
This past Saturday night, suspect Erik Salvador Ayala fired shots into a random crowd in Portland, Oregon. After killing two and injuring seven, Ayala shot himself in the head. The gaming connection?

Ayala is described as being “quiet” and those who knew him say this shooting comes as a complete surprise. This shooting is the worst shooting in Portland’s history.

Police have released new details about the 24 year-old Ayala. He was unemployed and apparently depressed, leaving what appears to be a suicide note for his roommate. In it, he says that he can be found “somewhere downtown,” but he “wasn’t sure” where. Ayala also included all his personal information (SSN, back account number, alien number, etc.) He also left his PS3 to his roommate:

“You know my ps3 is special. Similar USED ps3’s go for AT LEAST $450-$500. Our landlord guy wants a ps3 like mine. Let him know that $400 would be a GOOD deal. If he doesn’t want it, format the drive by going to Settings>System>Format Utility. You can say it “comes with the latest firmware software” to help market it on the internet. In case you don’t know, it’s the special “100% backwards compatible” (60 GB) ps3.”

The Oregon press also points out that he enjoyed playing Resistance and Left 4 Dead. Just in case you’re keeping track.

  1. god says:

    Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Just watch. They are going to blame video games and guns for this. The truth is that this is a deranged individual and video games and a gun did not make him shoot people.

  3. orangetiki says:

    Copycats. The more media hype that this gets, the worse the problem gets. It’s in people’s minds to go on a shooting spree as a last stand against society.

  4. GF says:

    The guy was a legal alien and not a U.S. citizen and most of his victims were foreign exchange students hanging out in front of The Zone nightclub in Portland, Oregon. Yet, the police think there is no connection.

    The PS3 was not the only thing this guy left his roommate.

    The suicide note:

    “To my friends and family:
    I am sorry.

    And to my friend, (redacted)

    I am especially sorry. I know it’s not much consolation but as my friend and roommate you are entitled to everything that I own. Maybe these things can bring in a few bucks.

    Good luck in this (expletive) world.


    If you need my personal information for any reason, here it is:

    My ssn: (redacted)
    My bank account number: (redacted)
    My alien number: (redacted)
    My ODL: 974739
    My birthdate: 03-10-84

    The check I wrote you should be most of the money in my account. I gave you an affidavit in case you want to check what’s left but it’s probably less than $20.

    Qwest account login (www.qwest.com/myaccount):


    My car is up to date with maintenance. It just leaks a little oil. You can probably get at least 2.5 grand for it. It’ll be somewhere downtown but I’m not sure where. I’m sure you’ll get a letter about it soon.

    You know my ps3 is special. Similar USED ps3’s go for AT LEAST $450-$500. Our landlord guy wants a ps3 like mine. Let him know that $400 would be a GOOD deal. If he doesn’t want it, format the drive by going to Settings>System>Format Utility. You can say it “comes with the latest firmware software” to help market it on the internet. In case you don’t know, it’s the special “100% backwards compatible” (60 GB) ps3.

    I’m sorry to put all this on you buddy, good luck.” – http://tinyurl.com/bbb3kx

  5. Named says:

    Hold on a second….

    He’s not posting it to ebay? Cause I’m interested in the PS3.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    Another victim of drug abuse. Sad.

  7. Jack says:

    Very sad for everyone involved.

  8. James Hill says:

    A real friend would have put those items on E-Bay. Not an overachiever.

  9. eaze says:

    Thats what happens when you buy a PS3

  10. ECA says:

    Want a lesson on depression and NOT having a job?

    You cant pay rent, and you WONT have a home SOON.
    You cant afford to EAT and have a place to SLEEP.
    You have all your possessions, and you cant carry them with you on the street.
    Every year the bills get higher, and your check gets smaller.
    You can look for work, and look for work, and LOOK FOR WORK, and the only choices are a LINE of people ALL looking for WORK.
    You cant afford to pay Utilities, and your clothes are getting dirty. Looking for work in dirty clothes.
    The only jobs that are available, IF’ you can find one, pay the LOWEST wages, and the SHORTEST hours..$100-150 per week isnt enough to help.
    Even rooming with a friend, and paying 1/2.
    rent $400(thats 1/2)
    food $75-100
    Utilities $150-200(thats 1/2 minimum)

    try it some time…It isnt easy or FUN.

  11. Just ED says:

    This kid sure learned to shoot good some where. Nine shots nine hits! Can you do that with a game. I mean learn to shoot a real gun that well.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 10 ECA said, “try it some time…It isnt easy or FUN.”

