This one works the other side of the fence

Police in Nigeria are holding a goat on suspicion of attempted armed robbery.

Vigilantes took the black and white beast to the police saying it was an armed robber who had used black magic to transform himself into a goat to escape arrest after trying to steal a Mazda 323.

“The group of vigilante men came to report that while they were on patrol they saw some hoodlums attempting to rob a car. They pursued them. However one of them escaped while the other turned into a goat,” Kwara state police spokesman Tunde Mohammed told Reuters by telephone.

“We cannot confirm the story, but the goat is in our custody. We cannot base our information on something mystical. It is something that has to be proved scientifically, that a human being turned into a goat,” he said.

Should be no problem. You see people become asses all the time. Barump bump. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. I’m here all week!

  1. GregA says:

    I wonder how often people are able to get away with crimes using this tactic. Seems like it would be quite effective.

  2. tcc3 says:

    Don’t worry for our can eating friend. He’ll get away. He’s an escape goat.

  3. bobbo says:

    These voodoo impulses to blame animals, fate, god, nature, any other human being, anyone but one’s self run deep in the human psyche.

    Hasn’t Blagovitch turned himself into a scapegoat?

  4. Capt. Thunder Smoke says:

    Asses are donkeys and mules if I remember correctly, not goats… Article was still funny… TIA: This Is Africa!

  5. B. Dog says:

    If the glove don’t fit you must acquit.

  6. Paul says:


    Was he stealing the assets of a widow whose deceased husband left $35 million that should’ve been “protected” by a God-fearing American?

  7. Floyd says:

    Mmmmmm–cabrito for dinner.

  8. god says:

    Here’s a photo of the car thief, erm, goat in question:

  9. Uns4ne says:

    I wonder if the witnesses belong to perish of Palin’s witch doctor?

  10. Lou says:

    I guess they have good mushrooms over there.

  11. qsabe says:

    Could be. Uses reasoning as valid as many proclamations made in the pious US of A’s institutions of mythological instruction.

  12. Mongo says:

    Illinois governor Blagojevich wants the vigilantes to serve on his criminal jury.


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