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Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has formed Sarahpac, a political action committee to raise and donate money to candidates for political office.
According to its Web site, sarahpac.com, the PAC is “dedicated to building America’s future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation.”
“Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination,” the site pronounces. “SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.”
It goes on to say that SarahPAC’s No. 1 priority is “building a strong and prosperous economy that recognizes hard work, innovation and integrity by rewarding small businesses and hard-working American families.” Other key goals are healthcare, education and government reform and “believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all.”
If you believe all that crap – hey, send her a check!
At the bottom of the page is a little box with this message:
Paid for by SarahPAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee
[Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]
I’ll probably donate just to keep her in the public eye. Maybe some nude photos will show up.
Best thing that ever happened to the Democratic Party was Sarah Palin. I wish her all the best.
Stupid cunt.
How can you guys think a Republo-tard like her is hot? She believes her Imaginary Friend in the Sky created the earth 6000 years ago!
Just an empty headed beauty queen with 0 achievements trying to be all grown-up-like.
Should send her $5 just to get on the mail list.
I don’t know how we could think she’s hot, maybe because she is.
Got that schoolteacher look going on and you know some of us never grew out of thinking we wanted to do our teacher.
Seriously==why do more tax cuts for the rich and the religious brain dead find comfort/refuge in the repuglican party?
Whats the connection?
Mr Diesel,
Schoolteachers are smart, I thought that was the appeal! Palin’s as dumb as her Republotard baby. I think her husband ought to make sure the Chimp isn’t the father, that would explain things!
I have tasted the lime light. AND I LOVE IT!
Man you’re angry (and not even funny…you need more practice on your Lewis Black routine)…and referring to her baby with Downs Syndrome is pretty low. Sheesh, if you’re going to sink that low, at least get the disability right.
Have you no shame angry man? Now run along and be sure to take your meds.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
You are kidding right? Why the hell would you think the appeal is for her mind?
I’m conservative, that means that by my nature I wouldn’t be attracted to smart women. 🙂
No, I’m not a restroom stall kinda guy either.
Directly quoting an editor violates guidelines?
I’ll send the post to John. He’ll get a kick out of this.
No, thanks. I’ll send my money to http://libertypac.net/ and http://campaignforliberty.com/ instead.
The pugs lost my vote after their “Contract with America” or whatever the hell it was called.
[Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]
Here’s the link that probably got the post banned.
After reading that even I can’t believe the crap that’s in the stimulus package.
This is typical liberal thinking trying to get us out of a recession. Spend our way out of it.
You can’t do it personally so what makes you think the government can do it? They can’t. Regardless of who you want to blame for this (and I blame both sides) spending like this won’t bring about economic prosperity.
Giving over 250 billion dollars over to people who don’t even pay taxes is welfare pure and simple.
# 16 Mr Diesel said, “After reading that even I can’t believe the crap that’s in the stimulus package.”
Now you see why the my original post showing the link got yanked.
Using the term stupid c**t should be outlawed in this blog unless you are referring to Joehillsghost.Raising 5 kids and becoming Gov. of Alaska is not 0 achievements.Any politician that adds a set of great legs and high heels to this circus I want to see more of.Vote for her?…never watch her make a fool of herself in the culture wars Yeah!
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has gone off the deep end. Men in white coats seen standing outside Dem offices on the “Hill”
Actually I remove the word stupid from stupid c**t every time I see Peelosi on TV.
How the hell did that bitch think she rates a plane to take her everywhere I’ll never know.
Just let Sarah Palin spend all her donations at Saks and Neemans, it’ll surely help out the retail industry 😉
Angry liberals continue to worship their masters, while their chosen leaders begin to backtrack on their promises.
You lose. Again.
#22 – Obama approval ratings plunge from 83% to 67% in 8 days…
“Our country, founded on conservative principles …”
Actually, our country was founded on the rather radical idea of liberty, the conservatives were sympathetic to the Crown.
#13, Cow-Paddy,
I’ll send the post to John. He’ll get a kick out of this.
Not only are you an ignorant shit talking sociopath, retired mall rent-a-cop, and everything else, you’re a crybaby too.
#15, Cow-Paddy,
trolling again .
You do have a hard time staying on subject. There is an Adult Attention Deficit Disorder, but I put my money on you having the child’s version.
If you need to blather about garbage then get a room, start your own blog, or open a topic in the Cage Match.
Oh this is just screaming “Give me money” she’s as bad as an evangelist
You betcha! Any woman that can hunt and looks that good, damn.
#28, GF,
Is your girlfriend’s mother your optometrist too?
You got the URL wrong… It should be:
sarapac.com/chicken/chicken/chicken !
# 30 GetSmart said, “All the Conservative guys wanted to PAC Sarah.”
I think it’s related to being heterosexual…