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Daylife/Reuters Pictures
The Vatican said the pope issued a decree lifting the excommunication of four traditionalist bishops who were thrown out of the Roman Catholic Church in 1988 for being ordained without Vatican permission.
The four bishops lead the ultra-conservative Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), which has about 600,000 members and rejected modernizations of Roman Catholic worship and doctrine…
One of the four bishops, the British-born Richard Williamson, has made a number of statements denying the full extent of the Nazi Holocaust of European Jews, as accepted by mainstream historians.
In comments to Swedish television broadcast Wednesday, he said “I believe there were no gas chambers” and only up to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, instead of 6 million…
Pope Benedict has already made several gestures of reconciliation to the schismatic group, including allowing the unconditional return of the old-style Latin Mass.
That move also angered Jews because the ceremony includes a Good Friday prayer for their conversion.
Anyone surprised over the lengths religious institutions will go – to keep up the number of dues-paying members.
Yea!! Only 300,000 jews, not 6 million. Thats 5.7 million less killed jews. I mean, facts are facts.
Also in the news, these catholics continue to perform medical miracles qualifiying them for sainthood–item the priest that cared for leper patients on that island/ravine whatever cured cancer a number of times.
GOOOooooooo Jebeesus!!!!!!
Good to see God interacting daily with us changing our lives/his plan for the better.
OK, it’s kind of silly, misogynist religion. That actually doesn’t bother me that much. What really bothers me is when J2P2 and Ratzinger took control of things they squashed all intellectual and theological debate.
The religion has been rotting from the inside out ever since.
“I believe there were no gas chambers” and only up to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, instead of 6 million…”
Belief in God is not the biggest problem. Religions are the biggest problem. Religions are tribes. A tribe member’s highest allegiance is to his tribe, in this case a religion – not to rationality.
Tribal authority is based on deference to leaders.
Tribal based cultures and democracy are, in the end, mutually exclusive.
We’ll never be rid of tribalism at some level, but we better understand it better than we do now.
And hatred of Catholics continues.
#4–Mikey==what hatred????
Do you equate any negative comment as hatred? If so, what do you call holocaust deniers?
#4: For many good reasons. I gave up Catholicism for Lent decades ago.
Wasn’t the pope a former Hitler youth? I guess what you are told when young does make a difference in old age.
#7 In fairness to PB (I’m not a big fan) all 14 year old males had to enroll. He refused to attend meetings and was a critic. His father remained anti-Nazi through the entire war and his cousin with Downs Syndrome was killed under the Nazi Eugenics laws.
Needless to say, I don’t think he pro-Nazi.
#4 – Lyin’ Mike
>>And hatred of Catholics continues.
Well, you’ve got to admit, they’re kind of fucked up. HAW!
Guess its business as usual
Whether it is the us auto industry or the Catholic church there is no shortage of head office clones with the major belief being the continuance of the “firm” or the “company” at any costs
The German Catholic church was a great bastion of morality and ethics during and before ww2 and the reign of hitler
Just inconvenient that the one side lost
The Pope is annoying.
People focus on this Pope and his denials. Previous and much adored Pope instated the sainthood (literally) on the Cardinal (Stepinac) who actually organized and run one WWII death camp (and there again numbers of killed vary greatly from 40000 to 700000, but is that relevant?). And dare anyone to mention all those faithful Nazis helped to escape to South America through the doors of Vatican? It is the same-old-same-old.
Until I grew up and figured out what is going on.
#4. “And hatred of Catholics continues.”
so – criticizing the head of an entity = hatred of all members.
by that logic, if you criticize President Obama we can say that you hate Americans.
The international red Cross that included neutral countries Sweden, switzerland, vichy france etc. Inspected the camps during the war. Can you imagine The u.s. population feeding 300 million Americans under similar conditions as war in Europe? Germany had No petrol! What would American farmers do without diesel? In two years 100 million Americans would die of starvation at least!
To put Germar Rudolf and Fred Leutcher in prison proves the six million is a satanic lie!
Did he bust them back to buck private citizen, or did he let the dubious ordinations stand?
Curious monks want to know.
This just shows the Catholic church is still trying to sort out problems from 1940. They are so out of touch with reality they can just pack it up and go home now.
BTW, dusanmal is way off base on Stepinac.
And the editor is way off base on Williamson and the Pius bunch – they are far loonier than you suspect.
Old men, go silly. Funny, in the head. Something to do with micro-strokes, pin hole sized brain haemorrhages. Our blessed Pope is a candidate for diagnosis.
>> Anyone surprised over the lengths religious institutions will go – to keep up the number of dues-paying members.
Yes, absolutely. That’s THE ONLY REASON my church started welcoming the gays, people of color, recent immigrants and the homeless. We wanted their dues!
Goodness! Eideard, could you be more of a bigot?!
(BTW, I’ve never been in a church that had dues.)
Is Mel Gibson’s dad the bishop the article refers to? This sounds like something he said.
The Dope, this one in particular, is a major league bucket of scum, apologies for any insult to good and decent pond scum.
Remember, this is the same Dope who told Latin American bishops in Brazil that American Indians had been “silently longing” to become Christians 500 years ago. Were they silently longing to be enslaved, murdered, and raped?
This is also the same Dope who threatened excommunication to women ordained as priests and the priests who ordain them.
#12. Dusan- “And dare anyone to mention all those faithful Nazis helped to escape to South America through the doors of Vatican? It is the same-old-same-old.”
Ah, tis true, tis true, but before we become too sanctimonious, lets not forget good old Uncle Sam and Operation Paperclip. Google Wernher von Braun and Peenemunde and his use of Jewish slave labor as just one prime example. Oh, and lets please not forget about Prescott Bush and his collaboration with the enemy during WWII. There are plenty of guilty parties when it comes to what the War Criminals have been allowed to get away with.
Somewhere down the line I expect the holocaust to be written out of history (at least as far as the Papacy goes) After all, that would be a lot easier than explaining why Pope Pius X11 chose to ignore it.
#23 Now that’s the truest thing anyone has said so far
Looks like he’s a lefty. If his strokin’ hand is that rough lookin’, I don’t even want to imagine what the papal penis looks like! Ewwww!
I find it revealing that virtually all media reporting on Catholicism is about Jewish opinion and misinterpretations of its theology or the industry involving attorneys and former teenage boys suing gay priests for doing what proper progressives today regard as normal behavior.
#26. you forget about the bishops’ hysterical ranting about Catholic American voters not voting like they told them …
I never thought I’d miss John Paul but Benedict literally scares the bejeezus outta me.
If they were pro-Nazi, wouldn’t they embrace the Holocaust, like the Iranians?
Why is it so horrible that the Pope simply stretched out his hand to accommodate and treat equally an individual who states that the numbers are wrong?