No Win7 allowed at Georgetown, Alaska volcano about to blow. Sony compared to Nintendo. Amazon to unveil the Kindle 2. Cloned dog still in the news. I got to see the first cloned dog in Korea. Intel going to the SaaS cloud in Europe. Look out for the Aptera. Go to Clicker available for NPR. Listen in to see what I am talking about.

Click to listen:

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  1. QB says:

    On a completely unrelated topic, have you hugged your sysadmin today?

  2. dave says:

    Please bring back the download button so I can listen on the way to work tomorrow.

  3. QB says:

    dave, if you’re using Firefox install the DownloadHelper add-on to grab the media. If you’re using Safari just find the stream in the Activity window and double-click on it.

    If you’re using IE then you’re buggered. 😀

  4. KD Martin says:

    You can download the file from Cage Match, right click on the logo and save-as.

    Here’s the board, with archives.


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