Araceli Castro, right, who identified herself as the nanny. Courtesy AP

Octuplets’ Grandmother: My Daughter Was Obsessed With Having Children

The mother of six who gave birth to octuplets in California this week just wanted “one more girl” and was obsessed with having children, her mother said.

Nadya Suleman, 33, conceived all 14 of her babies through in vitro fertilization, her mother told The Associated Press. She isn’t married and has been fixated on being a mother since she was a teenager, Angela Suleman said.

Last year, Nadya Suleman decided to have more embryos implanted, hoping to have “just one more girl,” her mother told The Los Angeles Times.

“And look what happened. Octuplets. Dear God,” Angela Suleman told the newspaper Friday. She said she wasn’t supportive of her daughter’s decision to try to get pregnant again.

She said she warned her daughter, “I’m going to be gone” when she gets home from the hospital.

Reports Friday cast Nadya Suleman in an unflattering light. CBS News reported that the single mother filed for bankruptcy and abandoned her home less than two years ago.

Fourteen kids and a free ride at Mom’s? That doesn’t seem right, somehow.

  1. joan says:

    I’m old enough to remember when people like this were put into mental hospitals and their children were put into orphanages or up for adoption. We now have created, over the past 40 very odd years, a society in which crazy people are allowed to do pretty much whatever they want, under the protection of “freedom”. This woman cannot support herself or her existing children, and certainly cannot afford this new batch of 8. She has no resources to raise them, financially or socially (even her own mother is bailing out), and…she’s obviously CRAZY. How can we condemn all these children to be raised by this lunatic?

    In a responsible, sane society, this woman would be put into a mental hospital, have her tubes tied, the doctors would be tried for malpractice, and all these children would be put into an orphanage, and hopefully all adopted out as they are all pretty young. So many people would love to have babies – we need to take care of existing children and not create endless supplies of new ones to fulfill some individual’s insane longings. But we live in a topsy turvy world where no one takes responsibility for anything anymore so these children will grow up neglected and this nut will probably continue to produce even more….

  2. Dallas says:

    PWT (poor white trash) at it’s finest. And what does the Catholic church say about this?

    Papal Commission on Birth Control?
    Commission voted 30-5 to relax the concerns on birth control. Pope Paul VI in Humanae Vitae reiterated the anti-birth-control stance. He said “..fearing the governments could force sterilization..”. His final point is “..God created sex to create children..”

    So there you have it. Thank good there are “only” 1.1 Billion of them.

  3. Special Ed says:

    #32 – Popie just wants to refresh the pool for the pedophile priests.

  4. GF says:

    #32 I believe she is of Arabic decent and is probably not Catholic.

    The irony is that she use to work as a psychiatric technician. She is divorced and after she was injured on the job she decided to start having kids.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, joan, aka Cow-Paddy

    In a responsible, sane society, this woman would be put into a mental hospital, have her tubes tied, the doctors would be tried for malpractice, … .

    Don’t you mean in a repressed society where the fundamentalists get to enforce the rules?

    So she had a bunch of kids. Big deal, that is not illegal. If it was so detrimental to society then the Social Services could have had her committed, but they didn’t. There are no reports of her being a danger to herself or others and any suggestion would just be your already biased opinion.

    This woman cannot support herself or her existing children, and certainly cannot afford this new batch of 8.

    Can you back that up? Do you know her finances?

    There is also nothing saying that she is living off of the State. In a TV interview, the grandfather stated that they were sufficiently wealthy to care for the children themselves. He also expressed a desire for the news reporters to get the hell out of his face.

    So many people would love to have babies – we need to take care of existing children and not create endless supplies of new ones to fulfill some individual’s insane longings.

    Every State has a long list of children waiting to be adopted. Many of these children will go their entire life without a home they can call their own. When the fundies start worrying about those children then maybe their interference into other people’s lives can carry some weight.

    But we live in a topsy turvy world where no one takes responsibility for anything anymore so these children will grow up neglected and this nut will probably continue to produce even more….

    And people like you will continue to place your judgment values on others with little or no knowledge of their lives. Eff you joan / Cow-Paddy. Worry about your own sorry excuse of a life.

