Mount Redoubt volcano in Alaska expected to erupt ‘within days’ | Los Angeles Times

Fox News is reporting: “Mount Redoubt continues to rumble and simmer, prompting geologists to say this Alaska volcano could erupt “within days.”

The Anchorage Daily News cautions: “Mount Redoubt is still rumbling and simmering, prompting geologists to repeat their warning that an eruption may be imminent.”

It would not be a pleasant period in Anchorage if Redoubt were to blow its top, if its previous eruption is any indication.

For five months beginning in December 1989, smoke and ash from the 10,197-foot peak disrupted international air traffic and deposited volcanic dust throughout the Anchorage region

  1. Dallas says:

    I sorta list interest in Alaska a of late. Still, I wish them well.

  2. Improbus says:

    To quote our Ex-Vice President, “So?’.

  3. brian t says:

    I can just imagine how the Governor’s going to react. “How come I can’t see Russia any more?”

  4. Uns4ne says:

    Wow the irony, Yesterday my son was asking me how volcanoes were made and Anchorage is one the cities I’m planing on taking my family on our next out of state vacation. Maybe we’ll get some science action out of this.

    BTW, Only the evangelicals up there would be sweating this. If you didn’t know the seismic activity that Anchorage experiences on a frequent(monthly) basis is the same stuff California get national headlines for every few years. Anchorage is built for it.

  5. Hugh Ripper says:

    Traditionally, this calls for a human sacrifice. Any suggestions?

  6. Uns4ne says:

    Can I get my 5 minutes of edit power now.

  7. Troublemaker says:

    Don’t worry… Sarah will save them all.

    Then again, maybe God is punishing Alaska because of her.


  8. Lou says:

    I’m waiting for the story about the old guy who won’t get off the mountain.

  9. Nimby says:

    Has this eruption been cleared by Al Gore’s team of crack(pot) scientists? Best get the CO2 monitors set up immediately so we know how many carbon offsets we need to buy for this act of blatant environmental warfare. My god, do you know how many cow farts a volcanic eruption is equal to in terms of global warming!!!

    I think the eruption should be postponed until we can study the possible effects more completely.

  10. chuck says:

    Interesting little fact:
    When Mount St Helen’s erupted, it produced more greenhouse gases (methane, co2, etc) than all the cars in the U.S. produce in one year.

    Where can we get the carbon credits?

  11. Uns4ne says:

    Thanks #10 We’ll be watching.

    #11 don’t forget that point of view. That’s a primary key to unraveling the evangelical tangent of B.S., because one of those tards is going to bring it up eventually, and someone might want to think it through and beat them to the punch.

  12. AKfam says:

    Obviously you are all idiots. What if it were happening to one of you. Your spouse was deployed and you had to rely only on yourself to protect your children. We don’t know what will happen, so stop bashing us…instead of your rediculous comments, how about some prayers????

  13. Uns4ne says:

    #13 no 1 bashed U, And if your were familiar with the local drills you have little to worry about.

  14. AKfam says:

    14…Do you live here??? There hasn’t been any local drills that I am aware of…why would you bash me…I am NOT a tard or any of the other mean ass things you have said. Pull your head out.

  15. Uns4ne says:


    You children know the drills even if you don’t. They don’t teach survival in church.

  16. MotaMan says:

    Hey nimby/chuck

    Ballard claims to have observed plumes of methane coming from cracks on the ocean floor, the ocean is a big place.


    My prayer

    Dear god,

    Please bury AKfam under a pile of burning ash, so I don’t have to put up with her mindless bitch driveling.


    your friend MotaMan

  17. BubbaRay says:

    #17, there is enough methane buried on the ocean floor to (maybe) turn Earth into Venus, or to harness a good source of energy.

    Here’s the link.

  18. MotaMan says:

    I was thinking in that direction while I was looking into oceanic methane, your map makes me think that this can be either really good or really bad.

  19. Uns4ne says:

    AKfam= something close to Paddy_0. If I’m wrong prove it.


    I’m totality more worried about the trapped carbon than what were puffin to the clouds in our stacks.

  20. Dallas says:

    As Bill Clinton once said.. “She’s gonna Blow! “

  21. CO2 causes Nancy Pelosi 2Fart Bills says:

    This eruption is caused by global warming of course. Alaska will soon be facing a massive carbon bill sent directly from Al Gore’s mansion and Nancy Pelosi’s house (of cards) that will be all tumbling down.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, AK,

    I am NOT a tard or any of the other mean ass things you have said.

    Gee, I thought you already showed us you were in # 13,

    … instead of your rediculous comments, how about some prayers????

    If your “god” put that volcano there, why would you move your ass next to it and then ask “god” to turn his volcano off? That sure seems to indicate you are a retard.

    I love you religious nuts. Your “god” gives you cancer, in his infinite wisdom, then you pray he cures you? If “god” has some great plan, why do you think he should change it for someone as insignificant as one of those little beings he created that always screw up?

    Yup, you guys are a laugh a minute.

  23. orangetiki says:

    even the volcano gods hate sarah palin

  24. jimbo says:


    Pray somewhere else, this site caters for those of us with braincells.

    God won’t save you from your ignorance

  25. AlgoreIsWorseThanHitler says:

    Love it. That thing may be the only thing that can release more gas than Al himself.

  26. Widgethead says:

    Get ready for some global cooling after she blows. I seem to recall that the dust from Mt. St. Helen’s went into the upper atmosphere and cooled the planet for a few years from reflection of light. This actual might prove to be a good thing, to cool things down a bit. I think global warming might be occurring, but man-made global warming is a new religion.

  27. Dugzor says:

    I grew up in AK, and I remember the last time that thing went up. The skies were dark for weeks, and people are STILL finding piles of ash around. Redoubt is relatively secluded, though. I wouldn’t be too worried about actual property damage.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, Hitler,

    Gee, that is almost as much as you?


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