School can expel lesbian students, court rules – Los Angeles Times — What do I have to do to get the numbers on this blog back up! Just seems like a funny headline I could not resist.

After a Lutheran school expelled two 16-year-old girls for having “a bond of intimacy” that was “characteristic of a lesbian relationship,” the girls sued, contending the school had violated a state anti-discrimination law.

In response to that suit, an appeals court decided this week that the private religious school was not a business and therefore did not have to comply with a state law that prohibits businesses from discriminating. A lawyer for the girls said Tuesday that he would ask the California Supreme Court to overturn the unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel of the 4th District Court of Appeal.

The appeals court called its decision “narrow,” but lawyers on both sides of the case said it would protect private religious schools across California from such discrimination suits.

  1. brendal says:

    post. post. post. 😉

  2. amodedoma says:

    16 y.o. lutheran lesbians, while I love the way that sounds, I imagine that this doesn’t really line up with the kind of values a religous school would like to impart. Not only that, if this suit prospers it would probrably mean the end of religous schools as we know it. that would be very bad cause I’m under the impression they get better scholastic results from their students.

  3. brendal says:

    donate. donate. donate.

  4. amodedoma says:

    Interesrting posts brendal, care to elucidate?

  5. JoeHillsGhost says:

    Sorry, the rights of the stupid ignorant god-believers cannot trump basic human rights. These schools should be shut down for their attempt to control relationships.

    No religious group or person should be allowed to do or say anything that betrays racism, homophobia, or any other hate crime. If that means that they cannot speak at all or prosyletize, then so be it. They can always leave the state. Utah believes in crushing the human spirit, so let the Lutherans go there.

  6. amodedoma says:


    Tolerance is a two way street.

  7. rubbish says:

    “John McKay, who represented the Riverside County-based California Lutheran High School, said the ruling correctly acknowledged that the school’s purpose was to “teach Christian values in a Christian setting pursuant to a Christian code of conduct.”

    Whether or not you agree with it, they broke the rules. This would’ve been perfectly ok in a public school.

  8. Seems to me like on the fair thing to do is to start a separate but equal school for Lebsian Lutherians ….

  9. #4 I think she means, donate to the blog. Help the cause and we’ll do more stories like this!

  10. LDA says:

    I disagree with the school. However your constitution does not, but no-one seems to follow it anymore (accept maybe the court when it feels like it).

  11. GregA says:

    Yeah this is a low level court. This case or one like it will make it to a higher court and this decision will be shreded.

  12. amodedoma says:

    Values are the only thing that distinguish one silly human from another. All should have the right to choose. If you join a values based organization, you can’t really complain about values based rules. Before some idiot says it, no, a 16 year old doesn’t have a right to choose, or the cash to pay for a private lutheran school for that matter. No responsibilities, no rights.

  13. amodedoma says:

    #9 OIC, now that you mention that, I made my modest contribution through paypal, and was surprised to find only the paypal confirmation. Not my call, but I might suggest a form letter or something. Somebody gives you something, thank you’s the traditional response.

  14. bobbo says:

    Only because I’d like to see religion be recognized for the outmoded irrelevance it is, I support the totally whacked out opinion expressed at #5 & #11. Its very disheartening to find my fellow hatemongers to be this stupid. The evil of religion must be met by an equal but opposite evil. In this case the lack of understanding history, religion, society, freedom etc. is called to duty.

    Sad, but internal logical inconsistency and public mockery doesn’t seem to get the job done.

    Its the greatest challenge that science has yet to even address much less solve. You’d think that “Christian Scientists” would be hard at work at this but when I’ve gone to their laboratories, there actually isn’t any science going on in there at all. Very perplexing.

  15. righteous indignation says:

    I believe the government has no business in our bedrooms; but once people bring their bedrooms into the great outdoors it becomes a whole different matter.

    I went to a public school and we were not allowed to suck face or fornicate, so I don’t see any reason to allow this at a private school. Why these two exhibitionists felt the need to put on a show at school is reason enough to get them into some counseling program.

    Public or private schools still need to adhere to general law of the land, and as such I am surprised they can still get away with the religion aspect. Maybe time for a re-accreditation of all schools public and private, make certain they all adhere to appropriate laws etc.

    On the plus side, I imagine these two have received many film offers, launching them on a whole new career path.