  6. meetsy says:

    You guys don’t seem to get it “have her tubes tied” HELLO…what is the need, she can’t get pregnant via the ol’in-out, she has concieved all her little spawn via medical intervention. She has “blocked fallopian tubes”. What does that mean? Nature tied her tubes…and if nature had been the ruling party…she would have ZERO kids.
    She had some money at some point to pay for egg harvesting, she probably bought some sperm from a sperm bank…and then who knows? Did she scam or manipulate the system? Maybe. (She has worked in the medical field.) I’m sure what happened was the embryo holding facility wanted the payments to keep them frozen…she probably said “heck, I’ll just shove them all in and give them a chance”. (Some women see the frozen embryos as beings, thanks to the modern Christian anti-choice brainwashing). her mother said “she couldn’t reduce the number of fetus’, she said it would be killing”.
    The mother is PART OF THE PROBLEM! What a limp wristed victim standing on the sidelines quarterbacking. Bashing her daughter in public, but never doing anything to stop this insanity?!! She could have stepped up to the parent plate and petitioned to have some of the fetus’ aborted. Give me a break. She could have proven that her daughter was of unsound mind. Did she? No. First she defends her idiot offspring, then she turns on her, and now she “won’t be there when you get out of the hospital”. HELLO….didn’t she have some clue for the last 7-8 months that this was going to happen? The mother is an idiot, and obviously the daughter didn’t fall far from the tree.
    Yes the crazy single mother of 8 more is SICK. She’s crazy. She’s irresponsible and an idiot. But, she is getting the attention she wants, and praise, too. There are those amongst us who will celebrate her as some sort of tommy-gun vagina super-mother, ideal female, able to shit them one-after-another in the ultimate “pregnant and barefoot” insanity that plagues the biblebelt. It’s outstanding in it’s lack of regard for the planet, for the millions of orphaned kids crawling the earth, blind to any ability to support these ‘fruit of the loins’ innocents, or even provide the most marginal life for them. She’s a hero..she didn’t abort any of them. She’s a martyr.
    Watch her get a television show next to the little people, Jon and Kate, the family with 18 or whatever other crap the cable channels can come up with. Watch Oprah pay the 2 million. Watch all the other idiot interview shows want to interview her. Watch her get a book deal, or a documentary deal….and then, as interest fades, watch her live high on the hog on welfare. (She’s already on disability from a work related injury…) Uggh. What a world we live in.
    Lets just all urge CPS to take the kids. After all, what are 8 more disabled, unable to be adopted (due to the lengthy process of terminating a parents rights) kids in the California foster system?
    A drop in the overflowing bucket.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 30 Mr. Fusion said, “Do you really think so? Maybe you have something to back that up.”

    Are you insane or, do you live in a cave?

  8. ECA says:

    do it this way..
    SHE IS 27, and has 14 kids..Is proof enough..AND those 14 were all delivered in 7 years..Thats MORE proof.

    Its nice to have allot of kids. BUT you raise 1-2 for about 4 years years, to HELP raise the next 1-2, and soforth..

    1-2 kids is nice, you can help them, praise them, and control them.. Even having the 3-4th in 6 years can be fun, and the older kids help teach the younger.

    THIS isnt a puppy mill. In nature, she would have lost over 1/2 the kids to starvation.
    Even in the OLD farm style, where you have KIDS to help around the farm, you DONT have MORE then you can feed, YOURSELF.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #37, Cow-Paddt,

    Yup. Just another of your stupid claims you won’t back up.

  10. MLO says:

    Until you require licenses to those who just having sex to keep their kids, do not even go there with fertility treatments. You are full of it unless it is applied across the board.

    This woman is being pilloried in the online infertility community – from the first story about her. We hate her for what she has done in her selfishness. She is a selfish, selfish, immature brat – nothing more (and I could use much stronger language).

    She should have her children taken from her for choosing to either go against doctor’s orders and having sex via a canceled IUI, having 8 embryos transferred, or going to MEXICO to have this done. All possibilities. I do not trust there is accurate reporting on this because most patients barely know the difference between an IUI, IVF, and fertility drugs. I would not trust what this grandmother says.

    This woman deserves no money, and if it is given her, it should be confiscated by the state of California for all expenses incurred by the state in the care of these newborns.

