I think our “boss” JCD uses a variation of this method.

  1. Dallas says:

    Rush is one of the three stooges designed to entertain the Conservatives in America. Here are the rest with more background

    Mo : Bill O’Reilly (clown, verified liar)
    Larry: Ann Coulter (male, part giraffe )
    Curly: Rush (drug addict, sweaty)

  2. US says:

    Modern politics is about hate. The democrates hate Bush, Republicans hate Obama and the Clintons. People like Rush feed on that hate. There are just as many feeding on this hate on the side of the Democrats.

    Like it or not, our government and politic system is run on hate. Issues, fair coverage, the truth don’t matter. Pick a side to hate. Persoannly I equally don’t like the personalities at the Fox News/Talk Radio group as much as I don’t like the CNN/MSNBC personalities pushing their hate.

    By the way, none of them care about the individual. We’re worthless and only important as a mob to agree to the hate pushed by Democrats and Republicans. If you trust any of them, you are just stupid.

  3. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #26 contempt, from the name you’ve assigned me (“Gary the Impotent Infidel”), I see your wounds are still stinging from when I pointed out what a complete fool you were to blame rising unemployment on fear of a president that hadn’t even taken office yet. Name-calling is so mature. You must be quite a hit with the ladies on the playground at school.

    Just so no one forgets your moronic point of view, here’s verbatim repetition of your famous words (you must be so proud):
    “Many companies are cutting jobs in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan.”

    Yep, that must also be why Circuit City is out of business, why GM is on the ropes, and why Toyota reported it’s first loss since 1938.

    If you’re not already a regular Limbaugh listener, I’m sure you’ll want to tune in to Rush’s four-year “Lambaste Fest,” where all of your opinions will be reinforced incessantly.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    Maybe he could train the AirAmerica guys so they could gain and then retain an audience?

  5. GregA says:


    AAR resulted in Al Franken becoming a senator, what it was designed to do.

    And what do you know… The inflatable and foam rubber mattress market(old people who are all dying of old age now) are set in their ways. But other than old dying people, talk radio is a dead format.

    Or do you have some other theory about why Clear channel has been in and out of bankruptcy several times over the last 5 years???

  6. MikeN says:

    I think you guys misunderstood what Rush is saying(big surprise). The anger he is talking about that he feeds on is the anger of liberals.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 36 GregA said, “Or do you have some other theory about why Clear channel has been in and out of bankruptcy several times over the last 5 years???”

    I think you are unclear on the concept. I’m talking about Limbaugh and HIS ability to gain & hold an audience.

    Now, I figure he’d probably consult the AirAmerica guys for about $1 million a day. Would be worth every penny if they listened…

  8. Thomas says:

    Limbaugh started as a spokesman for a large group of listeners that were ignored by the mainstream media. He tapped a new market in a new way and has become successful.

    Of course he wants to make money. Everyone in every paying profession has some profit motive otherwise they would do it for free. Do you think that the liberal media talking heads would care about being “serious political commentators” if there was no money in it?

    > This makes Obama a
    > very boring target
    > because Obama never
    > provides any red meat.

    Carter was also transparent and a reputable person. However, he was also incompetent. Incompetence provides plenty of “red meat”.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 39 Thomas said, “Incompetence provides plenty of “red meat”.”

    Yep. Unfortunately, Omama thinks tax cuts & deficit spending worked over the last few years. Incredibly stupid but true.

  10. GregA says:


    What ability is that? CC is about ready to go out of business, and it is making its self an enemy of the people who will be the ones bailing it out. There is no longer a local market for radio advertisement. The phone companies are willing to buy that RF bandwidth. A system is already in place to make digital and nationalize radio.

    I’d say it is more likely that Rush Limbaugh (and AM radio in general) will be gone before Obama. That gives him an audience of zero.

    In fact, in the next few months when Clear Channel seeks bankruptcy protection AGAIN, I bet they cut him lose and terminate his contract. Failing to get a job with any of the new networks that are formed, he ‘retires’.

    This is his last gasp before he is put down for good;)

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 41 GregA said, “What ability is that?”

    A little dense aren’t you?

  12. GregA says:


    You are missing the meta reality entirely. It is irrelevant how many listeners Limbaugh has. AM radio is coming to an end… Even if AM radio wasn’t coming to an end, Clear Channel doesn’t make any money off of Limbaugh, so he will be fired along with everyone else when they go out of business in the next few months.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 43 GregA said, “so he will be fired along with everyone else when they go out of business in the next few months.”

    Neat trick that, firing someone who isn’t an employee.

    What was the highest grade you completed?

  14. Thomas says:

    Regardless of your personal opinion about Limbaugh, there is no question that he is successful at what he does for stations: bring in listeners and thus advertisers and thus money. If Clear Channel releases Limbaugh, which is about as likely as Howard Stern doing Mormon radio, every station in the country, including XM/Sirius, would be at his door step the next day with a wad of cash that would make Bill Gates blush. Only death will prevent Limbaugh from outlasting Obama’s Presidency.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    Oh, here’s a graph showing that talk radio is dying in the U.S. LOL


    The amount of ignorance spewed by GregA is staggering…

  16. GregA says:


    Not my opinion, it is a fact. Clear Channel is bankrupt. They have sought bankruptcy relief two times over the last three years. They just fired 30k people in a cost cutting move.

    With current trends they will be seeking bankruptcy protection again in the next few months.

    England is already in the process of closing down their AM radio band.

    Once the DTV switch happens, the FCC is scheduled to review AM radio. They can give the radio away for free or they can sell it to the phone companies who are offering to buy it.