  16. bobbo says:

    #15–righteous==why are you “surprised” that religious schools are allowed to enforce their own religious dogma? What else is religion except having a code of moral conduct that they follow?

    Do you actually mean some other word like sad? Or that you believe it is outmoded? But surprised is to act like you are surprised there even are religions that believe and practice all kinds of crazy things.

    What do you think religion IS?

    Do you want to outlaw religion–or just change all their unique characteristics so they all teach the same secular rules just as if they weren’t religious at all?

  17. GregA says:


    You bring up and excellent legal point here. Public (any university that takes state money which is every university that a student would want to go too…) universities are free to not admit any of the students from this high school. A year or two of that and this school will fall in line.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:


    The right to do stupid things is one of our most cherished freedoms. If you want to wear a lampshade on your head go for it, I hope you enjoy the moment. What others think is not of concern.

    This is a private school. If they want all the students to wear lampshades on their heads, then that is their decision. Of course, if you don’t want to attend this private school, that is YOUR decision.

    If this school wants to teach religion to their students, it should never be our prerogative to stop them. That is why they are private and charge extra tuition.

  19. Dajestar says:

    I think two girls kissing is hot!

  20. LibertyLover says:

    People have the right to home-school their kids. Some believe this to be a good way to teach kids that have problems that can’t be addressed by the public system. Others believe it a way to ensure the parents’ morals are instilled in their children. In either case, it is a parent’s right to do so.

    But what if two families got together and started to home school their kids at the same time?

    What about five families?

    What about 50 families?

    What about 500 families?

    Eventually, they would need a bigger facility to teach their children. They would need to collect money keep the facility running. They could choose to hire certified teachers instead of getting certified themselves.

    You still have a parent-sponsored school — it just handles way more students than what you would find in the living room.

    If parents wish to teach their children in a private setting, whether through tuition for a private school or through home schooling, the end result should be the same. The government has no business sticking their noses in the affairs of the families. They aren’t receiving public funds so there is no bribe money there.

    Public schooling was meant to be something that allowed ALL kids to receive an education. It is not supposed to be the model on which all schooling activities should be conducted.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    #3 – Amo

    >>Interesrting posts brendal, care to

    Brenda Lee is a Dvorak groupie.

  22. Mr Diesel says:

    #5 JoeHillsGhost

    While I myself am anti-theist that in no way gives me the right to tell others what they can do.

    If you take away the thumpers right to make stupid calls like this can the loss of your rights be far behind.

  23. contempt says:

    #18 Mr Fusion
    >>If this school wants to teach religion to their students, it should never be our prerogative to stop them. That is why they are private and charge extra tuition.

    Oh my? I hardly know what to say when I discover I agree with one of your statements. Guess I’ll have to figure that out later.

    Keep traveling down this road to sanity and you will lose your status as one of the founding members of the Vulture Brothers.

  24. Poppa Boner says:

    fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap


  25. Dallas says:

    Seems very unnatural to me.
    Any articles on ‘no gay Lutherans allowed’?

  26. Leave Your Indiscrimination At The Door says:

    It’s a private school they can discriminate all they want and the parents can discriminate all they want regarding being lezbo, until that magic day of 18 years old. There are public schools they can attend where instead, the school will discriminate against fashion and texting in class. Big deal. What do you want this world to become, IN-discriminate? Boring. About the “numbers on this blog” we are losing our jobs here and have to cut back. Your democrat friends in Congress and the Black House will have a blog stimulus package for you to use.

  27. bobbo says:

    #26–leave it==unintentionally, you raise an interesting question: how similar can we all be and still maintain sufficient diversity to remain individual and interesting?

    I think its quite a lot. Enough that “all” of the gross war causing disputes between groups of us could be done away with and diversity/interest would still remain in spades===as hearts may be your interest.

    I’d like to see a world where the hateful differences are done away with and the interesting differences are left to be given full expression.

  28. dm says:

    Don’t religious private schools still get some money from the government (and hence the taxpayers)? I’m sure the church at least gets tax breaks.

  29. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Religious schools like this mainly exist because there simply aren’t enough hours at the end of the day for busy parents to teach their children all the small-minded, intolerant values that some Christians want to impart during those important formative years of childhood.

    Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be Lesbian Lutherans.

  30. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 dm said, “Don’t religious private schools still get some money from the government (and hence the taxpayers)?”

    Not this one.


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