE–never heard of them and don’t care to. So–you got one guy in the History of the World wrong. Smooth Mooooooth.

    Technology will always sustain a large population. /// There you go, speaking of church, religion and faith. Aren’t there several civilizations that have gone bust due to drought and agricultural failure? If you are going to trust Science to save us in the future, surely comfort can only come with at least an outline of what those discoveries will be===an that ignores what might be real limits. Take Moore’s law–its running into the law of themodynamics so we are swithcing to multi-core==not a real continuation of the law. So, we are coming to grips with a real limit to technology. Want to simply hope science will find another way ?

    None of those people killed themselves, but they complain that population growth is going to kill us all. /// Two completely different issues having nothing to do with one another yet you post as if they do. I’ll assume a long term typo?

  25. Daniel says:

    Save the planet, Kill yourself!

    Or in this case…

    Save the planet, kill your children!

  26. JimR says:

    Fertility rate in Canada is only 1.57/woman. In the US it’s 2.1 (2008)

    What’s the problem again?

  27. Hmeyers says:


    The problem is that anti-population nitwits focus their ideas on developed countries, not the overpopulated ones.

    There isn’t a birth rate problem in North America or Europe, there is a birth rate problem in poor countries.

    But these activists don’t want to fix the problem where the problem is occurring (logical) … they want to fix the problem where the problem doesn’t exist.

    So …

    Bobbo, do you believe reducing the non-problem of population growth in Europe will fix overpopulation in Africa, Asia and the Middle East? This is why I believe these people are total idiots.

    The best way to combat overpopulation risks in Europe and the United States/Canada would be a firm stance on immigration, since the Western world does not have any birth rate issues.

  28. bobbo says:

    #26–HMyers==we agree. Maybe if we talk long enough, throw out the misstatements, and hone the areas of agreement, even we can make progress?

    Wanna go back to the evolution thread and see?

    Still there is too much support for reproduction: Exh A==that crazy lady just having 8 kids on top of 6==all artificially. Now, I know she is just crazy, but she still got too much positive coverage and the Doctors that could have prevented it all say that they have no right to interfere in the reproduction choices of their patients.

    Yea right. We only allow it to happen, we still aren’t responsible.

  29. ihaveyes says:

    Someone has to say it….for those in the picture, mating at all is only a forlorn hope…it’s the regular-to-pretty people who need to worry about cutting back.

  30. JimR says:


    Highest (fertility rates)…

    Uganda 6.81, Somalia 6.6, Afghanistan 6.58, Yemen 6.41, Zambia 5.23, Nigeria 5.01, Saudi arabia 3.89, Pakistan 3.73,

    Lowest… Russia 1.4, Taiwan 1.13, Singapore 1.08

    (China is only 1.77)


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