    Umm, That doesn’t lead to someone gunning down innocents. That’s more indicative of drug abuse causing homicidal tendencies.

    Almost all of the “school” type shootings fall into this category. That’s why they were almost unheard of 40+ years ago.

  13. monkeyboy311 says:

    “Resistance and Left 4 Dead. Just in case you’re keeping track.”

    Resistance is a PS3 game while Left 4 Dead is an Xbox 360 and PC game. I guess they can blame it on a trio, Sony, Microsoft, and whatever company made his PC…sheesh…

  14. Improbus says:

    If I ever go crazy I will be using a sniper rifle. That close up killing is for fools.

  15. FRAGaLOT says:

    Odd aren’t murdering gamers supposed to be playing GTA and Doom that makes them this way? Well that certainty blows my view about gamers.

  16. WeeksC says:

    #11 – Shooting into a crowd and hitting people does not equal skill, nor does shooting yourself.

  17. Somebody_Else says:

    Why don’t we see any headlines saying “punk who listened to rap” or “kid who watched TV” kills however many people?

    He did it because he was a psycho asshole, not because he played games.

  18. Joe says:

    “…those who knew him say this shooting comes as a complete surprise”

    Of course if his friends thought he was the type to go on a rampage, he would be in a mental hospital.

  19. ECA says:

    Ever have problems getting ends to meet? for long periods of time? Then looking for a new job??
    Yes drugs, and other things can lead to this end, but even being CLEAN, and fighting to make things work/SURVIVE gets to the point of frustration and depression.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:

    #12 Paddy

    “Umm, That doesn’t lead to someone gunning down innocents. That’s more indicative of drug abuse causing homicidal tendencies.”

    You are the first conservative in the universe who doesn’t blame it on Rock/rap/hiphop music or violent videogames.

  21. Depressed and unemployed says:

    Man, I want to kill my ex-boss and the HR director bitch who fired me while treating me like garbage. Where can I find a decent sniper rifle, untraceable, capable of hitting a target about 1 Km away?

    Nah, I’ll go back to Vice City Stories. I don’t want to kill myself later…

    Sad story…

  22. Paul says:

    I’m a quiet unemployed guy who like to play Sims 2.

    Should I be locked up?

  23. amodedoma says:

    People were freaking out and going on killing sprees long before video games were invented.
    I’ve been a gamer since they invented the stuff in the seventies, I’ve never felt even a little homicidal. Hmmm, There was this chief petty officer when I was in the NAVY. – but it definitely wasn’t video game caused the only game we had on the carrier was DIGDUG.
    I’m sick of it, everytime some young guy goes on a killing spree they have to bring up that he was a gamer. Big surprise, right?, hard to believe as videogames are so rare…

  24. GregA says:


    That depends, did you buy a gun and can’t explain why you need a gun?

  25. Ahhh says:

    “Octuplets Breathing On Their Own!” screams headline!

    Hey. So am I.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    >> Benjamin said, on January 27th, 2009 at 12:20 pm
    >> Just watch. They are going to blame video games and guns for this. The truth is that this is a deranged individual and video games and a gun did not make him shoot people.

    You’re arguing against a position nobody is making. (at least nobody who is informed.)

    Violent media ENCOURAGES violence in certain susceptible individuals.

    Guns give this individuals the tools to kill more effectively.

    But neither MAKES them be violent.

  27. ECA says:



    [Fixed, Ed.

    All: Please remove the WWW from URLs before posting]

  28. US says:

    #10, at one point in my life I spent years struggling like that. Difference, I didn’t have the Internet and certainly didn’t have a $500+ PS3 plus the time to waste playing it. If money was his problem, he shouldn’t have been wasting money on a PS3 or the games (probably spent thousands with the game system plus games when all told). Sell the PS3 and the car, right there he said he’d get $3000.

    For me, the answer was work multiple jobs (each paying little, but added up to enough to get by) and living cheap. Sure, I ate foods like rice and beans many nights but I focused on myself and worked my way out of that life.

    Right now where I live is in the middle of a snow storm. If I was desperate for money, I could go door to door in the neighborhood and charge $10 to clear drive ways, I’d probably pull in a couple hundred. All I would need is a shovel. Its hard, but there is always a way out if you are willing to do the hard work (toilets don’t clean themselves and never will).

  29. Grimbo says:

    If only everyone in the crowd that day had been armed – someone might have shot him before he shot them.

    Get more guns on the street – you know it makes sense!

  30. ECA says:

    And an alien in this nation HAS to have a LEGIT job with an income and PAPER WORK, of they are sent HOME.


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