    She has acted in a manner to endanger both her older children and these newborns. The maternal mortality rate in higher order multiples is quite high and she willingly risked her children’s future of having a mother.

    I don’t know all the facts – and no one does – but the more I hear, the more I suspect some sort of medical fraud. I hope there is a police investigation.

    This falls outside of the realm of normal medical practice and the medical community is condemning it as malpractice on the part of the doctor who transferred these embryos. At least, if what we have heard is true.

  11. doug says:

    #29. “A woman’s right to choose is not subject to restriction.”

    oopsie – you are on the wrong side of this debate. if those frozen embryos are people with rights (as the anti-choice crowd claims), don’t they have the right to be set free from their icy freezer prison? and the more the better?

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, MLO,

    What the eff are you babbling about? You are screaming the mother did wrong yet you admit you don’t the facts. Who the hell died and put you in charge?

    This woman deserves no money, and if it is given her, it should be confiscated by the state of California for all expenses incurred by the state in the care of these newborns.

    How much has the State spent so far? Oh, right, you have no idea. FYI, the vast majority of the costs will be for the babies, not her.

    She has acted in a manner to endanger both her older children and these newborns. The maternal mortality rate in higher order multiples is quite high and she willingly risked her children’s future of having a mother.

    It is called a high risk pregnancy. As with anything, there is risk. Although it is not as common as it once was, birth is still risky for both, child and mother. HOWEVER, you can not claim she is irresponsible because she had given birth; that is a natural right to control her own body. Damn, I sure hope you aren’t claiming you should have any say over what she does with her body.

    I don’t know all the facts – and no one does – but the more I hear, the more I suspect some sort of medical fraud. I hope there is a police investigation.

    Why should the police investigate when you even admit you know of no law being broken. Unless there is a valid complaint of a law having been broken, that would be harassment.

    This falls outside of the realm of normal medical practice and the medical community is condemning it as malpractice on the part of the doctor who transferred these embryos. At least, if what we have heard is true.

    And what you have heard is mostly conjecture and hearsay. If you don’t know the facts, then shut the eff up. There are enough problems in the world without you getting your lacy undies in a bunch over something none of your business and which you are ignorant of.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    KD Martin is right. What’s up with these clinics? Nobody’s holding them responsible for catering to this woman’s lunacy. Here we have responsible people, who can’t get a loan from the banks for a home or car. Or to keep their small business afloat. But this fertility clinic doesn’t care what this woman’s financial status is. They take her pocket money, and squirt some more embryos into her. And all this time, the government has had this ban on Stem Cell research. Because they pretend to care about human egg cells being messed around with. But it’s OK to embryo implant to the limit, any nut job that wants to. With little regulation or oversight as to who gets these. Disregarding all the precautionary state laws forbidding marriages to close relatives, to prevent birth defects. But there’s nothing stopping sperm/egg donors from being being as prolific as they want.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #43, Glenn,

    What’s up with these clinics? Nobody’s holding them responsible for catering to this woman’s lunacy.

    What she does with her body is none of your concern. If she wants to tatto the Charge of the Light Brigade, that is her choice. If she want to sleep with 10 guys or 0 guys in one night, again, that is her choice. If she wants to wear adult diapers to bed, that is her choice. If she wants to have several of her frozen embryos implanted at one time, again THAT IS HER CHOICE.

    Here we have responsible people, who can’t get a loan from the banks for a home or car.

    A totally different story. I hope you aren’t feeling the effects of the economy too strongly, but that is totally irrelevant.

    But this fertility clinic doesn’t care what this woman’s financial status is.

    Why should they care? As far as I know, her check cleared. They were her embryos. It was her uterus. There is no law against doing this. They might very well have been successfully sued if they refused.

    And all this time, the government has had this ban on Stem Cell research.

    Again, totally irrelevant. And BTW, there was never a ban on stem cell research. There was a ban on using Federal money for stem cell research but private research was never stopped.

    With little regulation or oversight as to who gets these.

    Which makes what she did legal and none of your business.

    Disregarding all the precautionary state laws forbidding marriages to close relatives, to prevent birth defects.

    Is there any evidence that she used sperm from a close relative?

    Can you actually point to humans actually passing on birth defects by close marriage? A good scientific study, not anecdotal stories.


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