Daylife/Reuters Pictures
Iceland has announced a new government that will be headed by the modern world’s first openly gay leader. Johanna Sigurdardottir was named new prime minister by the country’s coalition political parties.
“The government inherits enormous difficulties due to the banking and systemic collapse as well as considerable and rapidly increasing foreign debts and liabilities of the national economy,” the new coalition said in a statement. It said its priorities would be replacing the board of governors of the central bank and to ask a parliamentary committee to look at the possibility of entering the European Union.
‘Liberal voters’Ms Sigurdardottir, a former social affairs minister, is the member of the Social Democratic Alliance.
The 66-year-old’s appointment as interim leader – until elections in May – is seen by many as a milestone for the gay and lesbian movement, correspondents say.
“I don’t think her sexual orientation matters. Our voters are pretty liberal, they don’t care about any of that,” Skuli Helgeson, Social Democratic Alliance’s general secretary, told the BBC.
Ms Sigurdardottir – who has never hidden her sexuality – is, nevetherless, very private about her personal life, never discussing it in public. She married her companion Jonina Ledsdottir in 2002. She is one of Iceland’s most popular politicians.
It matters, of course, to the world of bigots.
I am sure she’ll be able to plug that financial dyke and keep it from gushing.
Yep, if she can keep her face between the hedges the sweet juice of success will flow until there is an explosion of prosperity.
How Juvenile!!!
These are times of urgent need to clean up the shit left behind by all the stuffy, dick-less, sex-less conservatives all over. Wow.
It’s common knowledge that when gays move in the neighborhood, they clean it up, restore it and property values go up. Then, straights couple bored with the sterile suburbs migrate into these trendy areas and the gays start to move out.
This is a natural urban renewal cycle. Only now it is happening at a higher level.
Who the hell cares if she’s gay or not. Oh thats right, shes an abomination in the eyes of God. My bad.
#4 Wow Dallas, that’s the most cogent theory of societal renewal I’ve ever read.
Society makes a distinction between accepting lesbians and gay guys.
Lesbians are everywhere. Gay guys are shunned.
# 4 Dallas said, “It’s common knowledge that when gays move in the neighborhood, they clean it up, restore it and property values go up.”
Yes, that’s true as far as is goes.
Here’s what I’ve seen in the L.A. area. I’ll use Silver Lake as an example.
Predominately white area that was very nice got over run by 3rd world minorities and went to hell. Gays moved in and did exactly what Dallas wrote. Gen Y? (Kids of the Boomers) came flocking in to take advantage of what the gays accomplished.
I’ve seen the exact same scenario a few times.
#8 wiglebot. Hmmmm, never thought of that before.
#9 Paddy-O same here. Chased those crazy Italians out of Bridgeland. And you what they’re like.
Iceland needs strong leadership and the sense to depart from the failed policies of the morally bankrupt politicians and their rapacious masters in the private sector.
May We all have the best of luck in the forthcoming struggle to dismount the yoke of tyranny from the profit driven taskmasters.
Besides,I heard once that they taste like chicken.
# 10 QB said, “And you what they’re like.”
Sorry? Can you repost, in English?
#9 Paddy-O, QB.. so we agree on one thing. Yay!
We are starting the new year a little bit better.
I credit the magical powers of Obama t right here to bring such opposing points of view together. The guy is pretty awesome and just saw somewhere his IQ is like 130- wow. Compare that to Bush at 13.
I wish the new prime minister well and see Iceland crawling with homos in no time. I believe track lighting sales have spiked just in the last week.
# 13 Dallas said, “Paddy-O, QB.. so we agree on one thing.”
I always agree with truth…
“It matters, of course, to the world of bigots.”
And to tired blog editors apparently too.
I would have liked Bjork better, but they can do that later maybe.
It matters, of course, to the world of bigots
As in anti-religion bigots?
I am an Icelander and really could not care less about our prime ministers sexuality. I want a way out of our financial crisis, mostly created by stupid, greedy, heterosexual males. (and no I am not a lesbian).
Iceland’s economy was riding extremely high on the insane financial bubble (it put our own “irrational exuberance” to shame), and consequently has fallen correspondingly low in the subsequent collapse. If the people if Iceland can salvage some measure of prosperity from it all, there is some hope for the U.S. and for the rest of Europe. Best of luck to Ms. Sigurdardottir and all the Icelanders.
The best wishes to the Prime Minister and all Iceland.
Her personal life is none of my business. What she does in office is.
‘Cepting, of course, as long as she doesn’t cross any generally accepted unacceptable lines in her personal life. I’m thinking really degenerate stuff like, I dunno, more than one wife, that sort of thing.
Problems all solved!
#20 Mr Fusion
>>Her personal life is none of my business. What she does in office is.
That’s not a very good method of judging a politician. I suppose under that criteria the private life of Mayor Jeffery Dahmer wouldn’t have mattered as long as Atlanta was running smooth.
Judging from the tax cheats and scoundrels now in office perhaps it’s time for a new criteria that includes looking into the private lives of those with the power to rob us blind.
this is about as newsworthy as Obama being left handed.
#23, ‘tempt,
Mayor Jeffery Dahmer
I didn’t know Atlanta ever had a Jeffery Dalmer for a mayor. Criminal acts have always been a police matter. If he is arrested and jailed then of course he becomes incapable of performing his job as mayor.
But it is none of my business to know if he (or any politician) has been married x number of times or walks around his house nude. Although I do care about those not paying their taxes, I am more interested in if they take money from the public trough.
#25 Mr Fusion
You are right, Atlanta never had a Mayor Jeffery Dahmer. My point is what do we really know about any of the people we elect? In way too many cases a “R” or “D” is all that matters.
I’ve found that you can tell a lot about people just observing the way they live. It’s just basic common sense not to make the private life of politicians out-of-bounds.
#26, ‘tempt,
Do you mean things like Sarah Palin’s two grand kids? Or how about John McCain screwing another woman while his wife is gravely injured and in the hospital? Or Larry Craig toe tapping in a public washroom? Or Newt Gingrich nor only screwing his secretary, but serving divorce papers on his wife, right after cancer surgery, in the hospital? Or George Bush drinking himself stupid.
I have a difficult time accepting that these things had any effect on your thinking.
# 27 Mr. Fusion said, “Or George Bush drinking himself stupid.”
Exactly. Or, Obama being a coke head…
#17 Mr Fusion
All politicians from both parties should be held to the same standard. The sooner we realize it is not Democrat vs Republican, but citizens against government, the better off we will be.
#28, Cow-Paddy,
So Obama was a “coke head”? Would you care to back up your claim. Of course, you do realize there is a difference between someone who has tried a drug and someone who is addicted.