    AM radio may outlast Obama, but its death warrant will certainly be signed before Obama leaves office.

    Deal with it.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42 & 44, Cow-Paddy,

    A little dense aren’t you?

    What was the highest grade you completed?

    So you are still playing a troll. All BS and no substance. You do realize we are still waiting for you to back up your claims that he Constitution forbids Congress from regulating CEO’s wages and that Pelosi wants to settle the Guantanamo detainees on American soil.


    Besides, Rush is an ass. I get the majority of my fill by hearing excerpts of his bullshit. That is more than enough for me. He appeals to lower intelligence right wing nuts which explains his ratings.

  18. contempt says:

    #34 Gary, the impotent infidel

    “Many companies are cutting jobs in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan.”

    How exactly is this statement wrong? With the Obamanation looking for a way to spend another 850+ billion, businesses are trimming down with the expectation of higher taxes and higher health care payments.

  19. James Hill says:

    Hack editors get points for finding creative ways to spike the hit count. Well done.

    And yes, this isn’t exactly a new trend. However, Mac-using right wingers are just cooler and draw more attention than most.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    # 49 contempt said, “How exactly is this statement wrong?”

    It isn’t. All this deficit spending will eventually have to be paid for. Since it won’t be paid by the lower classes it will fall to businesses to pay.

  21. Glidedon says:

    Oh Look, an article about Rush on a site that makes money on eyeballs and advertising. I think Rush is right.

  22. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #51 Paddy-O, it’s scary to think there might even be more people out there who think like you and your friend contempt. How does an employer from your world calculate how many employees to lay off in anticipation of laws that haven’t yet been introduced or enacted (and the effect of which will not be retroactive)?

    Here on earth, employers lay people off because of known factors, such as current business conditions, rather than irrational and unrealized fears of an unknown future.

    On the other hand, if you want to look at trend lines based strictly on recent past economic performance in many sectors of the economy, this doesn’t look like a very good time to start building a new factory or open a new branch office. That’s the difference between layoffs and expansion. Expansion is forward-looking because if involves investment, while layoffs are a matter for the here and now.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 53 Gary, the dangerous infidel said, “Paddy-O, it’s scary to think there might even be more people out there who think like you and your friend contempt.”

    That deficits must be paid and those who pay the most in taxes will end up paying?

    Wow, pretty much ANY sane, logical person can figure that out. How do YOU think the deficit will be paid?

  24. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #54 Paddy-O, you seem to be attempting to derail this discussion from its very narrow focus and imagining disagreement that I never voiced. Once again, contempt asserted and you agreed that employers are laying off employees ALREADY in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan.

    My position is that if tax laws are passed in the future that make it necessary for certain employers to lay off workers in order to remain profitable, they will do so. Please take special note of the future tense construction of the foregoing sentence and its further conditionality on a possible future event.

    You and contempt have alleged that these layoffs are already being made. That was my stated point of disagreement, and I still maintain that it’s not true. Any other disagreement is something you’ve imagined, not something I stated. Don’t try to turn me into a straw man whose argument you can easily defeat.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    # 55 Gary, the dangerous infidel said, “Once again, contempt asserted and you agreed that employers are laying off employees ALREADY in anticipation of Obama’s oppressive tax plan.”

    Yes. I know of two companies that are laying off people who are in cost centers so as to stockpile cash in anticipation of increased taxes here in CA.

  26. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    There I go again, forgetting to use closing html tags after that first paragraph.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #49 – ‘temp

    >>How exactly is this statement wrong?

    It’s wrong exactly like this: It’s bullshit. Pure, unadulterated bullshit. No businesses are “laying off in anticipation of Obama’s ‘oppressive tax plan'”.

    Just like your ludicrous (and never backed up) assertion that there were more votes counted than voters registered at precincts in Minnesota during the senate election. Which everyone agree, btw, Franken won fair and square.

    If you have any evidence of businesses “laylaying off in anticipation of Obama’s ‘oppressive tax plan'”, why not share that knowledge with us?

    I don’t know of any, haven’t heard reports of any, and I know quite a few small and medium-sized business owners and employees.

    And don’t be trying to cite Paddy-RAMBO’s off-the-cuff bullshit remark as evidence. He’s already on the hook for about 209802394 claims he has made that have no proof to back them up.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #54 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Wow, pretty much ANY sane, logical person can
    >>figure that out.

    Is that what they’re using as justification for laying you off as counter boy at the ‘Shack?

    Maybe it wsa all that time you spent playing with the radio-controlled cars.

    Nobody is laying off in anticipation of some pie-in-the-sky future expense that may or may not ever be incurred.

    Get your head out of your ass, Paddy-RAMBO.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #59 Don’t waste your breath. None of the Marxists on this site have built multi-million $ businesses. For those of us who have, all that we are discussing here is known innately.

  30. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #56 Paddy-O, I find it interesting that you’ve been able to isolate the reason for the layoffs to be quite separate from reduced demand for their products in a declining economy where consumers have less and less disposable income with each passing day. Apparently, those factors wouldn’t inspire a business to stockpile cash, but ahhh, the looming possibility of additional taxes yet to be determined has caused them to drop the hammer on jobs.

    I still think it’s pretty fair to say that those businesses aren’t firing anyone whose continued employment is justified in the current operating environment. At most, it’s just an excuse to trim the dead weight rather than leaving themselves truly shorthanded just so they can stockpile cash.

    I’ve stockpiled some cash for the rough times ahead, too, and I didn’t even think of the tax angle. That will have to be my new excuse for not spending my money carelessly — it’s that damn Obama and his tax plan! 😉


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