09.01.24 Saturday – Episode #67


Click image to go to No Agenda.

This Episode’s Show Notes by KD “Bubba” Martin:

  • From Gitmo Nation East and West, where you may ask “What your government can do to you”, it’s time for No Agenda!
  • We’ll start with public television, where the British “PBS” shows commercials and loses 100M pounds per year.
  • Without your TV license, the coppers can break, enter and seize your TV. This for the privelege of watching commercials.
  • Will the press eat Obama alive? So far, he’s attempting to orchestrate his press conferences. The secrecy has begun.
  • What? No Lincoln Bible during the 2nd Obama swearing into office? Which is the real Obama?
  • Adam brings up the “UFO” photographed during the inauguration ceremony.
  • Oh, Good Grief! ‘Tis the Obama jingle mess.
  • Chocolate is at an all time high. Some of these new flavors are just weird. And don’t forget the kids.
  • Seems that Obama is spending $100,000 to make over the private quarters in the White House. Change you can believe in.
  • More conspiracy theories, starting with Flight 1549 and the Kennedys.
  • Goodbye, Hillary Clinton.
  • Hello, Tom Swift.
  • One world government, and Obama. Oh, joy, one world big bad*ss bank. The Bank Of England to back it up? Har!
  • We discuss India vs. Pakistan, and what the American involvement might be.
  • Let’s see, Obama says, “Our goal is to capture Bin Laden.” Now, it’s “Well, he’s in a cave somewhere, so we win.” What??
  • Off we go into discussions of left vs. right hand drive in the UK and other countries.
  • How about some old Top 40 radio? Let’s remember those days and how some have morphed into today’s netcasts.
  • Here’s Dave Winer’s review of JCD’s thoughtful acting and crankiness. There are two types of journalists…

Queue / cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

No Agenda

Running time: approx. 106 mins.

  1. Joe says:

    Shouldn’t this be #67?

  2. KD Martin says:

    Yes, the file header is 067 and the permalinks show 066. I’ll change it.

  3. deowll says:

    When Nancey R. redecorated she raised the money and it cost the tax payer nothing.

    Change I could believe in.

    Whatever else Obama is or isn’t he’s a big spender just like George.

    Sure he’s pro aboration so there is a difference. He also seems to be willing to change his relgious views to make various pressure groups happy.

    I think he’s already figured out if he let’s the poor abused innocents at Getmo out a lot of them are going back to being active terrorist in nothing flat and just may kill a few Americans which wouldn’t do him much good in the press which does leave him with a bit of a problem.

    He doesn’t know how to defuse the Hamas/Jewish powder keg any more than the next guy nor the India/Pakistan powder keg.

    I’m not sure where it’s all going. We will find out.

    I’m afraid there is a lot more to being President than doing a He-man and standing up in front of an audience and saying “I have the power!”

    First you often don’t have the power and second you often don’t have a clue how to use it to good effect even when you do but good luck to Obama and all of us after all his successes are out successes and his failures are our failures because we are all going to win when he wins and pay with blood and cash when he fails.

    He’s on my prayer list. It certainly can’t hurt and it just might help.

  4. brm says:

    Where can I get those Obama jingles? Hilarious.

  5. Hugh Ripper says:

    “It Cant Happen here” is available in the public domain FYI. (at least it is for Aussies)

  6. Too long this episode if you ask me…
    And true John..; Not many good topics.
    Love the audiobook idea!

    BTW Yo Agenda 67 “No Impact” is out too. 😉
    Find it at or subscribe

  7. 5centCigar says:

    This crackpot conspiracy theory shit is getting old.
    The subject of food and wine holds more interest and substance.

  8. bigbob says:

    Why don’t you dump Curry, he is the most negative person on the web. He has all these opinions about America, but lives in one of the biggest looser nations in the world. Move here and then you have a right to an opinion.

  9. brm says:

    #9 bigbob:

    “Move here and then you have a right to an opinion.”

    So like, you don’t have an opinion about anyplace BUT the United States? Yeah, right. You’re an idiot – that’s my opinion.

    Curry is an American citizen, afaik.

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    * I once read about a man who successfully claimed he didn’t have to pay the British television licence fee because he only used his TV to play video games. He had no antenna, and the TV was always connected to his game machine (or C-64 or whatever).

    * MSNBC said something like four presidents have been sworn in without bibles, including Teddy Roosevelt and (if I remember correctly) John Quincy Adams.


    “According to official records kept by the Architect of the Capitol, Teddy Roosevelt is the only president who wasn’t sworn in using a Bible; he took a rushed oath of office in 1901 following the assassination of William McKinley. However, it’s rumored that LBJ was sworn in using a Catholic missal aboard Air Force One after Kennedy’s assassination. John Quincy Adams, according to his own letters, placed his hand on a constitutional law volume rather than a Bible to indicate where his fealty lay. Franklin Pierce “affirmed” rather than swore his oath on the Bible, reportedly because of a crisis of faith following his son’s death. There are no known inauguration Bibles for presidents John Adams through John Tyler; in fact, there’s no concrete evidence that those early presidents used a Bible at all for the oath.”

    * The Vice President’s oath and the oath taken by every Federal official, including representatives and senators, are set by law. The President’s is the only one set out in the Constitution, and is much shorter.

    * This blew my mind! The Wikipedia article on It Can’t Happen Here states:

    “Inspired by the book, director-producer Kenneth Johnson wrote an adaptation titled Storm Warnings, in 1982. The script was presented to NBC, for production as a television mini-series, but the NBC executives rejected the initial version, claiming it was too ‘cerebral’ for the average American viewer. To make the script more marketable, the American fascists were re-cast as anthropophagic extraterrestrials, taking the story into the realm of science fiction. The new, re-cast story was the mini-series V, which premiered on May 3, 1983.”

    Man! I really liked the “V” miniseries — that show made Robert Englund a star in my eyes. I have always considered it his best role, no matter what Freddy Krueger fans say.

    * Hey! Don’t point that fist at me! I don’t know where it’s been!

    * When I was a lad, the British Pound Sterling was always worth about five U.S. dollars. (Of course, that’s when the value of gold was set by law at $35 an ounce.)

    * John needs to set up a backup computer for when his browser crashes.

    * British documentarian — Adam Curtis?


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