
  1. Uns4ne says:

    Simple rulzerz.

    If your holding hands and frolicking in the park. Your buddy might go down. Pick him up and carry him to safety. If you can’t do that don’t play, please.

  2. LinusVP says:

    Not that’s entertainment! Was that Johnny Knoxville and Steve O?

  3. Amar says:

    Dumb is as dumb dose

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    Two former Bush Treasury Department appointees trying to escape their responsibility for the depression we’re in.

  5. LibertyLover says:

    Two citizens running from Congressional Looters. Unfortunately, their public education didn’t prepare them for thinking on their feet.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, Loser,

    OK, that gets an A+.

  7. LibertyLover says:

    #6, Poison Twin,

    Even the sun will shine on a dog’s butt every now and then.


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