An armed man who was locked out by angry housemates after he passed out while cooking and almost caused a fire was shot and killed early Tuesday by a police officer called to an ensuing disturbance, authorities said.
Other residents of the house told police that Paul Palmer was escorted out of the house after he lost consciousness at the stove.
Palmer, 31, then climbed onto a porch roof and broke a window to get back into the house, leading people inside to call police at about 12:15 a.m.
When officers arrived, Palmer was arguing with a resident on the second floor and had his hand in a backpack, police said in a statement. A police officer saw Palmer jump out of the upstairs window.
Officers outside saw Palmer with a gun in his hand, arguing and struggling with a female resident in the back yard.
An officer fired at least four shots when Palmer refused to drop the gun and aimed it at the officer, police said. Palmer was wounded in the head, chest and leg and died at Allegheny General Hospital minutes later.
Associated Press – February 3, 2009:
This is how Curry bites it. Suicide by cop.
Yea, lately C-SPAN has been making me want to do this also.
Except naked.
Sounds like a waste of skin.
Another NRA-sponsored death.
Live by the sword, die by the sword…
Why did they put him outside when he had passed out?
Sounds like his housemates needed shooting…and the cop too.
The message should be that the sherry goes in the dinner, not the gullet.
Did this guy really have a gun or did the cops put that there afterward. I mean who the hell uses a gun to argue with their housemates.
There is something really wrong with this story.
If your that stupid you deserve to be shot
#9 Unfortunately, I can think of any number of arguements where the drunk feels he needs for the gun in his hand to make his point. It is usually followed by the gun “accidentally” firing, wounding or killing someone. “I didn’t think it was loaded” is also commonly heard afterward.
That he refused to drop it, and may have even pointed it at a police officer just reinforces my belief that guns and intoxication should never meet.