Hey, oblivious, slow-walking sidewalk blocker – you’ve been named Public Enemy No. 1. About 29 percent of 2,300 respondents to a survey by snarky Brooklyn-based Web site People Who Deserve It agreed that it would be “socially responsible” to “punch you in the face.” “Everybody hates you,” seethed the site’s Williamsburg Web masters, two ad copywriters. “You clog our sidewalks and subway platforms. You make us late and irritable. You ruin the morning before the day even starts. “You’re going to get punched in the face. And it’s nobody’s fault but your own.”

(Click photo to enlarge.)

Sidewalk blockers top the list of the 10 New York types who deserve a beatdown. Self-important Bluetooth guy was the second most hated. Twenty-four percent wanted to punch him because he wears his cellphone earpiece – even on planes, in movie theaters, and in bathrooms – prompting people to surmise he’s “either crazy or really annoying.”

“If I ran things, any scan over the limit would trigger a trap door under Express Checkout Cheater,” one Web site visitor wrote. The impatient subway boarder – described as “brainless salmon people, desperately trying to swim upstream” – narrowly beat out full-volume headphone guy for fourth place in the poll. Three percent of those polled said it’s time for serious payback for those carrying their monster umbrella in a way that could take an eye out. Tandem sidewalk tourists who walk hand-in-hand during rush hour, and ungrateful homeless guys who look at the change you give them with disdain rounded out the Top 10.

Tandem sidewalk gawking tourists are at the top of my list. So what makes you Cranky?

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    What’s a “runaround cabby”?

    I would add to the list bloggers who always go off topic just to continue their never ending war of words that amounts to nothing more than ego masturbation.

    I’d name names, but we and they know who they are…

  2. Uncle Patso says:

    # 29 LBalsam said, in part:

    “I am legally blind so I walk slowly especially in crowds. since I don’t want to walk into people.”

    Dude, seriously, get yourself one of those collapsible white canes, even if it’s only for protective coloration.

    # 31 BigBoyBC said, in part:

    “I would add to the list bloggers who always go off topic just to continue their never ending war of words that amounts to nothing more than ego masturbation.”

    Okay, you caught me…

  3. amodedoma says:

    It’s a cabby that gives you the run around. That is he takes the route that he can make the most money on. Takes the the longest route to avoid a supposed traffic jam or heads into a traffic jam when he knows a quicker alternative.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Again, I was at the grocery store today. Trying to beat the next snow storm, and stock up for a few days of cabin fever. Anyway, about 10% of the shoppers had their hand glued to their head. Holding up a cellphone the entire time they were there. And they reminded me of zombies from one those classic horror movies. Night of the Living Dead, or something. Only those movie zombie paid more attention to what was going on around them. So I guess this analogy was unfair to zombies. I apologize. Never thought I ever say that!


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