Flies and moths are naturally attracted to light. This lamp shade has holes based on the form of the pitcher plant enabling access for the insects but no escape. Eventually they expire and fall into the microbial fuel cell underneath. This generates the electricity to power a series of LEDs located at the bottom of the shade. These are activated when the house lights are turned off.

More carnivorous robots and whateverthehelltheyare devices here.

  1. joaoPT says:

    Carnivorous robots!

    Finally, a sense of purpose for all that Bad Robot Sci-fi…

  2. Bzzzzt says:

    Let me discect the thing and show you the rechargeable battery.

  3. Marc Perkel says:

    They could use the same technology to power electric chairs in prisons where the body of the previous inmate is used to power the chair for the next inmate.

  4. RobUng says:

    Just one more step toward bowing down to our Robot overlords.

  5. ECA says:

    I know ALLOT of companies(dairies) in my area that would LOVE these..great place to test them WORKING..

  6. Stu Mulne says:

    Nutty, but potentially useful in places with a lot of surplus bugs and little electricity or sunlight (for solar cells).

    Wonder what it’d smell like in a few months?

    The idea of using this method to power an electric chair is interesting, but I doubt if the math works. Not to mention the lawsuits when the familys want the bodies back….

  7. Kanjy says:

    Maybe this technology could be used to fuel vehicles that frequently travel down bug-infested roads (those ones where your windshield is covered in bugs within minutes).

  8. bobsyeruncle says:

    Oh yeah. This is one technology that will NEVER backfire.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Domestic Carnivorous Entertainment Robots? Willy Wonka said it best, “Ewww?” Me thinks somebody’s been watching “The Matrix” too many times. Got a fly problem? Get some Venus Flytrap plants. Who needs an electro-mechanical fly digester, you still have to clean, every so often?

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #7 Or, for a car that travels on pedestrian infested roads. Like NYC…


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