I think our “boss” JCD uses a variation of this method.

  1. Ivor Biggun says:

    Funny, the anti-Rush folks sure know how to rail against him, yet in 94 posts they cannot come up with a single example of where he has been wrong on an issue.

    They talk about his medical condition, his drug problems, and attack his listeners, but a substantive list of what he has been wrong about.

    That speaks volumes.

  2. #9 – Little ‘Un


    If you want a “substantive list” of what Anal Cyst has been wrong on, I guess you don’t know anything about Anal Cyst.

    How about Dumbya, the war in Iraq, Obama, the economy, the war on drugs….the list never ends.

    You may lampoon comments on Anal Cyst’s recreational drug use and draft-dodger status as instances of where he was “wrong”, but what else can one expect from a DittoHead?

  3. Ivor Biggun says:

    Still nothing substantive.

    Guess Mr. Ketchup is as incompetent as he says Rush and his listeners are…

  4. contempt says:

    #94 Ivor Biggun
    >>they cannot come up with a single example of where he has been wrong on an issue.

    Exactly right. Leftist know that what he says is correct so instead resort to attacking the man.

    I bet that if we looked at the lives of Limbaugh’s detractors we would discover much worse than what they accuse him.

  5. #97 – Little ‘Un

    >>Still nothing substantive

    Well, how about if you provide and instance where Anal Cyst has been RIGHT about something?

    The ball’s in your court, Ditto….

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #98 – ‘tempt

    >>Exactly right. Leftist know that what he
    >>says is correct so instead resort to
    >>attacking the man.

    All your base are belong to us?

    OK, ‘temptie, I’m going to give you one more chance (you pussied out on every other claim you made but could not back up, as you know):

    Name one thing that Anal Cyst Limbaugh has been “right” about. I gave a short list of issues that he has been wrong on.

    What’s your list?

  7. btgoss says:

    Rush was taking over 30 percoset a day.
    As someone who had taken percoset during the pain of chemotherapy I can tell you that 30 percoset is a HUGE amount. I am a big person, and two percoset just about knock me down. But Rush was taking 30 of them, so much so that they had made him deaf. Why is he not in jail?

  8. contempt says:

    #102 btgoss
    >>Why is he not in jail?

    Probably the same reason Obama is not in jail for using cocaine and various other illegal drugs.

  9. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Here’s a bit of substance that should discredit Rush Limbaugh’s judgement forever….. He gave his unflagging and steadfast support to Bush, whose oft-repeated highest claim to competence is that America only had one major successful terrorist attack on his watch.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #101, ‘tempt,

    Where has Limbaugh been found wrong, Hhmmm, Please not that this list was complete with eight cites but got flagged by the spam filter. This is the second posting.

    Claiming that volcanoes put more chlorine in the air than all mankind does regarding destruction of the ozone. He didn’t know that chlorine will parcipitate out in rain, CFCs dont.

    Claiming the Santa Monica Freeway was repaired 74 days ahead of schedule because there was no competitive bidding and thus no minority contractors. Only he was wrong. Minority contractors made up 40% of the successful bids.

    Banks take all the risks with student loans. Well, not quite. All student loans are federally guaranteed and thus the banks take NO risk.

    Limbaugh claimed Michael J. Fox was “acting” when he made a commercial promoting stem cell research. Far from the truth, Fox suffers from Parkinson’s.

    Limbaugh said any veteren soldier that did not support America’s involvement in Iraq a “phony soldier”. Only Limbaugh is the phoney soldier, having dodged the draft himself.

    Limbaugh called an indecency decision handed down by the FCC was a “Democratic Party” doing when it was the Republicans that held the majority of seats on the FCC and voted to fine his bosses. He also claimed the “Smut on TV gets praised…”

    On his April 29, 1994 radio program Limbaugh stated, “There is no conclusive proof that nicotine’s addictive…and the same thing with cigarettes causing emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease.” [14] He stated this despite the fact that the U.S. Surgeon General’s Report of 1988 declared the nicotine in cigarettes to be an addictive substance, the 1984 Surgeon General’s report definitively linked smoking with emphysema, and the 1964 report linked it with lung cancer

    The man who denies being a racist once told a black caller to ”take that bone out of your nose” and recommended sending unskilled jobs to ”stupid and unskilled Mexicans.”

    Limbaugh — the champion of patriotism, family values, and religion — didn’t register to vote until he was 35, recently entered his third marriage, and doesn’t attend church. A must-read for anyone doing battle in the culture wars

    “Anytime the illegitimacy rate in black America
    is raised, Reverend Jackson and other black ‘leaders’ immediately
    change the subject.” (Jackson and other black leaders have been
    talking about and against “children having children” for years.)
    ON THE IRAN-CONTRA INVESTIGATION: “There is not one indictment.
    There is not one charge.” (By the time Limbaugh said this, there
    had been 14 indictments–most of which resulted in convictions or
    guilty pleas.)

