Mount Redoubt volcano in Alaska expected to erupt ‘within days’ | Los Angeles Times

Fox News is reporting: “Mount Redoubt continues to rumble and simmer, prompting geologists to say this Alaska volcano could erupt “within days.”

The Anchorage Daily News cautions: “Mount Redoubt is still rumbling and simmering, prompting geologists to repeat their warning that an eruption may be imminent.”

It would not be a pleasant period in Anchorage if Redoubt were to blow its top, if its previous eruption is any indication.

For five months beginning in December 1989, smoke and ash from the 10,197-foot peak disrupted international air traffic and deposited volcanic dust throughout the Anchorage region

  1. ethanol says:

    Nice compassion on the blog for all of the living beings that could be affected. I am concerned for them all and wish them the best for what could quite an event. Personally I recommend they take a page from the Hurricane evacuation plans which is to get out as soon as you get word that it it imminent!

  2. Benjamin says:


    “#27, Hitler,

    Gee, that is almost as much as you?”

    This thread ended due to Godwin’s Law.

  3. picpainter says:

    I have a great idea! solve two problems at one time. We take all the illegal alliens up the volcano and throw them in, this should keep the gods happy for years to come.

  4. Benjamin says:

    #32 “I have a great idea! solve two problems at one time. We take all the illegal aliens up the volcano and throw them in, this should keep the gods happy for years to come.”

    No, then our children will need E-meters and auditing to remove the body thetans of the illegal aliens that get thrown into the volcano. Don’t you follow the teaching of the Prophet LRH?

  5. 60toesinAK says:

    Wow! I can’t believe how some people are so heartless. I agree with you #13, if it were happening in the lower 48, they’d be claiming a “state of emergency”. BTW #14~ there are NO drills. Some of us just happen to be out here on Military orders. We end up in dangerous places with our families for your freedom to sit here and act like you know what your talking about. As far as a “sacrifice” I nominate #17 & #26~ those comments are just rude and ignorant.

  6. James Hill says:

    These are the same people that made jokes along the lines of black people not being good swimmers when Katrina hit. Typical trash, they’re easily owned.

    As someone who lived in Anchorage at one point, this was just a risk of everyday life up there. The biggest problems come from the old who won’t wear breathing masks, and people dumb enough to drive around during the thick of things and clog their air filters.

    The busiest store in Anchorage today is Home Depot. People are buying masks, and multiple air filters for their heaters. Have fun!

  7. ECA says:

    A river bed has been in location for YEARS AND YEAR..
    It dries up for 10-100 years, and MANKIND THINKS its a nice spot for a house/town..
    Major rains and Rivers DUMP into that OLD river bed, and FLOOD you..
    Umm, WHOSe fault is it?
    Look at Louisiana, and the FILLED IN swamps. Those OLD time developers, LOVED it when you bought the land.. They got money and LEFT.

  8. krazy says:

    #17,24 and 26…you are very thoughtless. “OUR” God will protect us…as for you???

  9. amodedoma says:

    I don’t doubt it, I redoubt it. But it might blow anyways. I imagine anyone that’s close enough to be at risk has the radio on to listen for alerts. I’m sure after mt saint helens, they’ll be more careful about letting people get too close. Or not, in any case it’s a big angry scary mountain thing, so stay the hell away from it.

  10. ECA says:

    As god is our father.
    And as you are out in the free world.
    IF you are an idiot, does your father wish to hear about it?
    It is when you are true to his teaching, and are in the RIGHT will your father assist you.
    NOT when you are your OWN worst enemy.

  11. ECA says:

    PS.. You have had over 1 week to get OUT OF THE WAY..

  12. oledodge says:

    Isn’t the great Barry going to come nicely ask the volcano to please stop threatening us. I know this volcano must be George’s fault, would this not be the perfect chance for the anointed one to step in and make everything bright and shiny, using his omnipotent powers?


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