Araceli Castro, right, who identified herself as the nanny. Courtesy AP
Octuplets’ Grandmother: My Daughter Was Obsessed With Having Children
The mother of six who gave birth to octuplets in California this week just wanted “one more girl” and was obsessed with having children, her mother said.
Nadya Suleman, 33, conceived all 14 of her babies through in vitro fertilization, her mother told The Associated Press. She isn’t married and has been fixated on being a mother since she was a teenager, Angela Suleman said.
Last year, Nadya Suleman decided to have more embryos implanted, hoping to have “just one more girl,” her mother told The Los Angeles Times.
“And look what happened. Octuplets. Dear God,” Angela Suleman told the newspaper Friday. She said she wasn’t supportive of her daughter’s decision to try to get pregnant again.
She said she warned her daughter, “I’m going to be gone” when she gets home from the hospital.
Reports Friday cast Nadya Suleman in an unflattering light. CBS News reported that the single mother filed for bankruptcy and abandoned her home less than two years ago.
Fourteen kids and a free ride at Mom’s? That doesn’t seem right, somehow.
Once in awhile you see a story that makes the case against science without even trying.
Case against science? I hope that’s a joke. What about all the women who really want children and this is their only hope? Science is just a tool, and this woman obviously misused it, just as some people misuse alcohol or guns.
I guess all the adoption agencies have closed and there aren’t any more orphans around so we need to research all this fertility stuff?
This story has nothing to do with science and everything to do with a negligent doctor who should have his license suspended for a year or so: no more than two embryo’s at a time.
Pretty obvious the chick needed psychiatric care.
So, Gary===what do we think when more facts come out? Nut bag scientist, or religionist just trusting in god (yes, while getting in vitro==thats how crazy they are.)
bobbo and I agree? It’s a red letter day. From #2, so does BubbaRay.
This clinic needs some kind of oversight.
Relax, BubbaRay. ‘Twas a joke.
I know, bobbo, maybe the doctor has Alzheimer’s, and three times forgot that he’d already implanted a couple of embryos, and so he put in two more. But most doctors who have commented so far seem to agree that anything over 3 is disturbing and raises serious questions of medical ethics.
Single mother with 14 kids and the California taxpayers get to pay for the ride. This welfare thing is working out really well don’t you think?
#6–Gary===YOU are DANGEROUS!!!!!!!
We also shouldn’t forget what unfavorable odds a child has, being born so prematurely. Preemie babies have a higher risk of respiratory problems, neurological disorders including deafness, various organ ailments, and the simple risk of early childhood mortality. This woman has definitely not done her children any favors in terms of their long term health issues.
Between the woman and her doctor, at least one of them should be semi-sane and able to make responsible decisions (or limit choices).
#7 – The family you pictured has had all the kids naturally and is financially capable of having and raising the kids. They may be different, but at least I don’t pay for them.
#4 – I agree, no more than 2 at a time in someone this young. My wife and I considered invitro and the Doctor was very clear saying that he would never do more than 2 for someone so young. Irresponsible and I hope the Doctor’s name is released, people should know not to go to this Doctor ever.
It is amusing. Men are crazy brutes raping and killing to go all alpha male, forming gangs in prison, and governments on the outside.
Women are nuturing mother earth types bearing and raising kiddies, forming families in prison, and families on the outside.
No reason at all not to recognize we are all the same.
May I suggest tying her tubes now?
1. does the MOTHER have a job?
3. NO husband?? She wants the kids and no husband?
4. Bankruptcy?? and MOVED home to save money?? and she wants MORE KIDS?? ALL from Invitro??
This person has a MENTAL disability, I give it LESS then 1 year and the state will take the kids.
It’s interesting how quickly attitudes towards this woman have changed. This morning, my mother and sister were talking about how amazing this was, then they saw the news taking about her other six kids, unmarried (according to report) and that doctor’s don’t implant that many embrios at one time.
They both did a major 180 in their attitudes, now their pissed off, think the mother is nuts and should have the kids taken away.
