I think our “boss” JCD uses a variation of this method.

  1. Dittohead antonym says:

    this must why he still relevant just about every thing/one he has supported(that/who he now criticizes for doing his bidding) has gone horribly wrong. how can he thing this kind of entertainment is not for the good of the humane race or even the planet just his bank accounts

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    He’s the smartest entertainer ever. Just ask him.

  3. Andrew says:

    Just like Dvorak’s Apple articles.

  4. Brandon says:

    Dittohead antonym, you could not have done any better in choosing your nickname. You are uninformed and inarticulate, the antithesis of the typical Limbaugh listener.

    I wish you luck in your quest to do good for the “humane race”. I’m sure the planet, which is ginormous in comparison to you, thanks you for all the good you’re trying to do for it.

    What a joke.

  5. Steve says:

    Kurt Vonnegut Jr. often said , “We are what we pretend to be”. Rush started out as a forcefully opinionated spokesman for the truly ignorant angry reactionary non-thinkers listening to the radio. But he pretended to be a profoundly insightful spokesman for a much larger group of pissed off unrepresented people. Some agreed with him, others just found it novel that right-wing pseudo-conservatism could be so much fun. I don’t think it’s too funny that racism, sexism and jingoism made such a big comeback in our culture and I hope things like that start to diminish again. Rush has gotten rich and spawned countless imitators but the country’s soul is worse off because of him.

  6. Doc says:

    Just like Howard Stern does.

  7. QB says:

    I can’t stand the guy. He is also very, very good at what he does.

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    By the time Limbaugh listeners realize how skillfully they’ve been played, Limbaugh will be wealthier than Bill Gates. He’s probably the happiest man on the planet that we elected the first African-American president.

    Ka-ching $$$

  9. badtimes says:

    Interesting confirmation of what I’ve long contended- he’s not a serious political commentator, he’s just in it for a buck- like Coulter. He pulls in the listeners though, which I guess is an indictment of our educational system.

  10. GetReal says:

    “Rush has gotten rich and spawned countless imitators but the country’s soul is worse off because of him”

    and his imitators.

    It’s frightening how many people actually believe he is good for the country. Based on his numbers, there are many.

  11. Jeebers says:

    Who’s the monkey sitting next to him?

  12. Hugh Ripper says:

    OMG were we really wearing yellow shirts in the 80’s? My eyes, my eyes!

  13. pcsmith says:

    Who is Rush Limbaugh? Is he someone of any importance?

  14. The Warden says:

    How many of you Rush haters actually listen to his program on a regular basis?

  15. Chris Mac says:

    Tom Leykis is also skilled at this sham.

  16. Grandpa says:

    I listen to Rush like I listen to all Republicans. Right now they are “cool” to a recovery program put forth by people who didn’t screw the economy up. Just turn the channel. He’s a pill poppin extremist.

  17. Ivor Biggun says:

    A significant amount of the hatred of Rush is because of his success. He informs while he entertains, a difficult feat to say the least.

    In case those of you who are seething mad and drooling in anger while pounding the keyboard in response don’t realize it, every time one of you blasts him on a website, in the newspaper, on TV, or wherever, he considers it a great compliment to his skill as a radio man.

    So rave on, witless drones. You are strengthening him with your ever nasty remark.

  18. HMeyers says:

    Some people are exceptional at “stirring the pot”.

    Rush Limbaugh has a great radio voice and is enjoyable to listen to except when he is laying into Obama, defending SUVs or arguing it is ok to put dolphins in cans of tuna.

    If Obama can even meet 25% of the expectations of him, he might be able to cause Limbaugh to retire early.

    Clinton and the Clinton cronies fostered an environment where right-wing radio could feed itself and thrive on the easily debunked lies and scandals the mainstream media distributed.

    Obama operates in a very transparent manner and resists being tricked into getting into the gutter like a bum or a Dvorak blog regular 😉 (unlike, say, Hillary).

    This makes Obama a very boring target because Obama never provides any red meat.

    I have difficulty imaging Rush Limbaugh or most of the right-wing chorus surviving this new climate.

    P.S: The “free” market doesn’t work in an economy dominated by large global corporations that can choose investors and customers in favorable legal jurisdictions for labor. This is the Achilles heal of the fiscal conservative movement. Governments in this modern world will have to fight to protect their citizens’ interests regardless of what hat a citizen is wearing. The age of big government is here.

  19. zeph says:

    “Governments in this modern world” are the cause of large global corporations, which pay them handsomely. What possibly would cause you to imagine that they’ll fight to protect their citizens’ interests?

  20. bobbo says:

    Olberman who I like more and more is on TV. He is quite dismissive of “The Entertainer Rush Limbaugh” (and “The Walrus Hannity”).

    Limbaugh has to be an act–a troll in the medium of radio.

    Hannity appears to me to be a true believer–maybe he puts it on 5-10% but that would be about it.

    Coulter may put it on 20-30%.

    I think all the libs are true believers.

    Its good to listen to many different sources, bad to buy any single other person hook, line, and stinker. Too much like religion when that happens.

  21. brm says:

    Hey, kind of like the Huffington Post!

    #16 Grandpa:

    “they are “cool” to a recovery program put forth by people who didn’t screw the economy up”

    Tell that to our new President – according to him, we’re ALL to blame for this mess.

  22. bac says:

    I kind of think of Rush Limbaugh as the Marilyn Manson of talk radio. The fronts they show are just for entertainment purposes.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #13 – pcsmith

    >>Who is Rush Limbaugh? Is he someone of any

    No. He was just some draft dodger from the 60’s, trying to make a buck off of his cowardice today.

  24. GregA says:

    New record! The thread was Godwined before the first post!

  25. LibertyLover says:

    I keep forgetting. Is Rush that guy in AZ who is always talking about UFOs or is that Art Bell? I keep getting those two confused.

  26. contempt says:

    #8 Gary the Impotent Infidel
    >>He’s probably the happiest man on the planet that we elected the first African-American president.

    As long as the right color was elected who cares about anything else. However, it is ironic that you and Rush have something in common.

  27. LibertyLover says:


    Right now they are “cool” to a recovery program put forth by people who didn’t screw the economy up.

    To be honest, I don’t really care who torpedoes this new government expansion. As long as it gets torpedoed.

  28. LibertyLover says:

    #19, You said it, brother. It’s time to pay the special interests for all their support this election season.

  29. bobbo says:

    #28–LL==take the tinfoil off and confirm/deny whether or not you really think the bailout is a result of special interest payback or more the result of our leaders being scared shitless and not having any other ideas in view of experts advising it is what needs to be done.

    What do you think should be done?

    Is Hoover your hero?

  30. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #14 The Warden: How many of you Rush haters actually listen to his program on a regular basis?

    I used to, but avoided him prior to the election. He became so full of shit about everything during that time, trying his hardest to make Palin look like The Savior Babe and making Obama to look like Beelzebub, that he went way off into the deep end.

    If you listen to him with a critical ear and don’t get hooked by his schtick, he’s clearly just a loony entertainer.

    By his own standard his comments that he hopes Obama will fail mark him as an American traitor.


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