The Illinois State Senate Thursday convicted Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich on a sprawling article of impeachment that charged him with abusing his power. The vote prompted the governor’s immediate and permanent ouster and ended nearly two months of political spectacle in which he sought unsuccessfully to salvage his reputation and career here and across the country.
#29, Cow-Paddy,
So that infamous “Bridge to Nowhere” and the $39 million spent on the “Bridge To Nowhere Access Road to Nowhere” didn’t happen?
Oh my.
#30 What ARE you babbling about? $39 mil = $89 bil?
So, have you read through the bill yet, or are you just babbling?
#31, Cow-Paddy,
I’m trying to keep the discussion on topic.
Blaggy should have went to Iraq and become an insurgent so he could get sent to Club Gitmo. He would have had more rights and a fairer trial.
# 32 Mr. Fusion said, “I’m trying to keep the discussion on topic.”
Oh, I thought you were trying to talk about bridges…
Former Gov Blogo signs contract to become political pundit in rebuttal on Fox TV. I predicted it first here.
In Chicago politics there are only two kinds of people: Those caught by the cops, and those tipped off by the cops before the cops show up.
A good portion of the people voting on impeachment would fall into the later category.