The mind of women, go figure…
(Mother’s, sister’s, and mother of eight)
What a wonderful story of 8 beautiful new babies being born into a world of hate. And learning there are 6 already, making 14 is just awesome! What a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a really big family and for many others to be touched by them. I must say, negative comments about the doctors, scientists, and mother, and statements that there should be limits on the ability to procreate, and taxes are worth about as much as the electrons paper my comment here is printed on.
Glory be to those who support and nurture LIFE and respect of all beings.
What do you bet laws will be passed over this.
If foster parents and adoptive parents have to go through rigorous screening, how come there is no screening parents for in vitro fertilization?
#1 the exact opposite is true, Once in a while you get a story that makes the case against pro-life advocacy without even trying.
And who is going to pay for it?
NOT her.
The STATE will subsidize her. YOUR taxes.
ASK any mother about taking care of 3 kids. ITS A JOB.
NOW try 14.
THINK about 14 kids, delivered in 7 years. yes, the oldest is 7.
NO father, paramour, Lover,to HELP, work, PAY for these kids living and education.
and the ODDS say the state will probably TAKE THEM AWAY(at least most of them) and YOU WILL STILL PAY for them.
#16, Oh God,
Glory be to those who support and nurture LIFE and respect of all beings.
And a couple of hallelujahs too. And don’t forget the old Praise the Lord and pass the ammo. And while we’re at it, why not bring a few more mouths into a home unable to care for them. Yup, pray for her then after the birth let’s all ignore her and her brood. Shit, we can even condemn her for being so selfish to want “just one more girl”.
The stupid bitch should have had at least half of them aborted.
Who paid for this procedure? As I understand it in vitro fertilization isn’t cheap.
#16, I sure hope that’s sarcasm. There won’t be much “nurturing” in a home with one parent and 14 tiny mouths to feed. These poor kids have been born into a non-family with an apparently very disturbed mother that has little money and a grandma that’s about to leave. Yeah, that’s nurturing all right. Pray in one hand and cry in the other, see which one fills up first.
Why get a job at a group home or orphanage, when you can jut pop one out of your cootch?
I want to know what doctor decided that this was a good idea. He should have his license pulled.
This woman should have her tubes tied. She seems to have mental issues.
The article forgot to mention the news story yesterday where she is demanding $2 million dollars from Oprah or some other TV show in order to offset the cost of raising 14 kids. She is also seeking a sponsorship from a diaper company, calculating that she will need about 250 diapers a week.
It could well be that she could not afford 7 more kids, but could do quite nicely on 8 more?
A welfare single mom with 14 kids and no job who gets IVF to have the last 8??
This is a job for…
Obamaman…leaping tall heaps of freshly printed US currency to hand out to the downtrodden and disadvantaged..
Obamaman…giving tax breaks and welfare checks to those who obviously need it more than the producers and those who are successful and responsible.
Obamaman…righting every wrong and returning the universe to its rightful position…
US laws doesn’t matter. There are medical facilities worldwide that will perform procedures US physicians will not. You can get transplants and tooth implants for half of what US prices are. Major surgery in a country you can’t drink the water in. Less not forget US fertility clinics are in it for profit also. They treated the wrong end of this woman. It’s a good thing CA has all that budget surplus.
Now that’s funny.
Well let’s see.
1) Welfare state will pay the bills.
2) A woman’s right to choose is not subject to restriction.
3) Doctors have to perform procedures even if they think it’s unethical (according to libs)
These policies work well, I think. Let’s hear no more complaints about this…
#29, Cow-Paddy,
Trolling again.
1) Welfare state will pay the bills.
Do you really think so? Maybe you have something to back that up.
2) A woman’s right to choose is not subject to restriction.
Why should it be. If you want to restrict her body then why can’t we also restrict yours? If you have an argument because a woman “abused” her “right to choose”, then maybe we can use that exact same argument with gun owners.
3) Doctors have to perform procedures even if they think it’s unethical (according to libs)
They do? As I understand it, physicians may not discriminate but that doesn’t include unethical procedures.
All this sounds more like typical right wing nut trolling.