1. tkalfigo says:

    Survived? Perhaps. But I still hear this whisper buzzing in my head ever since then: “…please stop the planet; I want to get off”

  2. Petrov says:

    Why not show the idiots in congress instead?

  3. SickofitSam says:

    Wow, the Bush Derangement Syndrome is never going to end, is it? 10 years from now, we will still be hearing some snide comment every single day from someone, won’t we?

    I just dropped my symphony membership after 23 years (I was financing them to the tune of $5000 a year) after the umpteenth irrelevant Bush-bashing from the conductor.

    Healing and unity? Not a chance.

    Honeymoon over. I hope Obama fails at everything but protecting the country…(which he will likely do by continuing Bush’s policies).

  4. bobbo says:

    Survival is the lowest standard you can set. Am I better off now than 8 years ago?==No. Are my expectations for my society, friends, and family as positive?==No.

    Whats of concern is that even with this 8 year thrashing, we still have scum among us who think transfering the nation’s wealth to the fewest rich people as possible is sound social policy.

    How does that voodoo maintain its hold on Joe the Plumber types who have the misbegotten notion that is what America stands for?

    Foolish, delusional hoomans.

  5. Dr. K says:

    Actually, I’m a little worried about the growth Obama is pushing. I believe we can all agree that we personally would make better decisions on how to spend our money. So, what the congress and president are saying is we don’t believe you or in you and will raise taxes to take you money and spend it the way it should be spent.

    Better off under Bush = yes.
    Do I expect to be better off under Obama = no.

  6. MotaMan says:

    Survived… sure, more than survived – it’s the next two two three years that could be the tail end of bush II that hits hard

  7. almostaliberal says:

    booboo, even if all you say is true (and as a mildly conservative non-Bush-fan, I’d say it’s about 50%), Sam has a point. How are you going to change things if you keep your bitterness sharp, your hatred boiling, and your hate on your sleeve? Didn’t Obama run on healing and unity and working together? Why in the world would you expect any Replublican to even think of joining you when you’ll make nasty comments and call them scum every day?

    My mind is progressive, but my heart simply cannot stand to be around hatefilled wretches like you.

    When talking about politics, there is no group as vile, offensive and lacking in class and civility than so-called “liberals”. You’re just not nice people, and Joe can’t stand to be around you. So you’ll never have a chance to explain things to him. How many Republicans do you think would actually listen to anything you have to say if you’re wearing a tshirt like that?

    I’m getting so tired of it I may not even bother with John’s podcasts anymore.

  8. ECA says:

    Did I survive..
    Lets do some math..
    Iv been on SSD for 10 years, and during that time, my benefits have increased? 14% not including this year WHICH made it 18.75%.
    Min wage went up from $5 to $6.50 in 3 years, WHICH is about 30%
    Water bill UP 300%
    Electric bill 40%
    Gas Heat 30%
    FOOD up 20-50%..
    RENT(I have a good deal going) 0%
    Gas FUEL has changed WAY to much and at 1 point was up 200% and DOWN about where it was BEFORE.
    Insurance, Cant afford it.
    Car is sitting, and cant afford to drive UNLESS its needed.

    I figured with the average of a 3% increase per year I MIGHT of had a chance. Even at 2.5% increase per year I would of hit my Current amount LAST YEAR. but, NOPE, Didnt get there. I live on about 1/2 of what Min wage is. Only because I have GREAT rent. But I have to FIX the house also..and that hit me for about $5k on a credit card.

    Survive? yes.. want to? that is a BIG question.

  9. GregA says:


    Just one week and republicans are blowing gaskets. Looks like the republcian party has collectively left stage one of grief (denial) onto stage 2 (anger).

    ROFL. Its only been a week!

  10. bobbo says:

    #7–almostabletoreachadecision===what you say is nice in a vacuum, but only in a vacuum. The real world has 8 years experience with Bush Tax Cut policies and they CLEARLY don’t work.

    You now have a fork in the road in front of you. Do you want to continue the policies that have wrecked the American economy?==If so, I will conform to your attitude and reason with you===HOWEVER–if you are part of the cabal that brought this wreckage, benefit from this wreckage, and STILL want to sacrific America for your personal gain either by the gratification of seeing your philosophy maintained and/or by having your pockets lined at the expense of everyone else==then I say the time is well past getting angry about it.

    Either you take such issues seriously, or you don’t care that much. Today, I’m on the “I care” wank. Frankly, it feels good.

  11. badtimes says:

    #3- what kind of a citizen hopes for the failure of his country’s leadership? If you live in the US, I would think you’d be hoping for success. That’s just sad.

  12. SickofitSam says:

    GregA, the Left hasn’t HAD gaskets for 8 years now! You’ve been spraying bile like lawn sprinklers, and foaming at every opportunity. I’m not a Republican, and didn’t vote for Bush either time, but I could never vote Dem after seeing you people spit and screech and whine.

    I’m just really really goddam sick of the nastiness and hatred coming from the left.

    Sorry this is so long, you’ve probably got shoes to throw at a Bush poster before going to work this morning.

