I think our “boss” JCD uses a variation of this method.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #125, Cow-Paddy,

    You did, now prove it.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #126, Cow-Paddy,

    If you want to “quote” someone you better be able to prove the quote. Otherwise, it is so much garbage…

    I see you don’t understand the use of citations. This is not academia and shouldn’t be held to the same standards. It is not up to me to “prove” a quote. I wasn’t there and the original tapes probably don’t exist or would not be available for my listening.

    Now do I need to go to that extent to demonstrate what was said. No. People that have heard the tapes have written about it. That is satisfactory enough to pass almost any test.

    Now if you want to think my sources are garbage that is your prerogative. That, however, does not diminish that someone posted they wanted to see some lies Limbaugh told. I posted several. They were all linked to the source where I found them.

    Now let’s look at your links. Oopps, you don’t post any. Now how could it be that someone who has no idea what a citation is wouldn’t back up his own garbage? Why of course, it is so evident!!! Because you made it up!!! That makes you an effen liar.

    Using a source to demonstrate your point is only as good as the quality of the source.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    In Message #125, Paddy O’Pinocchio said:

    >>Because, I never said she wanted them to
    >>settle in the U.S…

    In message #22 of the Gitmo Guys thread, Paddy O’Pinocchio said:

    >>Those hypocrites, like Pelosi, who want them
    >>in the US, hypocritically refuse them have
    >>them in their constituents area.

    Christ, O’Pinocchio. You are pathetic. If your fucking nose gets any longer, Mom’s going to kick you out of her basement. You’ll be knocking customers off their feet with that mammoth schnozz while working the counter at the ‘Shack.

    You are just a lying sack of shit, O’Pinocchio. Were you featured in Senator Franken’s book “Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them”? I’m sure you’ll be in Volume II if not.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #130, Mustard,

    ha ha ha ha,

    You have such a subtle way with words. I’m just wondering if Cow-Paddy will “get” that gentle hint.


  5. Rick Cain says:

    Howard stern doesn’t use Rush Limbaugh tactics. he uses jewish self-criticism and guilt. He talks about his tiny penis, his fear of his wife, and any cruel talk is mean to show much much of a retard he is rather than any actual vileness towards his guests.

    Limbaugh is more like a TV preacher or a cult leader. I only wished he would act more like Jim Jones, David Koresh. I’m sure his followers would be more than glad to drink the flavor-aid.

  6. bobbo says:

    #131–Jeebesus Fusion==Mustard has been beating on Liar-O-Pinocchio for so long and so often that I think he’s confusing it with being complimented. After all, that is all he hears when he makes management in trainee reports at the Shack.

    I’m still amused at how little he posts a link and that 50% of the time the link says the OPPOSITE of what he claims, 45% of the time its simply irrelevant, leaving a 5% chance its worth that 17cents of carbon footprint to go look up.

    Paddy-Zero–such a buffoon I probably am deluding myself in half thinking he is actually pulling some kind of street theater a la Andy Kauffman or some such.


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