    Claiming the “ozone hole” over the Antarctic suddenly disappeared. Well, not quite. It thins and didn’t actually start thinning from when measurements were first started during the ’50s until the ’70s. Again, Limbaugh wants us to believe his volcano theory.

    Will that do or do you want more examples? I could keep going but I do have things to do today.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 105 Mr. Fusion said, “Claiming the Santa Monica Freeway was repaired 74 days ahead of schedule because there was no competitive bidding and thus no minority contractors. Only he was wrong. Minority contractors made up 40% of the successful bids.”

    A bit of interesting data on this one. My uncles company was hired to demo & clear the damaged part of that freeway after the quake. It was by competitive bid. Now, the gov did a VERY smart thing. They offered a very large a bonus (to all the contracting companies involved) for every day that they came in under schedule. THAT is what got the freeway done so fast.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #106, IvorLittleUn,

    As I mentioned in my post. I cited EVERY EFFEN CLAIM!!! EIGHT OF THEM!!!

    The DU spam filter is holding the post. If you want the citations then ask the DU administrator to release the original post.

    Honestly, if you want to defend Limbaugh go for it. Even an asshole enjoys a good shit now and then.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #109, Ashole

    Ivor Biggun refuted everyone of your arguments,

    Rush Limbaugh has gotten a lot of mileage out of his claim that volcanoes do more harm to the ozone layer than human-produced chemicals. He featured it in his best-selling book, The Way Things Ought to Be (paperback edition pp. 155-157): “Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines spewed forth more than a thousand times the amount of ozone-depleting chemicals in one eruption than all the fluorocarbons manufactured by wicked, diabolical and insensitive corporations in history…. Mankind can’t possibly equal the output of even one eruption from Pinatubo, much less 4 billion years’ worth of them, so how can we destroy ozone?”

    Limbaugh calls concern about the ozone layer: “balderdash. Poppycock.” The only people who worry about it are “environmental wackos,” “dunderheaded alarmists and prophets of doom.”<blockquote

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #109 Ashole,

    LIMBAUGH: On California contractor C.C. Myers completing repairs 74 days early on the earthquake-damaged Santa Monica Freeway: “There was one key element that made this happen. One key thing: The governor of California declared the [freeway] a disaster area and by so doing eliminated the need for competitive bids…. Government got the hell out of the way.” (TV show, 4/13/94) “They gave this guy [Myers] the job without having to go through the rigmarole…of giving 25 percent of the job to a minority-owned business and 25 percent to a woman.” (TV show, 4/15/94)

    REALITY: There was competitive bidding: Myers beat four other contractors for the job. Affirmative action rules applied: At least 40 percent of the subcontracts went to minority or women-owned firms. Far from getting out of the way, dozens of state employees were on the job 24 hours a day. Furthermore, the federal government picked up the tab for the whole job (L.A. Times, 5/1/94).

    Same source as #110

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #109, Ashole,

    LIMBAUGH: “Banks take the risks in issuing student loans and they are entitled to the profits.” (Radio show, quoted in FRQ, Summer/93)

    REALITY: Banks take no risks in issuing student loans, which are federally insured.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    RE #112,

    Oopps, I forgot to mention that this is the same source as #110

  17. Paddy-O says:

    # 111 Mr. Fusion said, “Same source as #110”

    Actually, listing a source as “TV show” doesn’t cut it as a “source”. If they have the transcript they have the name and channel of the “TV show”.

    Sorry, try again. Not saying it isn’t true, but, not a credible source due to that HUGE omission.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:


    Truth is that MJF OVERDOSED ON HIS MEDS before he made those commercials and also before he testified in front of congress. If that ain’t acting, I don’t know what is.

    From the exact same link you posted

    Michael J. Fox defended his appearance in a political campaign ad, saying he wasn’t acting or off his medication. …

    Fox told Couric, “At this point now, if I didn’t take medication I wouldn’t be able to speak.”


    The phony soldier was a lowlife named jesse macbeth,

    at no point during his September 26 radio show prior to making his “phony soldiers” comment did Limbaugh refer to MacBeth, or indeed any specific soldiers whom he considered to be fake.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #114, Cow-Paddy, the illiterate one,

    Actually, listing a source as “TV show” doesn’t cut it as a “source”. If they have the transcript they have the name and channel of the “TV show”.

    Where the eff do you get this “TV show” source? The link in #110, 111, and 112 all go to a site called Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)

    Geeze you are screwed up.

    Now enough, Limbaugh has made a career out of defaming people and lying. Books have been written about it.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    # 116 Mr. Fusion said, “Where the eff do you get this “TV show” source? The link in #110, 111, and 112 all go to a site called Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)”

    If you bothered to read what was on that web page on fair.org, THEY list as a source, “TV Show”.

    In other words, they are giving, supposedly, direct quotes from Limbaugh without being able to cite THEIR source.

    NOW, do you get it?

  21. Paddy-O says:

    Mr. Fusion. Hello?

