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The Vatican said the pope issued a decree lifting the excommunication of four traditionalist bishops who were thrown out of the Roman Catholic Church in 1988 for being ordained without Vatican permission.

The four bishops lead the ultra-conservative Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), which has about 600,000 members and rejected modernizations of Roman Catholic worship and doctrine…

One of the four bishops, the British-born Richard Williamson, has made a number of statements denying the full extent of the Nazi Holocaust of European Jews, as accepted by mainstream historians.

In comments to Swedish television broadcast Wednesday, he said “I believe there were no gas chambers” and only up to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, instead of 6 million…

Pope Benedict has already made several gestures of reconciliation to the schismatic group, including allowing the unconditional return of the old-style Latin Mass.

That move also angered Jews because the ceremony includes a Good Friday prayer for their conversion.

Anyone surprised over the lengths religious institutions will go – to keep up the number of dues-paying members.

  1. Named says:


    Well, lets see… If I criticize Israel, I’m anti-Semitic… so, yes.
    “criticizing the head of an entity = hatred of all members.
    by that logic, if you criticize President Obama we can say that you hate Americans.”

    Bobbo, Ah-Yea and a whole bunch of others on this site will validate that argument for you too…

  2. doug says:

    #29. actually, it is well known that the whack-job president of Iran is a Holocaust denier much like this whack-job bishop.

    #31. and _I_ have never said anyone who criticizes Israel is anti-Semitic, so I don’t know what you are talking about.

  3. Named says:


    _I_ never said you did. I just enjoy reminding the other drones here of hypocrisy.

  4. Li says:

    The popenführer strikes again.

  5. ren says:

    … This would be a good place for facepalm.jpg

    makes me glad I’m a protestant and not beholden to an “infallible” Pope

  6. It seems that mr. Dvorak is missing the point.
    If there is deal to accommodate those previously thrown out sect (the Society of Saint Pius X), then it would be illogical to exclude one of their leaders, because he “is bad revisionist, eats frogs, etc”.
    If they would have been excommunicated because holocaust denial, then of course, it would be proper to deny them legitimity as catholics.
    Or to put it another way: Taking them back to church by pope is not something like promoting them to messiah. It is what it says: previously excommunicated sect leaders were more or less religiously rehabilitated. No more, no less.

    p.s. I am white, atheist, from christian background, Europe.

  7. Hawkeye666 says:


    I’m with you. Tribalism is the root of most of today’s evils. But so is the irrational shamanism that so much of our species seems to still need.

    Evolve people.

  8. Meanwhile, another Imam praises the joy of suicide bombing. In Toronto.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, Confederate Barbershop Traitor,

    Why is it so horrible that the Pope simply stretched out his hand to accommodate and treat equally an individual who states that the numbers are wrong?

    Because this bishop promotes hate. Christianity is supposed to be about love. If it was “god’s” plan, sort of like the great flood crap, then say so. But to deny that a group of people were systemically killed solely because of who they are, not what they have done, is just too wrong to be acceptable to main stream life.

    Of course, the Libertarian view is that this is a gesture of love. It isn’t for the 6,000,000 that died. It isn’t for the other millions that suffered in the camps that somehow lived.

    Lest we forget.

  10. Poppa Boner says:

    Why is this guy in a Santa Claus outfit?

  11. Rich says:

    “amodedoma said,

    I never thought I’d miss John Paul but Benedict literally scares the bejeezus outta me.”

    !!! This is the funniest post on this topic! Eidard should pull the righteous stick out of his butt and laugh once in awhile!

  12. jim h says:

    “Why is it so horrible that the Pope simply stretched out his hand to accommodate and treat equally an individual who states that the numbers are wrong?”

    The Catholic Church wasted about 500 years denying that the earth revolved around the sun. And 150 years denying the fact of evolution. And now this. I don’t know what their official position on global warming is, but I can guess.

    The Church could have far better than to elect this conservative crank, who seems to think the way forward for the Church is simply to keep trying to discredit reason and scientific thought. Or as the creationists say, “teach the controversy.”

  13. bobbo says:

    Wow–just reported Bishop Williams has been ordered to Leave Argentina within 10 days because his views are an insult to just about everybody.

    I guess now he will become a power player in the Vatican.

    heh, heh. Even the Argentine Hunta has higher morals the the CC.


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