  13. contempt says:

    #4 bobbo
    >>Am I better off now than 8 years ago?==No

    That decidedly says more about you than the Bush administration. I know it is much easier to blame others for your incompetence, but clearly your problem is you.

  14. bobbo says:

    #13–Contempt for the truth===what you say “could be” true. Note I took into account concern for society, friends, and family. If, like you and all other Reguglican Scum I only cared about myself, why the 90’s were very beneficial to me. Sadly, I measure my satisfaction by more than my bank account.

    Silly dipshit.

  15. SickofitSam says:

    Gee, badtimes, I heard you guys hoping Bush would get impeached at best and hanged at worst. I will give Obamessiah exactly as much of a chance as you gave Bush.

    But no, I do not want his to succeed in getting his agenda through. I think it would be worse for the country than a failed Presidency. That’s called being in the opposition. Funny, 2 weeks ago, dissent was the highest form of patriotism. Now it’s “sad”. How times change.

  16. GregA says:


    Odd. I take it you missed the nastieness that came from limbaugh and republicans the last week. Or Palin and McCain during the campaign, or Romeny during the primary, and on and on and on.

    Either that you are a liar.

    Occams razor says! You are a liar!

  17. contempt says:

    #14 bobbo
    >>I measure my satisfaction by more than my bank account.

    Who brought money into this? Better off is total quality of life.

    Funny how liberals who claim not to care about money sure seem to care a lot about money.

  18. Lou says:

    Many did not.

  19. bobbo says:

    You know how to tell a douche bag? Watch them take on the protective wrapping of being above politics and then come down on criticizing on side or the other. Its always repuglican scum that do that for some reason.

    Who uses the term “Bush Derangement Syndrome” except a die hard neotard?

    Who thinks contributing $5,000 a year to a symphony is a clever positioning that they are a man of the people, not political?

    Who does that sort of thing? Could you help us out SickofitSam?

  20. badtimes says:

    #15- I don’t know who ‘you guys’ are- my post didn’t indicate my political leanings at all.
    But yes, it’s sad that someone would hope for ruin of his country because of ideology. What happened to country first? Or is it only your country if everyone adheres to your politics?
    I guess if you’re willing to give Obama as much of a chance as Bush, you’re voting for him in 2012.

  21. bobbo says:

    #17–Contempt for the truth: name 2-3 top characteristics about the Bush Regime and try not to list tax cuts for the rich. Of course, Repuglican Scum anti-Obama critics who continue to push for more tax cuts/making them permanent are all about the Benjamen’s. Your tripe can fool Joe the Plumber, but not the majority anymore.

    Hurts don’t it? Boo Hoo, I’ve got to share my toys. Life just isn’t fair.

  22. hesreallymadnowpokehimagain says:

    Too much projection Little BooBoo.

    I don’t hear Republicans making up nasty little schoolyard names for their opponents. Apparently arguing without insults is a bit above your level, however.

    Bush Derangement Syndrome is a very accurate term, actually. The very center of your political life is Bush. Without him you have no one to hate, nothing to believe in. You cannot have a simple conversation without calling names and going to the gutter. That’s derangement and it will always rule your life.

    I never claimed I was a man of the people (you assume I’m a man, I notice) I just pointed out that there is no “safe zone” from politics anymore…due to nasty viscious little yapdogs like you.

    How’s it feel being trolled into a lather, BTW?
    You’re such an exciteable little fellow! Ta!

  23. goingtoworkSam says:

    Oh, I think there will be less ruin if he doesn’t get his agenda through…..and who said I want ruin anyway? We got through Carter, we’ll get through Obama.

    Sorry, you’re right, shouldn’t have assumed your politics…although on this board, you’ve got a better than 50/50 chance of guessing.

  24. Robart says:

    I’m on life support and Obama is going to pull the plug. I think I’m ok with that.

  25. RBG says:

    Are we better off now than before Obama was president? Not if the news is any indication. I’m sorry, that’s what we’re supposed to ask in a little less than 4 years.

    McCain had to own the economy and that is the only reason Obama is president. It will be no different for President BO.


  26. tcc3 says:

    almostaliberal – How can you in one breath chide bobbo for “bitterness and hatred” then in the next say liberals are vile and offensive; not very nice people.

    Way to unite there buddy.

  27. GregA says:


    I stand corrected about Republican grief recovery;) You are still in stage one;) Denial.

  28. jbenson2 says:

    Surviving the Bush administration was no big deal, unless you were a Islamofascist terrorist.

    Making it through the Obama administration as an American taxpaying legal citizen is the real issue.

  29. GregA says:


    So wait, McCain said on the day that the credit market failed, “the fundamentals of the economy are sound” and that is somehow Obamas fault???

  30. ECA says:

    ok, this is a COMMENT BOARD, not a political analogy.. some really weird posts here. AND SOME that dont know ENGLISH very well EITHER.

    Obama MAY BE..
    Uncle tom in a white blanket?
    The NEXT MLK?
    SOMEONE who knows whats going on, and HOw to FIX things(doughtful)?
    An ACE in the hole and we are all going to die for it?

    When is the LASt time we had a president that wasnt CORP affiliated and BACKED…?1880?
    you REALLY think that the groups arent BACKEd by corps? you are FOOLS.


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