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #117, Cow-Paddy, Illiterate fool,

    In other words, they are giving, supposedly, direct quotes from Limbaugh without being able to cite THEIR source.

    Where did you get that? Eff are you retarded? Read the ,a href=http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1895>cited article.

    Syndicated columnist Thomas Sowell (New York Post, 1/14/94) used the volcano theory as Exhibit A to illustrate Limbaugh’s “very well-informed and savvy understanding of the political issues of our time.” “While far more pretentious people have been joining the chorus of hysteria over ‘global warming,'” Sowell wrote,

    “Limbaugh pointed out in his [first] book that one of the high readings of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere came right after a volcanic eruption–and volcanoes can put more gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race.”

    The alert reader will notice that Sowell has mixed up global warming and the ozone layer, two different problems. Still, Sowell concluded of Limbaugh, “It is obvious that the man has done his homework–and done it well.”

    Ted Koppel must have thought so, too, when he invited Limbaugh to be on Nightline (2/4/92) as an environmental “expert,” opposite then-Sen. Al Gore. “If you listen to what Senator Gore said,” Limbaugh proclaimed,
    “it is man-made products which are causing the ozone depletion, yet Mount Pinatubo has put 570 times the amount of chlorine into the atmosphere in one eruption than all of man-made chlorofluorocarbons in one year.”

    On his radio show, his syndicated TV show, and in two best-selling books, Limbaugh has advanced the idea that volcanoes are the real ozone culprits. This theory, like so many of Limbaugh’s claims, has only one problem: Limbaugh doesn’t know what he’s talking about. …

    “Chlorine from natural sources is soluble, and so it gets rained out of the lower atmosphere,” the journal Science explained (6/11/93). “CFCs, in contrast, are insoluble and inert and thus make it to the stratosphere to release their chlorine.”

    Science also noted that chlorine found in the stratosphere– where it can eat away at Earth’s protective ozone layer–is always found with other byproducts of CFCs, and not with the byproducts of natural chlorine sources.

    Every claim in this quoted text is backed by a source. If you have something more specific then you should post it. Along with your “proof” of all the things you have been asked to back up.

    Please note, this is not an IM board and I don’t expect to immediately reply to any comment. Especially from someone who still hasn’t answered so many basic claims.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 119 Mr. Fusion said, “If you have something more specific then you should post it.”

    I didn’t make the claim. You did. If YOU have a verifiable source of what he said, YOU post it.

    I searched and couldn’t find anyway to verify what they alleged he said.

    Let me know.

  24. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #117 Paddy-O, if the claims from the FAIR website are false, the founders have made it especially easy for Limbaugh to win a libel lawsuit against them, because they exposed many of those same lies in a book titled The Way Things Aren’t: Rush Limbaugh’s Reign of Error : Over 100 Outrageously False and Foolish Statements from America’s Most Powerful Radio and TV.

    It was published in 1995, and suing its authors for libel would be exactly the sort of thing that Rush would LOVE to do for at least three reasons. Limbaugh would LOVE to make more money, he’d LOVE to make fools of liberals, and he’d LOVE to rev up the motor on his mouth while testifying in court.

    Of course, there’s that tricky little requirement that libel lawsuits cannot be won if the material in question is factually true. That’s where Rush doesn’t have the same leeway under oath in court that he has on his shows.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    # 121 Gary, the dangerous infidel said, “#117 Paddy-O, if the claims from the FAIR website are false, ”

    I don’t know if it is or isn’t. With what they’ve posted I can’t verify the veracity of the content.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #122, Cow-Paddy,

    The only reason you can’t verify the claims is you are just too effen lazy.

    First, you still haven’t pointed out where the article is too general. (TV Show?)

    Second, you still have yet to provide any substance to your claim that Pelosi wants Gitmo detainees to settle in America.

    Third, you are too well known for your trolling.

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Paddy-O, I can certainly understand why Limbaugh doesn’t make those transcripts from his shows available, as embarrassing as they can sometimes be, so the only thing we have available is the transcript excerpts provided by FAIR.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    # 123 Mr. Fusion said, “Second, you still have yet to provide any substance to your claim that Pelosi wants Gitmo detainees to settle in America.”

    Because, I never said she wanted them to settle in the U.S…

  29. Paddy-O says:

    # 124 Gary, the dangerous infidel said, “so the only thing we have available is the transcript excerpts provided by FAIR.”

    If you want to “quote” someone you better be able to prove the quote. Otherwise, it is so much garbage… Or, would you want me to quote you without ANY proof?

  30. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I’m not quite sure what you’re looking for in terms of proof, Paddy-O. Do you want them to let you listen to their original tapes? They have quoted him, and they’ve put the quotes in print, so the ball is truly in Limbaugh’s court to dispute the accuracy and make them prove it. That’s how libel lawsuits work. He can force them to prove that their quotation is accurate to the satisfaction of a judge or jury.


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