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#43 – Greg A
>>You are missing the meta reality entirely. It
>>is irrelevant how many listeners Limbaugh
Anal Cyst Limbaugh could go to satellite, like Howard Stern. Except none of Anal Cyst’s listeners can afford that new-fangled technology, being redneck welfare bums and guzzlers of corn squeezins, and none of them have the IQ necessary to deal with one a them thar hie teknologee satellite thingies anyhow.
# 62 Gary, the dangerous infidel said, “Paddy-O, I find it interesting that you’ve been able to isolate the reason for the layoffs…”
I isolated nothing. I was informed by the CEO’s of the two companies. They haven’t decided how they will tell the employees yet.
#61 – Paddy O’Buffet
>>None of the Marxists on this site have built
>>multi-million $ businesses. For those of us
>>who have..
Tee hee! Haw haw HAW! You slay me, Paddy O’Buffet. You’ve built “multi-million $ businesses”! Re-selling purloined radio cars from the ‘Shack?
I’m choking on my organic miso soup! I’m shielding my head, in case any flying pigs drop from the sky!
#64 – Paddy-RAMBO
>>I isolated nothing. I was informed by the
>>CEO’s of the two companies. They haven’t
>>decided how they will tell the employees yet.
Maybe (assuming you know any CEOs in the first place), they won’t tell them anything, because they’re never going to lay anybody off.
Maybe they’re just right-wing redneck hatemongers, like you, who have their panties all in a twist because DarkieBama won the election, and they’re pissed.
So far, the number of people layed off by businesses in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan seems to come to a grand total of 0.0000000000
#58 Drama Queen Mustard
>>I don’t know of any, haven’t heard reports of any, and I know quite a few small and medium-sized business owners and employees.
I’m shocked that the heads of industry haven’t checked in with you before making a decision.
#68 – ‘tempt
>>I’m shocked that the heads of industry
>>haven’t checked in with you before making a
More likely that they’d check in with me than with a guy who cain’t do readin’, riting, and rithmetick such as yourself, ‘tempt.
If you know of any specific businesses that have laid off in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan, please provide the names.
Otherwise, we will just chalk this up as more gum-flapping bullshit, from a known gum-flapping bullshit artist.
#67 Drama Queen Mustard
>>Nobody’s getting laid off in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan. Not a single soul. Nobody. Zilch.
Just how would even pretend to know this, your smugness?
#64 Paddy-O wrote “I isolated nothing. I was informed by the CEO’s of the two companies. They haven’t decided how they will tell the employees yet.”
I stand corrected then. Yours is the first actual evidence I’ve heard that an employer is really firing people that would otherwise remain employed, simply for the purpose of stockpiling cash to pay future taxes.
So the question is, does that same California business situation apply on the national level? I see one significant difference right away. California has a desperate and immediate need to bring their budget into balance, and whatever new taxes will be part of that process will need to be enacted before any national economic stimulus can be put into effect. Do you see the same difference that I see?
Regardless of any taxes, though, California is one of the hardest-hit states in the economic downturn, with absolutely no reversal in sight without a stimulus. However, if those CEOs claim that their cash stockpiling is due to future taxes and not the general economic climate, then I have no evidence that they’re not being honest with you.
#70–Contempt for the Truth==you ask of Mustard: “Just how would even pretend to know this, your smugness?” /// The answer is OBVIOUS==HE DOESN’T.
All he has is a 99.9999999999999% certainty based on the well demonstrated stupidity of the people making the counter claim.
You know who those people are don’t you.
@#39 Thomas
“Carter was also transparent and a reputable person. However, he was also incompetent. Incompetence provides plenty of “red meat”.”
The Jimmy Carter analogy is the one that concerns me. Obama is clearly a very intelligent man.
#72 bobbo
>>he has is a 99.9999999999999% certainty.
Well if it isn’t the Vulture Brother’s little dog bobbo pretending he has a clue. Just toss it out there and see if it sticks, right?
#70 – ‘tempt
>>Just how would even pretend to know this, your
By observation of the businesses whose owners and employees I know, by reading news feeds on the internet, reading financial newspapers and periodicals, and television. And that includes utterances by right-wing yellow journalistic rags like WND and JWR and wingnut talking heads like Anal Cyst, Loofah Pad, and others who would just LOVE to jump on this story if there was even a glimmer of pseudo-truth to it.
The only reason I (or anyone) have for even considering such a ludicrous proposition is because YOU brought it up, ‘tempt. You, of the FAILED allegation regarding vote counts in Minnesota.
So if YOU have any information to disabuse me of this notion, silly and illogical as it seems at face value, bring it up now. Or forever hold your peace.
We can just add this allegation to the growing list of bullshit claims you have made, and failed to provide any evidence for.
If Obama turns out to be the “new” Jimmy Carter (stagflation anyone?), McCain fit the Gerald Ford mold very well and Bush did a great Nixon, with India playing the role of 1970s Japan.
I hope we aren’t in a state of national or even global deja vu.
The world today has an eerie 1970s feel.
Most of this thread is the usual Dvorak blog bum fights. 😉
#71 – GTDI
>>I stand corrected then.
Don’t stand too corrected.
So far, all we have is a claim by Paddy-RAMBO that someone told him they’re laying off poeple in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan.
