
President Obama has announced new strict lobbying rules that “could usher in an era of openness in federal government.” For example, administration officials are banned from accepting gifts from lobbyists and will have to wait two years before lobbying the government when out of office…

Senate Republicans have tasked Conference Vice Chairman John Thune (S.D.) with beefing up the party’s outreach to K Street, business groups and grass-roots organizations, hoping to maintain critical alliances built up over eight years of White House control…

The previous version of the K Street Project, established by Tom DeLay and his cronies, set up a pay-to-play machine that self-admittedly operated by the old adage of “punish your enemies and reward your friends.” Lobbyists were given influence over legislation in return for donations to Republicans and a refusal to hire Democrats. DeLay’s influence is still felt on K Street, where there remains a “collective griping” at the dominance of Republicans.

Lobbyists “willing to pay a $25,000 fee will mingle with House Republicans at their annual winter retreat” next week in Hot Springs, VA. Only some of the lobbyists — on the board or advisory committee the nonprofit Congressional Institute — are listed on the group’s website, so it’s not clear who will be attending the GOP retreat. One lobbyist who has attended the retreat for years told the Hill, “Of course it’s about access and building relationships — that’s what this town is all about.”

Some congressional Democrats may also be getting in on the action…On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) invited top lobbyists to join him for an inaugural brunch where he pledged that he will still do plenty of business with them. “People should understand that lobbyists, per se, are someone’s father, mother, son, daughter,” said Reid. “They work for a living.”

The corruption kicked off to a new level by the Gingrich “Contract on America” has adherents in both parties. The battle for honesty and openness has just begun. Though the Republicans are still the most openly greedy and corrupt, old guard Dems like Reid should be sent a message that voters count for more than country club buddies.

  1. RBG says:

    Given the choice between open & hidden greed and corruption, I’ll go for the open.


  2. Paddy-O says:

    Eideard said, “Obama restricts lobbyists”

    Apparently Eideard “didn’t get the memmo”.

    Barrack “Change” Obama nominates William Lynn, Raytheon lobbyist, for the critical position of Deputy Secretary of Defense.

  3. bobbo says:

    I love the line from Bill Murray in Ghostbusters: “Its not really a rule, more of a guideline.”

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    Where is the link to the original article?

    The poster’s comment lacks a certain understanding about how Washington works, the party in control of Congress always get all the “goodies”. Now the Democrats are in the lobbyists will shift over to them. The greed and corruption will follow. Obama is just trying to stop his own party.

  5. bobbo says:

    Whoa–SHIT!!: ““People should understand that lobbyists, per se, are someone’s father, mother, son, daughter,” said Reid. “They work for a living.” ///

    Start impeachment proceedings at once. So corrupt, he’s totally clueless.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Reid is apparently clueless, but apparently Obama is not.

    Lobbyist reform is way, way, overdue!

  7. Mack says:

    Of course, Obama’s version of controlling lobbyists means that they all go to work in his administration.

  8. bobbo says:

    Here is a very detailed picture taken during Obama’s Swearing In. First one I have seen like this. Makes me feel like a voyeur. Hope there is a similar pic during the Porno and Sex Industry and Swimsuit Show this summer:

    [Ed. Fixed link for you, bobbo]

  9. Thermo says:

    Obama just wants to take out the middleman. He wants the companies to pay him directly instead of the lobbyists taking a cut and dividing it up between multiple politicians.

  10. SparkyOne says:

    How much will be TARP cash returning to Washington?

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    bobbo, I heard about this, very cool stuff. I was looking at the scribbling on one of the musician’s music. My kid knows one of the Marines in front of the band, but I couldn’t twist the view to see him.

    As congress and Obama jockey for power, we’ll see how well any lobbying reform is accepted.

  12. amodedoma says:

    Actually, It seems to me Obama is working hard. I like that. He’s got the right idea, now if only he had enough sway in congress to get the job done. Plenty of examples out there of why legislation for sale is a bad idea.

  13. Floyd says:

    #8: in that pic, Dubya doesn’t look too happy. I guess because he couldn’t try to steal a third term.

  14. billabong says:

    bobbo thanks for the cool link

  15. Dallas says:

    Change is not only coming, change is happening!

    Things started to look good already soon after the last few election speeches.

    Even Bush’s “I don’t suck that much” exit speech has contributed to the renewing of America.

  16. MikeN says:

    Two points:

    Lobbying is part of the Bill of Rights, right there in the first amendment.

    What does this have to do with the Contract With America? Most of that was signed by Bill Clinton. No unfunded mandates for cities, term limits for committee chairs, audit congress, Congress has to follow the laws it passes for the rest of the country, welfare reform, etc.

  17. Breetai says:

    “People should understand that lobbyists, per se, are someone’s father, mother, son, daughter,” said Reid. “They work for a living.”

    Who the hell is he kidding?! Lobbyists are souless demons and devils and should be burned at the steak.

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    Whoops! My Bad, I missed the link the first time. As I suspected, not a “un-biased” source.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 18 BigBoyBC said, “Whoops! My Bad, I missed the link the first time. As I suspected, not a “un-biased” source.”

    No kidding? Thinkprogress’ staff make Castro look positively conservative.

  20. MikeN says:

    For all the whining about the KStreet project, it is liberals who engage in the most thuggish tactics. Right now they are launching boycotts and getting people fired for contributing to the marriage amendment in California.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    “administration officials are banned from accepting gifts from lobbyists”

    But.. But.. You’re not a whore when you receive a gift rather than cash!

  22. the real billybob says:

    #5 Bobbo,

    Cool photo.

    See how many security agents you can find on roof tops.

  23. brm says:

    As much as I hate Obama, I can’t totally disagree with this new policy.

    But, lobbying is how ordinary citizens pool together their influence in Washington – but Obama didn’t ban lobbying, just restricted the relationship between it and his cabinet, AKAIK (didn’t read the article, but heard him speak on the news.)

  24. bobbo says:

    On the news right now: Obamagod orders Gitmo closed within a year.

    The guy continues to impress.

  25. bobbo says:

    #23–brm==too bad they are closing Gitmo. You deserve the bunk right next to Harry Reid for the same reason.

    WTF are your critical thinking skills?

  26. guiltywhiteliberal says:

    so is this why he hires a lobbyist as the deputy at the DOD? More change you can believe in? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…..

  27. MikeN says:

    When asked about the DoD hire, he lectured the press that they shouldn’t be asking him questions outside a press conference, or he’ll stop meeting with them.

  28. Selvy says:

    Yep. Closing Gitmo. And the number of ‘reformed’ enemy combatants continues to shorten:


    Wonder what they’ll do with these guys since they have a level of relapse akin to pedophiles (relatively seaking). Can’t let them loose.

  29. MikeN says:

    Selvy, pay attention already. All those guys were drawn to terrorism by George Bush. If he hadn’t tortured them in Guantanamo, they wouldn’t be hating the USA so much.

  30. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Haven’t I heard from the last 2-3 administrations how they each were going to be more strict than those before them. You would think lobbying would be a thing of the past by now if they all lived up to their press release.

    Did learn something interesting about Rep Kirsten Gillibrand, the democrat picked to take Hillary’s Senate seat. According to the NY Times, she has a sunshine policy. She publishes her daily schedule including meetings with lobbists and with those people seeking earmarks.


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