So far, they haven’t laid anybody off. We have to assume that they will, and that they’re not just blowing smoke up Paddy-RAMBO’s ass because they’re pissed that Obama won. And if they do, we have to assume that they’re laying the workers off because of Obama’s oppressive tax plan, and not for the same reasons (e.g., Dumbya driving the economy into the shitter) that so many other businesses are laying workers off.
And finally, we have to believe (in the absence of any sort of objective evidence), that Paddy-RAMBO actually knows CEOs, and that they told him they’re going to lay off workers in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan.
Where I come from, we call that a “house of cards”.
#76 -HMeyers
>>Bush did a great Nixon
Well, he may have gotten the “evil” part right (although that was largely due to his control by President Cheney/Rove).
But Nixon had more intelligence in one dingleberry than Dumbya has in his entire body, with that body including all that brush on his Crawford “ranch” that he so ceaselessly cleared during his tenure in the White House. The brush was the most erudite part of him.
#76–HMyers==you really need to keep up. We went thru the 1970 and learned absolutely nothing from it==took none of the corrective measures that were screaming in our faces.
No==the feelings you should be having are like the 1929 crash.
This is not a business cycle==it is a re-alignment taking into account decades of American mismanagement of its economy. Sad as much of it could have been avoided were we not corrupt at our core.
Yeah, nothing new, William Randolph Hearst and Pulitzer made their fortunes by getting our literacy up and then selling us trash, like the hysterical Spanish-American War. Yellow journalism works, it always has. Olbermann is just as complicit as Rush although I find some of the stuff Rush does is amusing.
The difference between Bush and Nixon is that Bush was just inept enough to make it all work but Nixon was too smart for his own good.
“Sad as much of it could have been avoided were we not corrupt at our core.”
I’m starting to believe the animal part of humans is the dominant part and there will be no avoiding of anything ever.
#74 – ‘tempt
>>Well if it isn’t the Vulture Brother’s little dog
>>bobbo pretending he has a clue. Just toss it out
>>there and see if it sticks, right?
Nice ‘tempt at a red herring, ‘tempt.
The issue at hand here is the proof for your allegation that businesses are laying off workers in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan.
Provide it, or STFU.
You’re really getting tiresome with all these bullshit claims that you have no evidence for.
Have you no shame? Isn’t there SOME degree of humiliation that will cause you to stop doing this?
I own a 20% share in a company that did 22 million in sales last year with a 35 million appraised value;)
So at least one of the marxists on this web site is a multi-millionare;)
Quit your bitching at get back to work.
#82 – HMeyers
>>The difference between Bush and Nixon is that Bush
>>was just inept enough to make it all work
Well, if you consider the past 8 years “making it all work”, God bless ya.
You have a much rosier outlook than I do.
Mister Mustard wrote “So far, all we have is a claim by Paddy-RAMBO that someone told him they’re laying off poeple in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan.”
In reality, Paddy-O’s statement wasn’t quite that directly applicable. His actual wording was “in anticipation of increased taxes here in CA.” That was why I pointed out how it might be quite different on the national level, where a stimulus would certainly precede any potential tax hikes.
He was supporting his specific claim that layoffs could be legitimately blamed on Obama’s future “oppressive tax plan” with anecdotal evidence of what is being done in California to prepare for state tax hikes. It’s a house of cards built on the San Andreas Fault, but it’s a possibility I’m willing to concede exists for any company trying to plan for every possible contingency.
I’m willing to admit that Paddy-O might be sane, but don’t interpret that as an offer to testify at his mental competency hearing 😉
# 84 GregA said, “So at least one of the marxists on this web site is a multi-millionare;)”
Cool. Did you personally build said company?
I rarely listen to Rush. If I do, it’s because I’m driving in an area like the Midwest where I need to keep of the weather (thunderstorm, tornadoes etc.), and Rush just happens to be on the station with decent forecasts.
I listen for a bit, laugh at his latest lies which are almost always told without any verifiable sources (we don’t need no stinking sources), and shut off the radio until the top of the hour.
At least Al Franken was a funny guy when he was on the air, even if the verification of his sources wasn’t much better than Rush’s. I hope he makes a decent Senator as well.
#87 – Paddy-RAMBO
>>Cool. Did you personally build said company?
Knock it off with the red herrings. What, ‘tempt tries it, so you’ve got to try it too?
Let’s get back to the companies laying off workers in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax cuts. I suppose you can’t tell us which companies those are, because the workers don’t know {snicker}.
But in response to GregA’s question, how did you ISOLATE the cause to Obama’s oppressive tax plan? Thousands of companies are laying off millions of workers all over the globe , and the layoffs have nothing to do with Obama’s oppressive tax plan. They have everything to do with 8 years of bungled economic mismanagement by the most dunderheaded nincompoop to ever slime his way into the Oval Office.
What on earth would give you the silly notion that “your” companies’ layoffs (should they ever materialize) have anthing whatsoever to do with Obama’s oppressive tax plan?
I designed the machinery that makes our product;)
This thread just proves that its all about hate. Not a single discussion about the issues, just about school yard fights about whose politician can beat up who.
Cow-Paddy and ‘tempt,
Can either of you back up one of your claims?
Shit, Cow-Paddy, you pretend to be some business wise asshole, only you aren’t business wise.
Both of you are Limbaugh’s audience. Morans who can’t think for your self, you need someone to tell you what to think.
You do realize that the only reason this got posted is because some Democratic higher-ups decided to make to part of their message? The plan is to attack Rush in hopes of getting a few Republicans in Congress to be more moderate. Nice to see you guys are still following orders.